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Experiencing paranormal, ghostly or spiritual activity and need to talk about it?

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posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Scribe611

would you mind if I included you in my prayers to ask that these touches be removed from your experience?

no, i don't. thank you. maybe it will help.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 12:34 PM
I have one major experience I’d like to talk about. Happened about five years ago. My sister and I were sharing a HUGE, very old home in the city split down the middle. Her on one side me on the other. The landlord had fixed it up as it was previously condemned and was broken up into many separate living areas prior to his ownership. Anyway, in the year that she was on the other side I never had any problems feeling scared from things I couldn’t get my hands on. Of course living in the city you have to be aware of things you CAN put your hands on… but never any fear of the unknown. Soon after she moved out, as anybody I think would, if my girlfriend at the time was not over, or friends, I started to feel very aware that I was the only person living in this huge house. With that awareness came increased occurrences of seeing things, feeling things, and hearing things. Again, I think that is natural, but it was getting to me so much so that I was telling my girlfriend about it and she was getting a little freaked out.
Well, one night it came to a head. I woke up, could not move (sleep paralysis?), but was TOTALLY 100% awake and aware. As I lay there unable to move through my door came a figure that to my mind’s eye (best way to describe it) was wearing a long brown jacket and top hat but it was all black (if that makes sense). It came right up to the side of my bed and started talking to me in a very quiet but forceful way. “Uuuuullllll, ggguuuuuulllll, rrrrruuuuulllll” type of sounds, but no clear words I could make out. Violently I tried to move but could not. This went on for a good 15 seconds then the thing just backed out of my room and left. After that I slowly got my hands and feet back then the rest of my body. Turned on every light, every TV, and called my girlfriend who started crying while she was telling me to leave. Went to her house. Slept there for a few nights because she was frantic about me not going back (she was WAY into paranormal stuff) until I got somebody to “check it out”. Never did that but did go back. Was always kind of freaked out thinking it put a curse on me or something but thank goodness nothing else like that ever happened again. Eventually moved out and hopefully left whatever it was behind! I’m thinking if it wasn’t my mind just running wild it was the spirit of somebody who used to live there because while I was super scared as it was happening it wasn’t to the level where I refused to go back… which I always assumed would be the case if I ever came across something like this.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by nullfox3

This is getting to be a real productive and useful thread please everyone don't stop there is much Validation here.
Thank you nullfox3 for posting this.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:45 PM
To icepack: Will do - sometimes prayer works wonders!

To Hermit777: Thanks for the kind words - I just hope I can do some good on here!

To nullfox3: That does sound like sleep paralysis, but I have not experienced that myself... anybody else on here that can validate that for us? From what I've heard it has the classic symptoms - awake and aware but cannot move, visitation from something they can't quite explain, and gradually getting feeling back. Also, a lot of people have been seeing "shadow people," as a recent post (and video) by Sled735 can attest to. I've seen the black smoke that appears to roll over upon itself until it disappears, but so far no shadow people. I don't believe this was a spirit or ghost from that house or land, but I'm going to do a bit more digging before I say for sure. I will say I'm glad you moved and it didn't follow you! I'm checking my ATS from work now, so tonight I'll do some more research and let you know what I find out.

To agnes: I haven't forgotten you! Still looking for more information...

Take care, everyone!

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

I Preface my comments with; I am not a Medical Doctor, i am NOT a Shrink or anything close to that, i am only recounting my understanding of what is called Sleep Paralysis, what i have been told by doctors, read, and saw on the Science Channel lol.

Sleep Paralysis Occurs in most people or they might hurt themselves or others by accident. This is a physiological response the brain has when you are sleeping, paralysis is actually a Misnomer in fact the Brain just shuts down certain responses to your limbs & muscles when sleeping. In fact the Brain shuts down many autonomic functions during sleep so your body can rest. Like Don't eat before going to bed you do not digest correctly which messes up certain morning functions, and you generate FAT ARGH. So that yummy bowl of icecream before bed is a no no. Especially bad for Secondary Diabetics, who have to learn to eat correctly all over again at 50 sigh. Ok That all said.

