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Don't attack Iran, Russia starkly warns Israel and U.S.

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posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by r2d246
They know what each others press release are going to be. They've agreed upon them behind closed doors prior as part of a bigger agenda. As a way to fool the average joe into thinking "this is the latest breaking news". It's a scam, they all work together duhhhh

I don't think they work together at all, do you have any evidence to prove this?

If they truly worked together, why would Russia sell weapons to Iran and Syria etc? This goes completely against the wishes of Israel, whose lobby pretty much runs American foreign policy.

I genuinely believe there is a much larger agenda to instigate another world war, but these 'forces' do not hold loyalty to any nation.

Communism was and is a tool, as is Zionism today. Political movements to create division and hatred/tension etc.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 12:04 PM
So what. people always freak out about threats from Russia and China. In less then 24 hours there age Navy would be at the bottom of the sea.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
What a bizarre twist of events that 70 years after WW2, the Western nations are the aggressors and the so called Communists are the peace keepers.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Well...not too sure about this characterization...

1) Russia and China support(ed) non-intervention in Libya, Syria...and now Iran, because these despotic regimes were more aligned with them than with the United States.
2) Iran, supported by Russia militarily (and having been the suppliers of their reactor technology), are hardly non-aggressors. Witness their covert and overt activities in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon and other places (read through the OP's link if you are not aware of their recent activities).
3) Syria, supported by Russia militarily and diplomatically, has been on a year-long killing spree against its own citizens.
4) China has become increasingly aggressive...both in terms of projecting their political and economic power around the world - and militarily, fomenting on-going stand-offs with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines (and still making threatening gestures toward Taiwan). They preach non-intervention when U.S. interests are at stake...but are quite willing to exert (or threaten) military power when it comes to their own interests. And let's not forget their on-going support of the looney-tunes series known as the Kim dynasty in North Korea.

Certainly the United States is aggressive in many, many ways...has an unrivaled worldwide network of military bases and other assets - and is not afraid to use them.

But to try to paint the "Western nations" as the aggressors, whilst the Communist regimes (and their associated spheres) are the world's new peace-niks....does not really paint an accurate picture.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Terminal1

Just posting a more "mainstream" article along the same lines.

IMHO it would be foolish for Iran to nuke Israel simply for the fact prevailing winds would put the fallout right back onto Iran. But there are many other reasons but that being right up there at the top yet rarely mentioned.

That's exactly the same article

Someone else pointed it out along with yourself, Iran would not use a nuclear weapon- Israel has hundreds, it just doesn't make any sense and I agree with you.

Of course, the counter to this is that the war hawks argue that Iran would sell a nuclear weapon to terrorists.

With Israel so intent on bombing Iran, and Obama still playing his 'waiting game', it would not suprise me if a false flag was used with a nuclear device in the next few months to justify an all out invasion of Iran.

The idea of a nuclear event has been put into the minds of the people. As horrendous as it sounds, I refer to a foreign policy document entitled 'Which Path to Persia?' (2009) which called for a false flag, the 'more deadly the better' and this is a genuine option they will have at least considered to get this war started.

This rhetoric from Russia further supports this idea. Russia has now made it clear they do not believe Iran is after the bomb, so we could see this 'waiting game' play out over a few more months, Israel complaining that nothing is being done, a false flag occurs and the world is then forced to accept another major war.

I hope I'm wrong, but when you research the point of view of the policy makers, and consider false flags are nothing new to them, anything is possible to get this war started.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 12:42 PM
I dunno, just being the hateful person I am, I would love to see Iran get hammered, If Russia wants to play let them come too, we got plenty for everyone. Sooner or later one of the wars will actually be The War to End All Wars, and I would much prefer we get on with it and get it over with.....than to hand our kids more of the same.
We have to witness destruction on such a huge scale, of such unimaginable annihilation that we scare the # right out of ourselves. Then and only then will war ever become a dirty word. If it takes America and Israel turning Iran into a place where people will not be able to live for 1000 be it. If it takes Russia involving itself and offer to retaliate against the US for Iran.....I am all for that too.
I might die, you might die....our kids might die........Got some news for ya.....we are gonna die no matter what we do or do not do.
So , lets get this WWIII thing going and get on with it because anything is better than hearing the same stuff day after day, year after year.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Good old Russia sticking their necks on the line for Iran.

