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Obama and US Dept of Justice going forward against Navy Seal & Book

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:16 AM

Obama and US Dept of Justice going forward against Navy Seal & Book

President Obama was mad when he found out about the Navy Seal that wrote and released the book on the Osama Bin Laden operation. Eric Holder and the US Dept of Justice and the Pentagon are going after the Navy Seal because of secrets he shared and comments made against Obama and Biden.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:16 AM
The Current Administration has been doing an aweful lot against the American People and our country. The NAVY SEAL who wrote the book should be given KUDOS for it and for exposing the way in which OBAMA has been treating members of the US Military.

This follows an earlier posting on ATS about this same Navy Seal. Personally, I don't see what the Seal did wrong. His attorney said he had every right to publish the book without getting approval from the Pentagon. I concur. It is freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment that needs to be protected, regardless if the POTUS or the US Government does not like it.

This probably follows more in line with the Wiki Leaks information that has been surfacing over the past 3 or 4 years. While I would agree some of that information should not have been leaked, much of it was and what was leaked out needed to be.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Most likely it is sour grapes over the comments against the administration......

The pentagon didn't seem to have a problem providing information to Hollywood to make their version of the propoganda film!

Just weeks after Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency officials warned publicly of the dangers posed by leaks about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, top officials at both agencies and at the White House granted Hollywood filmmakers unusual access to those involved in planning the raid and some of the methods they used to do it, newly released government records show.


Edit: It seems our governments new motto is "Don't do as we do, do as we say!".
edit on 8-9-2012 by seeker1963 because: Adding

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Now, regarding the law on the issue, I am fairly sure that the legal standpoint of the US government is that this gentlemans publication represents a failiure to uphold the national secrets legislation that is in place. Furthermore, although I have not read the book, there is no way that he could have written a book worth reading, without mentioning the OPERATIONAL detail to some degree.

Since future missions carried out in similar circumstances may require the use of similar tactics, if he has mentioned those tactics in any way, then he could be justly slapped for it, and rightly so. The difference between this mans book, and Bradley Mannings releases to Wikileaks are pretty big.

First of all, Bradley Mannings information contained, largely speaking, details of the back office gymnastics which preceeded, and lead to various incidents and operations being carried out. Crucially, his information was edited to remove any chance of overt danger being posed to those who were in the field at the time, or in the future. I have read quite a bit of that material over the time it has been available, and frankly speaking, it is a very sensitively put together body of information.

If this book, by this SEAL operative has been in any way detailed about the methods and by the minuite tactics used on the raid, then that alone seals (ho ho) his fate as a total twit, and a fellow whose arrest and jailing are both imminent and justified, since his revalations WILL put other forces operatives in danger. If he has mentioned the names of other operators then he has put those people in danger. If indeed, no real effort has been made by himself or his editors to remove any potentially hazardous information from the tome, then indeed he deserves everything he gets.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:38 AM
Newsmax is poor biased source.

When the book was released, all the right-wing media sources were claiming it was done with help from the Obama admin, as a sly way of giving him acknowledgment for the Bin Laden raid.

Then the right-wing began accusing the author of being some Obama shill, Fox news even duplicitously released his real name. The Pentagon even tried to claim the author released classified info.

NOW, when the government is acting on shutting down the book/author, the same right-wing media sources want to blame it on Obama, as in "Obama is going after the Navy Seal..."

You can't have your cake and eat it too - you can't accuse Obama of orchestrating the publication of the book AND accuse him of trying to "go after" the author. They are mutually exclusive goals. Make up your mind, which conspiracy are you going to believe in.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I dunno. Seems to me most tactics that could have been used are common knowledge to people trained by the military. These have to be the same tactics that have been used for years in a variety of situations. There can really be no surprise here. The only things that might get the guy in trouble if they are even in the book are details specific to this operation that were sealed and deemed classified - these would be perhaps pertaining to how they got certain intelligence on Osama.

I haven't read the book either. I too don't think it's worth reading. Part of me believes this is all a hoax by the government to make people read it to debunk and thwart some conspiracies about the indecent. What's the best way to get the public to do something.. deny it to them - works like a charm.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:36 PM
Alright folks let's put this in perspective.

If this was President Romney's plan that
had been outted by a leftist, lets say black navy seal,
that hated Mormons and especially Romney AND he gave away
tactical secrets, ya'll would have him thrown
in Guantanamo so fast his head would spin.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
The Current Administration has been doing an aweful lot against the American People and our country. The NAVY SEAL who wrote the book should be given KUDOS for it and for exposing the way in which OBAMA has been treating members of the US Military.

While I may agree with your sentiment about Obama and the military and the fact they are viewing returning veterans as some sort of attack dog that should be all but chained now that its fully trained I think some things are best left out of the public eye. A Doctor in Pakistan is either dead or going to be dead because of leaked information from the White House (I can't remember if they killed him yet.)

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
This follows an earlier posting on ATS about this same Navy Seal. Personally, I don't see what the Seal did wrong.

He is in breach of contract - specifically the one he signed on the SF-312 when he was granted access to classified information. Also, he is in violation of half a dozen US codes and Executive orders.

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
His attorney said he had every right to publish the book without getting approval from the Pentagon. I concur. It is freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment that needs to be protected, regardless if the POTUS or the US Government does not like it.