If you are a deep sleeper then you most likely never notice it, sometimes Dreams can be so vivid or scary your limbs do begin to work, [and if you sleep with anyone it is annoying to them getting kicked or choked or whatever in the middle of the night] If you Sleepwalk or Sleep Talk then you are a very Deep Sleeper and have or allow daytime issues to really bug you and you are working them out in your sleep, you can however get hurt and that is why the Brain normally turns these muscle nerves off. There are also certain drugs that override this and people have been known to Sleep Eat. Down here a lady actually Drove to the all night Checkers in her nighty, ordered and drove home and ate the food. Her name was withheld, in the newspaper story, the young man who gave her her food called the police and alerted them and told them she had overpaid how she was dressed, and that he thought she was asleep and was afraid to wake her up, (she handed him a 100 dollar bill and drove off), the Sheriff's Deputies followed her home and were convinced she was sound asleep, she walked into her house sat down ate and went back to bed. The cops shut and locked her door and left a note. That should not happen.

An easy example; watch your dog or cat, many times they have such vivid dreams about play or some event during the day their legs go and they dog or cat talk in their sleep, the sleep paralysis isn't working due to the vividness of what they are dreaming. The next time you are away from home for a day or 3 and you have a dog and get the Grand Welcome HOME routine. Watch them that night when they doze off it will replay in their minds and you can see it.

I am by nature a heavy sleeper but learned to sleep lightly, as of late i have been plagued by Night Terrors, if i pull myself out of the hell i am in rapidly i can't move which causes more duress and when the dam does break my hands and feet are all going at once. So yes getting your body to move when you want it to when asleep can be a problem, when you have begun to wake up but can't move, it will pass, if you are having a nightmare sorry but i understand, still as soon as i am actually thinking i just keep telling myself i'm in bed and safe over and over until i can move, sometimes i start to move before i can control it. What i do is Leave the TV on or a radio so i have something to focus on and calm me, cause it is a normal sound and allows me to separate the Dream that is still running from reality. But that is just me and what i do.

The important thing to remember is your Brain is half awake the dream is still going on in the background and you can not move yet. Until you wake yourself up fully, the things you think you are seeing or hearing may only be part of the Dreams, not Aliens, not Deamons, just a dream. That is all that is meant by Sleep Paralysis to my understanding and from what i have been told.

If i was smarter this would have been shorter. Here are some Links That know Much more then i do.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Wow, Hermit777... VERY well said! It's interesting you mentioned animals... I'd always heard on "scientific" shows that animals didn't dream because they didn't have REM sleep. I have a video of my cat with his eyes halfway open during REM sleep, and he was doing all the kitty dream things - snatching at things with his claws, twitching his whiskers and everything. I just caught his eyes on my camera phone, but he's definitely in REM mode.

It's obvious to anyone who has animals that yes, they do dream and even have nightmares. Years ago my aunt's dog was asleep and started whining, then howling in her sleep like she was scared to death. Her paws were jerking like she was running away from something. She woke up and looked around at all of us, then laid her head back down and sighed REALLY loud like she was saying WHEW, I'm glad that was just a dream!

I've only had a few night terrors, but I did have one dream that sent me running into the hallway. I woke up in the hallway and didn't know who I was or where I was. Had to look around and think about it before I came back to myself.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by agnes
This may be nothing at all, but thought I would mention it. I think my experience,as posted by other members is posted on other threads here, but anyway. The last for days, well this week, about 6 or more times now, I have been walking down the town, to work etc, minding my own business, when out of the blue, I get the sensation/feeling of being hit in the face by cobweb, even when there are no trees or bushes etc about. But when I go to brush them off my face nothing is there. Strange. Does this mean anything?

I've had this exact same experience and while I've read that this can be phantom touch, I still have my doubts. Mine occur on my hands and arms, and if I stop and engage them, they travel across my hands and arms and begin to feel less like cobwebs and more like very light electric strings being placed across my skin. It's pretty weird.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by agnes
This may be nothing at all, but thought I would mention it. I think my experience,as posted by other members is posted on other threads here, but anyway. The last for days, well this week, about 6 or more times now, I have been walking down the town, to work etc, minding my own business, when out of the blue, I get the sensation/feeling of being hit in the face by cobweb, even when there are no trees or bushes etc about. But when I go to brush them off my face nothing is there. Strange. Does this mean anything?

