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Gallup Poll Shows Bump In Approval For Obama After Convention

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 04:02 AM

Gallup Poll Shows Bump In Approval For Obama After Convention

Gallup's last three nights of interviewing of adults, conducted Sept. 4 to 6, shows Obama with a 52 percent approval rating
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 04:02 AM
Friday's update of the Reuters/Ipsos online poll also found indications of what Reuters describes as a "convention induced bounce," though the change was also modest. It showed Obama taking a 46 to 44 percent lead over Romney on interviews conducted with likely voters over the last five days. On interviews conducted over the five days before that, the Ipsos poll showed a 45-to-45 percent tie.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by leosnake

Wonder what it will be after the dismal job report.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:09 AM
I watched both of them.

The DNC had a bunch of great speeches. The vibe was positive and kept a "for the people" subliminal theme throughout it.

The RNC was really an abysmal failure, the only memorable speech was from Clint Eastwood..and it was painfully awkward. The whole convention was targeted towards angry middle aged white men.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:34 AM

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by leosnake

In my humble opinion, the election is going to be a blow-out FOR Romney. Too many people are still "saying" that they'll vote for Obama over fear of being labeled a racist or race-traitor.

The polls will go back and forth, tis how Gallup makes money. But it'll be a shoe-in for Romney.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:54 AM
It is sad, but is true
The man of sin
Will have round # 2
We are done in

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:20 AM
You hit the nail on the head. I ALWAYS HAVE TO TIPPYTOE, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by leosnake

In my humble opinion, the election is going to be a blow-out FOR Romney. Too many people are still "saying" that they'll vote for Obama over fear of being labeled a racist or race-traitor.

The polls will go back and forth, tis how Gallup makes money. But it'll be a shoe-in for Romney.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by RELDDIR
You hit the nail on the head. I ALWAYS HAVE TO TIPPYTOE, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

For years, I'd be called a racist, on-line for not agreeing with Obamas' policies. Then when I'd tell folks that I'm not white, instead of racist, I'd get called race-traitor for not agreeing to Obamas' policies simply because of the melanin content in skin.

Point is, there are people like me of all colours and stripes that are tired of the bull-poop. Names have been called so much that it has lost it's effectiveness.

In fact, the term "racist" has been weakened by this administration and their pundits so much that any VALID accusation is lost in the politial fog of obfuscation.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 06:35 AM
Conventions are just big parties where the candidates and faithful followers party down and get all hyped up. They applaud speeches by their heroes and don't bother to fact check them. Bounces usually happen after both conventions. they get a bounce and then the bounce comes back down.

The REAL story will come after the debates. That's when the candidates actually have to answer questions and there isn't a lot of feel good whooping and hollering going on. Bumps after debates are significant.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:13 AM
I'm not caucasion. And the fact that i have to "tippytoe," speakes volume.
reply to post by beezzer

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by leosnake

Obama has been up for months. As for people predicting a blowout-Don't be stupid. This country is far too polarized for a blowout. I hope Romney wins though. If he fails the GOP will be destroyed.

Commence the red-baiting.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by leosnake

Nothing new to see, as usual it happen after the Republican one too. In America is always those of weak mind party followers that will believe anything that their political heroes will tell them.

Sad but truth.

Is amazing and very entertaining to see how the propaganda works in the nation on the weak minded

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Completely agree. The after-convention bounce is for who had the better party. I think it's clear Obama's party was MUCH livelier and emotional than the "business meeting" that the GOP had.

reply to post by beezzer

Originally posted by beezzer
Too many people are still "saying" that they'll vote for Obama over fear of being labeled a racist or race-traitor.

You keep bringing up race, and yet you wonder why people accuse you of race-baiting?
Leave it alone. The anti-Obama folks bring up race 100 times more than any supporter does.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

The anti-Obama folks bring up race 100 times more than any supporter does.

The first to bring up race in this thread was an Obamite.
edit on 8-9-2012 by truejew because: Removed incorrect code

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:05 AM
Some things one has to look at are....

1. The total absence of any of the youth at rallies and the convention, except for die hards will to go down the suffering road four more years (to a far far better place...)

2. This website, the ATS. Again, the last time around dissenters were not allowed to say a word against the great one, nor interfere with the love fest that was going on at the time. Now, we have mostly free speech and his majesty is being criticized and rightly so for all of his failures.

3. When I asked in a poll question on this site for who would vote for him this time that voted last time, a full 30% said they would not be voting for his eminence, and would stay home, vote for Romney, or go for a third party candidate.

4. The news media shield is coming down as CNN, AP, Reuters, and others are beginning to wake up and see the man as just that, a man, and to bring him to account for his actions or inactions.

5. The Chris Matthews interview where he openly criticizes Obama.

Now, a two percent bounce is nothing but a ripple, and it was caused by a heavy hand, not that it was honest. If you need the truth, look at the crowds, and the one's who are not there. Gone are the days of fainting women, throngs of people shouting and worshiping his name, and shouting " Yes we can !". Now you see a man who is attempting to do his best sales job of smoke and mirrors. Btw, the little teeny tiny bounce was from Bill Clinton, the democrat hero of days gone by. The harsh reality is the failure man Obama. The next polls to come will show a 45 to 45 split and then a Romney increase that will build to about 49 all the way to the election where independents and Christian democrats will suddenly abandon Obama. Obama will only have the black vote and the women who want birth control pills and abortions.

edit on 8-9-2012 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

The DNC had a bunch of great speeches. The vibe was positive and kept a "for the people" subliminal theme throughout it.

For the people? It’s funny you should mention that. Most people who have any sense of history should have picked up on the meaning behind the running theme at the DNC. Euphemisms such as “forward” and “progress” are associated with people like Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Lenin, and Mao. Have you ever heard of the “People’s Republic of China”?

The RNC was really an abysmal failure, the only memorable speech was from Clint Eastwood..and it was painfully awkward. The whole convention was targeted towards angry middle aged white men.

I’ve often wondered if all the race baiting done by Biden, Obama and the left had any effect in this day and age. Apparently they have found an audience for their vile lies. Shameful!

By the way, someone should tell Suzanna Martinez, Artur Davis, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz et al that the GOP message is geared towards angry middle aged white men; I wonder what they will think?

edit on 8-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You keep bringing up race, and yet you wonder why people accuse you of race-baiting? Leave it alone. The anti-Obama folks bring up race 100 times more than any supporter does.

I must point to the 2nd response to the OP….from the left.

The RNC was really an abysmal failure, the only memorable speech was from Clint Eastwood..and it was painfully awkward. The whole convention was targeted towards angry middle aged white men.

edit on 8-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Didn't you just love all that "will of the people" thing going down. Just when the convention delegates had booed God and Israel out and cast them out for good, the DNC forced them back in again, against the will of the people. Yep ! Gotta love it !

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Of course there's gonna be a bump.
That's only because Obama threatened to sue Gallup.

source of a hard cold fact

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