Here is a link to the clock which now reads 22 hours and 36 minutes. -
I am sure most of you by now know of this clock by now. I dont think any of us know what this is counting down too though. I think this gentleman
has cracked the code -
Here is a very clear video uploaded to youtube today showing us that our binary twin has arrived -
Nasa sent up all of those satelites to track this thing.. yes, since back in 70's they have known WAKE UP!
Ill end with two articles I was able to dig up online from 1996 and 1998. The person this lady is interviewing obviously is in with NASA. He tries
to not spill the beans but the interviewer did a great job pulling information out of him. He says there are two events a comet cluster and a dark
star or binary sun. The most interesting part of the interview is part 2, which was back in 1998(the first part is 1996). She asked him when these
events would take place, his answer - "0-14 years". 2012-1998 = 14
August 3, 1996
This session started off with a simple question about the Hale-Bopp comet, but led to some startling information…
Q: (L) This is kind of an off-the-wall question that just popped into my head. Did we ever ask anything about Hale-Bopp?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp going to turn planet Earth into a super-conductor? [As I had been told by a source on the internet.]
A: No.
Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp the herald of the transition into 4th density? [Another rumor I had heard.]
A: No.
Q: (L) Is Hale-Bopp going to do anything other than pass by with a nice night-time show?
A: No.
Q: (T) Is all the brouhaha over Hale-Bopp a smoke screen?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, what is it then?
A: Hale-Bopp: Flopp!
Q: (T) Oh! The Kahoutek of the nineties! (J) The cosmic OJ Simpson trial! Something to keep us busy…
A: Since you have broached the subject: are you familiar with the ” twin Sun ” theory?
Q: (L) No. What is it? (T) Referring to our sun and the possibility of Jupiter being a sun in the making?
A: No.
Q: (T) Okay, what is the twin sun theory?
A: Theory that the sun is really a double star.
Q: (L) Well, if it is a double star, how come we don’t see the other one? Where is the other one and why don’t we see it? (T) I don’t think I
have ever heard of that, have you? (F) It seems vaguely familiar for some reason. (L) Is this factual, correct?
A: Wait a moment…
Q: (T) They are bringing in their twin sun expert… (L) No doubt! [planchette spins numerous times.]
A: Now, where were we?
Q: (L) We were talking about the twin sun phenomenon…
A: Theory.
Q: (T) Which is that Sol is one part of a twin system?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this theory correct?
A: Not yet, you are “jumping the gun.”
Q: (T) Okay. You brought this up. You indicated that, yes, our sun is one part of a dual system…
A: Yes…
Q: (T) …and that there is another star, another sun here…
A: Yes…
Q: (L) Can we see it? (T) Can we see it at this point in time?
A: Can you?
Q: (L) No. Not that I am aware of. Is the reason we cannot see it because it is always on the other side of the sun from us? That it orbits in such a
way that we can never see it?
A: Orbits, yes, assuming it is there, however, we did not confirm that, now did we?
Q: (T) Is Sol two stars combined?
A: No. What is “dark” matter, and what are dark stars?
Q: (L) Are dark stars something like black holes?
A: No.
Q: (T) Dark matter, that I have read about, is what the astronomical community calls all the loose stuff floating around out in the cosmos that must
exist because of the equations, but they can’t see it.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Would dark stars be part of this?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So there is dark matter and dark stars?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The dark matter they cannot see because it is dark.
A: Yes. How about “Brown stars?”
Q: (T) Okay, Brown stars I have heard of. There is yellow, red, blue, green… Okay, our star burns as a yellow star because of the matter it is
composed of – hydrogen, etc.
A: Close.
Q: (T) Other stars burn different colors in the visible spectrum because of the make-up of the star…
A: Yes, but not “brown” ones. How easy is it to see brown against a black background?
Q: (T) Not easy at all! That is why they can’t see the dark matter…
A: That is why scientists dubbed it “brown.”
Q: (L) How does brown star connect to twin sun theory?
A: Guess!
Q: (T) Okay. Let’s talk about this. For some reason we have to work through this to maintain free will. (L) Is this star small enough that it is
orbiting with the planets?
A: No, we are leading you to something, if you will be patient.
Q: (L) Okay, lead on… we want to know about this. (T) They just asked if we understood what a brown star was.
A: Do you?
Q: (L) What is the significance of the brown star?
A: Dark star.
Q: (L) It is a dark star… okay…
A: If it is there.
Q: (L) Well, will you put me out of my misery and tell me? (T) Wait, a dark star is dark because it doesn’t give off light. It is still a star, and
acts like a star…
A: Yes. And if it has an elliptical orbit… would it, maybe, like, “come and go?”
Q: (T) What science, astronomy, has described as double stars, are two stars that are close together with some sort of interactive orbit. But that is
not necessarily the only way two stars can exist.
A: Close. As you perceive from your vantage point. But how would you like to embark on a bicycle trip between them?
Q: (L) So the ones that we are aware of and see can be so far apart that there can be a lot between… (T) So our astronomers have not recognized
this possibility?
A: Yes they have.
Q: (T) They know, but don’t talk about it. So, we may have, in this theory, a dark star orbiting…
A: And what would happen if you did?
Q: (L) Well…
A: And it, like, comes and goes?
Q: (T) Like every 3600 years?
A: Maybe.
will leave off on part 1 here. link is here -
Part 2(1998)
July 11, 1998
Q: (A) I want to continue questions from the previous session. First, about this companion star: where is it now; which part of the zodiac?
A: Libra Constellation.
Q: (A) Where is the periodic comet cluster?
A: Not visible. It approaches in “scatter pattern,” indicating that one or two of the members may have already made the circuit.
Q: (A) We have been told that it will look like one solid object at first.
A: Yes, but not necessarily only one grouping. Will show up first in the region of the Magellanic Clouds.
Q: (A) So, we have the idea. Next question concerning this companion star; we were told that its mass is less than the sun, can we have a figure on
how much less?
A: 56 percent of the mass of the sun.
Q: (A) Okay, if this is really so, then when it really starts to approach the solar system, and they rotate in tandem, it means that the sun will
really start to feel its gravity, and because of this, the solar system will start to move with respect to other stars, so all the constellations will
shift, is this correct?
A: More like a slight “wobble” effect.
Here is link to rest of part 2 - on 8-9-2012 by
GameKeeper because: wouldnt fit my whole post had to shorten it
Get ready for the 5th Dimension my good people the beasts time is almost up
I am promoting awareness not fear. We all feel and sense the changes
so if you have nothing to add to this thread dont bother replying. The time is NOW for the people. Because the nwo will never own us.
edit on
8-9-2012 by GameKeeper because: wanted to add a nice note at the end.
edit on 8-9-2012 by GameKeeper because: fixed
edit on 8-9-2012 by GameKeeper because: fixed link