Well, to play devil's advocate I looked up some info on the spiders that drift with a tiny bit of web to carry them. I found that hunting spiders hatch eggs in the fall (like wolf spiders and jumping spiders), while most others hatch in the spring. These baby spiders will spin a "gossamer" thread that can carry them up to 10,000 feet, where they've been taken in samples from airplanes, and they can land on ships 200 miles out to sea. They've been known to travel hundreds or thousands of miles... which I didn't know was even possible. So here we have one possibility - you clearly wouldn't have to be around trees to get hit by one of these. There would probably be two times of the year where it should be most pronounced if this is what you're experiencing. LINK to the page where I found this: ( )

Another possibilty that you're walking into a spirit or other energy. I found a little page of Rachel Keene's ( ) that describes clairsentience, or the ability to sense emotions. In it she describes the cobwebby feelings, and says it's not uncommon at all. She also mentioned that spirit will remove any methods of contact that may be upsetting if they are asked to do so. Her comments are geared more toward understanding the differences in various abilities, in particular the ones associated with being a medium. Not sure how you feel about that, so I also looked into a third possibility.

I found one comment on a discussion board that said the person had been having spontaneous cobwebby material sprout from their head, hands, and every orifice of their body. This person was an energy healer and had been experiencing this for years. He said it was disturbing at first because he is deathly afraid of spiders, and then he more or less accepted it. I don't know if I could ever accept that or not!

And then there's ectoplasm. I don't even like the word, since it was used so much in the Ghostbusters movies and sounds made-up. Apparently it may be real though... I found this in and article on the "Untitled Paranormal Investigators" website ( ):

"Today's paranormal society is beginning to look more and more into ectoplasm
once again. Ectoplasm could be the one thing that is able to transfer from the
spirit realm to the physical world, or this strange and skeptical substance could
be purely of human creation, some of which we may not even know we are creating."

So while there may be several explanations for what you're walking into, it might actually take another one to figure out exactly what it is. Those baby spiders would be pretty hard to see, but there should be some trace of a thread left behind. If there's nothing at all, we need to rule out something else by looking at it further. Have you noticed if it's happening at a certain time of the day? Is there a situation nearby that you might need to pay particular attention to... maybe dark alleys, suspicious characters watching, etc? I've had my guides or someone get my attention by giving me sort of a "watch out!" feeling right before I find myself in a weird situation... maybe your guides are trying to get your attention! We can use the process of elimination to narrow it down more.

Have you had any further incidents of the cobwebby feelings since you posted on the thread? It seemed to be hitting you pretty regular, and I was just wondering if that had stopped or not. If everything else I've suggested doesn't fit your particular experiences, I'll hit up some other threads on ATS to see if anybody can provide more insight. Some folks on here might not think we paranormal posters are for real, but my experience so far is that on many threads we ARE taken seriously, and it seems to be a haven for opening up and sharing your experiences without fear of ridicule. We'll figure out what this is and try to get it stopped if you want.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

I've had this exact same experience and while I've read that this can be phantom touch, I still have my doubts. Mine occur on my hands and arms, and if I stop and engage them, they travel across my hands and arms and begin to feel less like cobwebs and more like very light electric strings being placed across my skin. It's pretty weird.

Interesting... another comment on one of the pages I looked at for agnes' cobwebby feelings said theirs had started as physical touches on their hands or arms and turned to more of an electrical jolt. They said they would much rather be touched than shocked! It's been years since I felt the cobwebby feelings that weren't actual physical spider webs, so I have no idea now if it was baby spiders or something spiritual. I do walk into real spider webs kind of often, but being in the south, it's hard to avoid them. They particularly like to spin straight across the path to my door at night, about mouth level...

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by nullfox3
Well, one night it came to a head. I woke up, could not move (sleep paralysis?), but was TOTALLY 100% awake and aware. As I lay there unable to move through my door came a figure that to my mind’s eye (best way to describe it) was wearing a long brown jacket and top hat but it was all black (if that makes sense). It came right up to the side of my bed and started talking to me in a very quiet but forceful way. “Uuuuullllll, ggguuuuuulllll, rrrrruuuuulllll” type of sounds, but no clear words I could make out. Violently I tried to move but could not. This went on for a good 15 seconds then the thing just backed out of my room and left. After that I slowly got my hands and feet back then the rest of my body.