Rightly so, and if anything does happen to Iran, I would like to think China would also help out.

The Western Overlords need to learn their place...

Greed is NOT the way.

Peace and Harmony is what we should be moving towards - on all fronts.

Peace, love and unity.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by mobiusmale

Originally posted by gladtobehere
What a bizarre twist of events that 70 years after WW2, the Western nations are the aggressors and the so called Communists are the peace keepers.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Well...not too sure about this characterization...

1) Russia and China support(ed) non-intervention in Libya, Syria...and now Iran, because these despotic regimes were more aligned with them than with the United States.
2) Iran, supported by Russia militarily (and having been the suppliers of their reactor technology), are hardly non-aggressors. Witness their covert and overt activities in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon and other places (read through the OP's link if you are not aware of their recent activities).
3) Syria, supported by Russia militarily and diplomatically, has been on a year-long killing spree against its own citizens.
4) China has become increasingly aggressive...both in terms of projecting their political and economic power around the world - and militarily, fomenting on-going stand-offs with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines (and still making threatening gestures toward Taiwan). They preach non-intervention when U.S. interests are at stake...but are quite willing to exert (or threaten) military power when it comes to their own interests. And let's not forget their on-going support of the looney-tunes series known as the Kim dynasty in North Korea.

Certainly the United States is aggressive in many, many ways...has an unrivaled worldwide network of military bases and other assets - and is not afraid to use them.

But to try to paint the "Western nations" as the aggressors, whilst the Communist regimes (and their associated spheres) are the world's new peace-niks....does not really paint an accurate picture.

Good points, China and Russia have been engaged in a lot of cloak and dagger behind the scenes as of late.... they've outwardly expressed growing intolerance for us and our allies, I don't think anybody will be attacking anyone before elections either way.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:19 PM
Every RESPONSIBLE nation that shares our world do have a freedom of speech to voice their concerns, even if some of those tyrant nations themselves deny it to their own citizens.

Ultimately, the lifeblood of our world is TRADE. It is trade that elevates life and share our planet's bounty to progress and evolve. And thus, none wants war for it disrupts trade severely.

However, all nations have a duty to act responsibly to the wider community - our world.

Nations are free to have have peaceful nuclear energy, but it must confirm to safety inspections by neutral agencies, for we had seen how the Fukishimiya accident can spook and affect our world.

And worse if they seek for nuke armaments on the sly, such as Iran is doing and FRIGHTENINGLY, to fulfill an ancient prophecy of ushering the 'saviour of the world - Mahdi', misinterpretated often by Shias, and had never been accepted by even mainstream muslims as being the 'saviour' when the revered prophet Muhammad had warned there will be none after him.

We mankind, religious or not, would be fools to let Iran secretely be nuclear armed, including even Russia, for non-Shias are considered infidels by the fork tongue persian apostate infidel leader, deserving of death of ourselves and our loved ones, destroying everything..

Russia has a responsibility to our world it shares, but if it stupidly go against the free world's decision for a safer and better trading world, then it will face the wrath of all mankind.

If President Obama is frightened or piss in the pants by mere words from Putin, then it is best he resign now and let someone with balls to take over the job. Presidents of the past had never been nerds to bully boys and had stood up to bullies always.

They may have nukes, but so do many others in the free world. And no US President worth his salt will let another nation dictate its foreign policy, more so from a tinpot tyrant with aging war resources, and many other states within Russia waiting and salivating for the opportunity to break away and seek independence from Russia.

BUT fortunately, President Obama is doing the right thing - IGNORING the pocket book dictator Putin, and letting the Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton, to deal with this idiotic jame bond wannabe cold war mentality aged macho deluded senile old fool, the way one humours an old uncle in a retirement home. But when its time to go, its time to go, to act on the real world, and leave delusions and the deluded behind.

edit on 9-9-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012

Originally posted by r2d246
They know what each others press release are going to be. They've agreed upon them behind closed doors prior as part of a bigger agenda. As a way to fool the average joe into thinking "this is the latest breaking news". It's a scam, they all work together duhhhh

I don't think they work together at all, do you have any evidence to prove this?