He needs a better attorney then because when they whip out the form he signed that sates the is case closed:

1. Intending to be legally bound, I hereby accept the obligations contained in this Agreement in consideration of my being granted access to classified information. As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 12356, or under any other Executive order or statute that prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information in the interest of national security; and unclassified information that meets the standards for classification and is in the process of a classification determination as provided in Sections 1.1 and 1.2(e) of Executive Order 12356, or under any other Executive Order or statute that requires protection for such information in the interest of national security. I understand and accept that by being granted access to classified information, special confidence and trust shall be placed in me by the United States Government.

The first amendment stops when you enlist or accept a commission - sorry just a fact. Also, national security trumps the 1st as has been found in case law back to the Benedict Arnold days.

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
This probably follows more in line with the Wiki Leaks information that has been surfacing over the past 3 or 4 years. While I would agree some of that information should not have been leaked, much of it was and what was leaked out needed to be.

Manning was a dumb kid but he still was an adult and signed the same forms - thus is enjoying Leavenworth prison even as we speak. This guy was a career operator he knows better. In both cases they are screwed as they are in breach of contract with the US Government.

edit on 8/9/2012 by Golf66 because: horrible at "quote-fu"

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:49 PM
Utter nonsense. The "Book" an associated posturing by the Administration will further plant the seed of validity to the original BS fantasy created by Obama
of the alleged killing of OBL. One should never under estimate the stupidity and gullibility of the masses.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:51 PM
Osama has been dead for a decade, so all this acting with Obama being angry for the Seal writing the book (containing the official version of the killing) is just to reinforce the official story (making it seem legit).

He is a military guy, following orders. The order this time is to make up a cover story.

edit on 8-9-2012 by PrimitiveWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:55 PM
I don't believe this book nor the Navy Seal that wrote it. Bin laden did not die by the hands of the US Navy or in a safe house nor was he buried at Sea....

My take....the Navy Seal and Obama are working together. Someone writes a book concerning classified info. On the capture of bin laden then it must be true. They really did find and kill bin laden. He really didn't die back in 01-02 of kidney failure. They REALLY did bury him at sea. must be true....


posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

The answer to this seems quite clear to me, stop lying to everyone about everything, and you won't have so many secrets to keep covered up.

The truth is the truth, if the truth disturbs you, well GET THE # OUT OF MY GOVERNMENT!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:22 PM
There is no such thing as a free press so no doubt that this Seal will 'dissapear'

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

He is in breach of contract - specifically the one he signed on the SF-312 when he was granted access to classified information. Also, he is in violation of half a dozen US codes and Executive orders.

That's where I stand.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:30 PM

he violated his NDA

he wasn't the point man

he's profiting from the event

not a fan

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:04 PM
By publishing that book, he has put co workers and their family In danger. Not to mention his own family. Thanks to " facial recognition" technology, and Facebook, there is now a map to everyone he has on his Facebook page. That includes family, friends, and co workers. Don't be surprised if Matt bissonet is found dead , as . The Taliban don't forget or forgive. And now the dumb idiot has his name everywhere. for his coworkers ...he has unknowingly dimed them out. The brotherhood ( seal community) is thick and loyal. But when you turn your back on the community, it's a long lonely life.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
The Current Administration has been doing an aweful lot against the American People and our country. The NAVY SEAL who wrote the book should be given KUDOS for it and for exposing the way in which OBAMA has been treating members of the US Military.

While I may agree with your sentiment about Obama and the military and the fact they are viewing returning veterans as some sort of attack dog that should be all but chained now that its fully trained I think some things are best left out of the public eye. A Doctor in Pakistan is either dead or going to be dead because of leaked information from the White House (I can't remember if they killed him yet.)

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
This follows an earlier posting on ATS about this same Navy Seal. Personally, I don't see what the Seal did wrong.

He is in breach of contract - specifically the one he signed on the SF-312 when he was granted access to classified information. Also, he is in violation of half a dozen US codes and Executive orders.

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
His attorney said he had every right to publish the book without getting approval from the Pentagon. I concur. It is freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment that needs to be protected, regardless if the POTUS or the US Government does not like it.

He needs a better attorney then because when they whip out the form he signed that sates the is case closed:

1. Intending to be legally bound, I hereby accept the obligations contained in this Agreement in consideration of my being granted access to classified information. As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 12356, or under any other Executive order or statute that prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of information in the interest of national security; and unclassified information that meets the standards for classification and is in the process of a classification determination as provided in Sections 1.1 and 1.2(e) of Executive Order 12356, or under any other Executive Order or statute that requires protection for such information in the interest of national security. I understand and accept that by being granted access to classified information, special confidence and trust shall be placed in me by the United States Government.

The first amendment stops when you enlist or accept a commission - sorry just a fact. Also, national security trumps the 1st as has been found in case law back to the Benedict Arnold days.

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
This probably follows more in line with the Wiki Leaks information that has been surfacing over the past 3 or 4 years. While I would agree some of that information should not have been leaked, much of it was and what was leaked out needed to be.

Manning was a dumb kid but he still was an adult and signed the same forms - thus is enjoying Leavenworth prison even as we speak. This guy was a career operator he knows better. In both cases they are screwed as they are in breach of contract with the US Government.

edit on 8/9/2012 by Golf66 because: horrible at "quote-fu"

Contracts can be manipulatd like everything else. Like tax loopholes most can't take advantage of. There are some who cam do take advantage of a situation.

Some things you have to think about a larger picture.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 11:40 PM
What is happening is that this book is approved by the higher ups but made to look like it a rogue ex seal writing it without authorization. This story just supports the conspiracy that Bin Laden was captured.

Investigate Jessica Lynch. This is their work.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 09:18 AM
And what exactly is your point about the Jessica Lynch mission?

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 09:22 AM
If TPTB didn't want the book out there....

it wouldn't exist

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