Well, I checked out elemental spirits (earth spirits - air, fire, water, etc), gnomes, brownies, shadow people, and several others - they are not supposed to be very talkative, and most never speak at all. On the other hand, the beings encountered during typical sleep paralysis match perfectly - they're dark, usually wearing brown cloaks or hoods, and speak in a raspy voice. The question is - why? Why is it so common to see the exact same creatures from person to person if it's merely a sleep disorder? If it was our imaginations gone wild, wouldn't we imagine different things? I can't seem to find an answer on why the same things are seen by just about everyone. It's accepted by some of the medical profession that people "hallucinate" these beings during an episode of sleep paralysis, but they don't take the next step and find out WHY. They instantly write it off... yeah that happens to everybody... that's why there's no such thing as alien abductions, everybody "hallucinates" during sleep paralysis. WELL WHY??? As soon as they can connect the words "hallucinate," or "imagine" to a phenomena, they instantly write it off. It ticks me off... can you tell?

But anyway, I will continue looking into it... I don't like hitting brick walls. I like to look for holes in the wall or a way over or around it. I think more studies need to be done on sleep paralysis... SO MANY people have it regularly, and it's terrifying to many. Something else has got to be going on; there has to be answers somewhere, and there has to be a way to make it stop.

Hope you are having more peaceful sleep these days...

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by Scribe611

Thank you for your help Scribe! This occurrence is definitely something I will never forget... ever. What’s interesting is that after this happened, not straight away but gradually, my “awareness” of the unseen has been altered. Before I was never “scared” to be alone or of the dark. Now, I would not call it being scared, I am just more open and in tune with it. And it’s not just a singular fear of the unknown. It’s grown to an acceptance. The best way to describe it is, when I’m alone and become aware of a presence, my body/mind/spirit knows how to perceive and process it. To “alert” me or simply “notify” me… if that makes sense. I think a part of it is just my mind playing tricks on me as it tends to do. But I know there is another part. A part that is in concert with what the eye cannot see. I have respect for whatever the black figure was because after the initial terror there were no further occurrences and I guess you could say it woke me up to another side of life that is very real in my opinion. And very interesting! I love this site. If you come across any other information let me know.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:27 PM
About a week ago I came downstairs before my kids were up and I heard a teenage girl laugh in my front room.

I thought nothing of it, and didn't tell anyone as I forgot all about it, until my youngest said she heard a teenage girl laugh in the front room too about 6 hours later.
I then told her that I had heard a female too, but when I thought about it, I felt that although the laugh sounded young, there seemed to be an oldness to it too.

My elest has heard an old/young female voice out loud in our lobby saying 'Are you alright?' and then straight away 'Help'. This was in January this year.

I have my ideas.

We are all clairaudient BTW.
It didn't seem to be malevolent either.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Scribe611
To give you a tiny bit of background on myself, I've seen, heard, felt, been touched by, and sensed ghosts or spirits around me...

Some months ago, while i was alone in my kitchen, i started to hear someone breathing near me. It was around 11h30 pm and it lasted at least five minutes... Maybe 3 days later, at the same place, i started to hear the same deep breath again and suddenly i felt something passing through me and my body became very cold. Have you already experienced something similar? Some hours later, when i went to bed, i could indistinctly see parts of the room where i was in a blueish tint while my eyes were closed.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by AriesJedi
My elest has heard an old/young female voice out loud in our lobby saying 'Are you alright?' and then straight away 'Help'. This was in January this year.

I have my ideas.

We are all clairaudient BTW.
It didn't seem to be malevolent either.

Interesting - that's amazing that you all have that ability, and it's not just isolated to one person. Do you think this voice in the lobby is tied to something that happened in that building at some point? You said you have your ideas... you don't have to share anything if you don't want to, but it does make a curious mind wonder!

I've had several instances of hearing things here where I work; the one that stands out most is hearing a woman sobbing late one night several years ago. They had been remodeling offices and this one was gutted at the time, a big glass window in front of it. As I was leaving one night I heard fairly loud sobbing coming from that office area, and I went back to see if I could help whoever it was that was crying. No one was there - I realized what it was and just left. I didn't know how to help anybody at that point, and it may have been residual anyway.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by D1ss1dent

Originally posted by Scribe611
To give you a tiny bit of background on myself, I've seen, heard, felt, been touched by, and sensed ghosts or spirits around me...