If they truly worked together, why would Russia sell weapons to Iran and Syria etc? This goes completely against the wishes of Israel, whose lobby pretty much runs American foreign policy.

I genuinely believe there is a much larger agenda to instigate another world war, but these 'forces' do not hold loyalty to any nation.

Communism was and is a tool, as is Zionism today. Political movements to create division and hatred/tension etc.

Well it's not that different than the mob or maffia. So you got say the Godfather who runs things. Then you got say for example bosses. then under them you got underbosses. The under bosses are like the G--v that run countries. They have some room to play, deal, make money, but they're not allowed to start a war with another underboss unless they get permission from a boss. And that boss would have to clear it with the Godfather first. Then if a underboss steps out of line a hit is put out on them. So this is extremely rare. But there was some cases in the 70's when some of the south american leaders didn't want to play ball. And of course it was like plane crashes and stuff like that; accidents that got rid of them, and replaced with new underbosses who were willing to play ball. So I believe the press releases are all theatrics in scenes leading up to a bigger performance. So they meet up perhaps say with a boss. Who lays out the agenda given to him by the Godfather. The underbosses then work together to make it appear as if they're rivals and rivaling over geo politics etc. But they all have the same agenda in mind. they all are working together playing off the same script. But it's all designed to look to us simpltons as if they all are soverign countries, they all work ad odds with each other in these types of "anything could happen" scenarios. It SERIOUS DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. It's all scripted. The underbosses all work together, and take orders from bosses who control continents. And they take orders from bosses above them and eventually leading up to the Godfather, which of course is lucifer himself. I know that might sound crazy, but at our level, we are at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of information. We're lead to believe things happen in a certain way, as not to ever know the true structure of the ruling powers. I'll give you one example below. Then you do your own research.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by Wonderer2012

Russia has now stated they do not believe Iran is building a nuclear weapon,

I admit, I agree with Russia. I don't think Iran has or is working to get a nuclear weapon.

It used to be that we had a puppet running Iran...But he got kicked out and we have been trying to regain control of the country ever since.

It's nothing to do with nukes and everything to do with trying to topple their government so we can put one of our puppets

edit on 9-9-2012 by gimme_some_truth because: typo

Exactly! Thank you, I was gonna post the same thing. Obviously the economic hit men have failed, along with threats, so now it's time for the military (TPTB's personal force) to get it done.... what a shame that this is allowed to happen over and over again.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:37 PM
the disinfo is strong with some here:

Iran, supported by Russia militarily (and having been the suppliers of their reactor technology)


Isnt this what they said about Libya and Syria as well? Look, just last week they abandoned their port in Syria with their tails between their legs as they know it is imminent.

we have a debka reader here!

Russia lost their super power status many years ago , there not even a country anymore, it's run by the Russian mob ,

somebody is still living in the 80's, i see

edit on 9-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 02:05 PM

Russia is best friends with Iran of course they'll tell you that... i hope they know the suspected sites are still going to get hit, nobody cares about Russia's warning because there army is just as much of a joke as Irans is...

No doubt this warning went in one ear and out the other

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 02:42 PM
The mighty Russian military.....hmm you mean the one that at the peak of its power turned its warships around and removed every missile from Cuba out of fear that the US military was gonna make them curse the day they ever herd the word Cuba..........The Russians who called Cuba their eternal brothers,,,,,,but 10 years later couldn't remember where Cuba even was.

Yea Iran, Russia has your back just go right ahead and bet your lives on it, Cuba will vouch for them, no better country to call an ally, look how WWII worked out for the people who called Russia friend. Minute they were saved from the nazi's they turned on their former friends and never looked back.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

What we should really be asking politicians... Is this a "legitimate" nuke? If so, other countries have built-in defenses.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by TritonTaranis

Russia is best friends with Iran of course they'll tell you that... i hope they know the suspected sites are still going to get hit, nobody cares about Russia's warning because there army is just as much of a joke as Irans is...