Some months ago, while i was alone in my kitchen, i started to hear someone breathing near me. It was around 11h30 pm and it lasted at least five minutes... Maybe 3 days later, at the same place, i started to hear the same deep breath again and suddenly i felt something passing through me and my body became very cold. Have you already experienced something similar? Some hours later, when i went to bed, i could indistinctly see parts of the room where i was in a blueish tint while my eyes were closed.

Hi D1ss1dent - I can honestly say I've never felt anything move through me before. The closest I can come to that is being very unsteady on my feet after walking into a strong energy field. I did have a gust of strong wind hit me in the middle of our lobby where I worked once. It blew upward at my face, strong enough to blow a big section of hair (parted in the middle) from one side of the part to the other. No doors were open, no windows, no fans, no nothing; no one else was there. Found out later a guy fell three stories to his death in that same spot while painting ceilings a few decades ago.

About the cold feeling - I don't think I've felt that either. I usually feel more of a staticky buzz. Your experience sort of concerns me though, because you felt it move through you and then you were seeing things strangely blue afterward.It almost sounds like you may have been outside your body or something... have you ever been aware of having an out of body experience? The only time I've been aware of any was when I was little, and then I just dive bombed myself a few times and didn't go anywhere else. I don't have any other experiences to go on besides that one.

I did find a website about a similar experience - New Light Body and there are several posts on there which describe the feeling of being touched or having something reach into their back and "adjust meridians" as one poster said she was told. They describe seeing blue light around them, or blue orbs or sparks through the day... I'm going to do some more reading on there, but you might want to check that out as well. Maybe it's something positive? Some of the touching described on this page sounds disturbing, but so far I haven't found anything really scary...

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

I have 'heard' in my mind Mother Earth/Gaia and she sounded like the voice that we all heard. She sounds young but also old, even ancient and wise but still fun loving.

Definitely no ghosts here. Or negative entities, we can smell them, so we have to kick them out as they stink.

I have also heard the Akashic records, they sound like a kind of living computer.

I have also heard man-made EM subliminal messages in UK on the last voting day and I counteracted what they were telling the population.

I think I was born with clairaudience and have passed on that ability (or curse).

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by AriesJedi
reply to post by Scribe611

I have 'heard' in my mind Mother Earth/Gaia and she sounded like the voice that we all heard. She sounds young but also old, even ancient and wise but still fun loving.

Scribe611 - Sorry for the weird format of my reply - I'm still learning the ins and outs of ATS. That's the first time I ever heard of a real voice associated with Gaia! I don't think I've ever heard a voice in my head that sounds like what you're describing.

Definitely no ghosts here. Or negative entities, we can smell them, so we have to kick them out as they stink.

Scribe611 - I've heard of a sulphuric smell being a clue to evil entities... what about that smell being carried on the wind for a day or two at a time outside, and even being detectable inside for short periods? It smells like a freshly-struck match. Several people I know have noticed it over the past few months where I live and work.

I have also heard the Akashic records, they sound like a kind of living computer.

Scribe611 - Again, had no idea the Akashic records had a sound. I've never tried to access them, although I've seen meditations that are supposed to help you do that. I would love to go to the Edgar Cayce research facility in Virginia and lose myself for a couple of months!

I have also heard man-made EM subliminal messages in UK on the last voting day and I counteracted what they were telling the population.

Scribe611 - Now this one is disturbing... on so many levels. Maybe that's why they want to fly drones all over the place, or why they want "traffic cameras" at all the main intersections in many towns now. Put the carriers in place, then all they need to do is broadcast whatever media they want.

I think I was born with clairaudience and have passed on that ability (or curse).