No doubt this warning went in one ear and out the other

Joke of an army?

Both World Wars lasted as long as our attack in Iraq. That was decades ago, with decades old military equipment.

Comparing the two I would say the US military and its allies is a joke if they had to take that long with what they accomplished.

Which I might add, fighting against equipment WE sold to Iraq before the first Bush started his vendetta which GW had to try and solve as his father couldn't do the job. Funny, like father like son.

edit on 9-9-2012 by cconn487 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 04:18 PM
It's funny how their is so many ignorant people on this site..Firstly, by stating "Russia" has a joke army??
Clearly, these people haven't smelt the coffee yet.. They're not "old" they have a pretty good army, big army in that matter..And in time we have seen, having the best "tech" doesn't always work out..I'm just sick and tired of so many Ignorant people here stating " oh, China and Russia have no chance we would topple them in 24 hours.." like really dude? Look how long we've been in Afghanistan? About 10 years and a tiny country like that we haven't even been able to take it over, It's why Russia backed out in 1989, It's to hard to take over a country.. And sad to say it, Russia with China against NATO would be Catastrophic..It would be an endless war, as I said look how long it took to try and take over Afghanistan from Russia and US. think of a bigger country, with a bigger military and more people... And Russia, isn`t ``best friends`` with Iran..Russia basicly, Just sells anyone weapons to make money.. They`re a Neutral country that just sells stuff to anyone to make money, they don`t really have sides..

And China, they`re the aggressors also, It`s funny how everything is just focused on the US, when China is trying to take over the China sea or some Sea over there to take the Oil, and their has been some tough tension between, Japan, India, Taiwan , Philippians..But yet, everyone turns their heads to that and focuses on US. It`actually kinda benefits China, get the media to focus on the US, while they do there thing in the shadow..

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:19 PM

“After my election, I have more flexibility.”
- Barack Obama to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev

He said, “You guys shoot pretty darn good for “mechanical engineers”! The younger of the 3 asked my friend if he would like to shoot his rifle. He said, “Sure”! After picking up the piece, he said he noticed it had a Red Star on the scope! He told the ‘ENGINEER”, “Hey! This is Russian military!” The Man said,” Really?” He also told me the ammo was not sold in the States. It WAS Russian military issue. He said the reticle was as good as he had ever seen. He then said, “You guys sure you aren’t Russian military!” At this point they got somewhat upset. He asked where they had been, The told him they been up in Canada, the younger of the 2, that is. They shot a little more, then left. Headed for the range office to check out.

Upon arrival at the range office, told the young lady in the office, “That was kinda weird, shooting with Russian guys with military gear. She said, “Oh, there’s lots of them!” My friend being stunned, said “What!’ She said, “Oh Yeah, there’s alot of them that shoot here!”

Having said that, it appears we have a “Spetnatz Nest” in No. Colo. Very rural and isolated at this range. Not much out there.


Russian troops in the US training

I know some people may not see the correlation, but a lot of people have been on edge this year and feel something is up. we have Russian troops on our soil and this administration is destroying us financially. POTUS has been giving the Russians the advantage. Iran and Syria are both considered Russian assets. What could be more obvious?

edit on 9-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by wlasikiewicz
Looks like yet another war on the brink.

Every headline and story I see about Iran recently reads like the headlines leading up to an attack in every nuclear war movie I ever saw.

And most of the world continues on, completely oblivious.

Hey, "Dancing with The Stars" is on !

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Kluute
Good old Russia sticking their necks on the line for Iran.

Rightly so, and if anything does happen to Iran, I would like to think China would also help out.

The Western Overlords need to learn their place...

Greed is NOT the way.

Peace and Harmony is what we should be moving towards - on all fronts.

Peace, love and unity.

Yeah because thats exactly what China Iran & Russia are promoting LOL

You'll be saying exactly the same thing just the other way around in 20yrs time

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:28 PM
this has been going on for decades. i think that speak's volume's about america's bravery reffering to Iran.
Russia and China told america to butt out, and that's exactly what they will do.

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