Scribe611 - I'm not sure which it would be for most people, but so far I kind of like what little I've heard. I think it's like being able to tune in a specific frequency - once you have it - or learn it - maybe it can't be unlearned. Have you ever sensed entities by other means, like visual or physical sensations? You mentioned being able to smell evil entities, but I was wondering if there's been any experiences with some of the other senses. Just curious, since I seem to have been granted a tiny bit of ability in a bunch of areas and specializing in none so far!

edit on 1-10-2012 by Scribe611 because: typos, clarification

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Scribe611

I am new to the site and didn't know where else to post this. I don't know if anyone can help me with this but last night while I was sleeping something tapped me on my lower back. I could clearly feel and hear 3 taps. They were loud enough to wake my wife. I told her that the air somehow got under the covers and made the sound upon hitting my skin. Has anyone had this experience?

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by wuan75
reply to post by Scribe611

I am new to the site and didn't know where else to post this. I don't know if anyone can help me with this but last night while I was sleeping something tapped me on my lower back. I could clearly feel and hear 3 taps. They were loud enough to wake my wife. I told her that the air somehow got under the covers and made the sound upon hitting my skin. Has anyone had this experience?

Hi wuan75,

Thanks for posting on this thread. Sometimes I've experienced similar things to the things posted on here, and I can comment on them personally. However, this time I can't really say I've had this exact experience. I did have a brushing sensation along my feet once in a while during my twenties and thirties, but that went away. I first thought it was a mouse somehow getting in my bed, but we never found one or any evidence of one. After half a dozen times, I finally decided it must be something paranormal and sort of left it alone. At that time I wasn't into any of the spiritual stuff, so it remained a mystery for the most part. I just hoped it would eventually leave me alone, which it did.

I did some checking online and found another thread on this same situation - "What Keeps Tapping Me On THe Leg?" The OP mentions a recurring problem with tapping on his leg. A lot of comments were made suggesting it was just muscle twitches, but yours and his experiences did sound very similar in the fact you both heard them; in your case it was loud enough to wake your wife. I don't think muscle twitches can do that! There were a few comments aimed at getting the experiences to stop, which included praying that it leave, lighting candles and praying, and one suggested inviting the presence doing the tapping to sit down and pray WITH him... this was said to get rid of negative energies rather quickly!

With respect to any religious views you have, it certainly couldn't hurt to ask for assistance. If you are inclined to believe in spirit guides, you could ask them to help you get rid of this tapping. Asking any saints or archangels to help would also be a good idea. If you normally say a prayer at night, you could just tack it on at the end. Even if you've never directly addressed any angels or spirit guides, I can promise you from my own experiences that it does help.

The tapping doesn't seem to be harmful or threatening, but more of a curiosity I would say. Frightening maybe, but probably not dangerous. I did have what felt like my cat jump in bed with me one night and walk slowly towards my head. After a couple of seconds I realized my cat was not in the house with me, and I went nuts kicking covers off in the floor, thinking it was a huge rat or something. Never found anything at all. Scared me to death, but I'm not sure to this day what it really was.

The main thing is - if it's bothering you, it needs to stop. You could address it verbally, if your wife isn't too frightened of the idea of an unknown presence in your bedroom... or just say it mentally if you don't want to disturb her. A good firm LEAVE ME ALONE! or STOP TOUCHING ME! should suffice. You could tell it to never come back... a lot of times ghosts or spirits will leave you alone if they know they're upsetting you. Most of the time they just want to say hello, or get you to acknowledge them in some way, and they don't mean any harm. I heard some tapping on my ceiling one night after my dad passed away. I thought it was a wasp flying and hitting the ceiling, and when I turned the light on to kill it, there wasn't anything visible. I could trace the taps as they moved along the ceiling though, and they were fairly loud. By this time I knew a little more about the spiritual things, and so I guessed it was daddy saying hello. I said out loud, "Hello" and it stopped for a few seconds. One more loud tap, and I never heard it again... it (or he) just wanted me to know he was trying to reach me.

So while this tapping could be a way of reaching you from the other side, you can still tell them to stop, and it makes you uncomfortable. If they respect your wishes, they probably never meant any harm in the first place. If it continues, it may be time to get a little more aggressive in "asking" it to leave you alone. Please let me know if this helps, or if it keeps happening.

Best wishes!

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 07:08 PM
I did write a lengthy reply to your questions but as I pressed SEND, my PC suddenly logged off ATS and lost my reply.
Someone obviously doesn't want me posting on this thread.

When I get the time I will reply again.

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