I have been watching the debates over the last couple of weeks and I am not impressed to say the least. ( I had very high expectations you see
Besides the fact that the whole sharade appears weak and scripted, these two guys keep chiming on about the same endless points.
Anyone, absoloutely any person could have got up there and torn Bush into tiny little shreds. Let me elaborate...
G.W -
"Vote republican! We will keep you safe from those evil terrorist killers"
Joe Bloggs -
"*clears throat*...Safe? Over the last few years, putting aside the safety issue for a sec.. not only has this administration put Islamic
fundamentalism on the rise by invading Muslim countries, it has sacrificed American lives for more than questionable causes, tortured prisoners of
war, held innocent people for years without trial and continued to ignore global warming issues.
This President and vice President claim that the Republican way is the only way to stop
your kids are being killed by Islamic terrorists. Yet
it was under this administration that the most devistating and preventable terror attack occured in America's history. Since then (following the
invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq) terror attacks on "soft" targets have increased. Bali, spain, Saudi Arabia, Istanbul, Turkey, Indonesia....I could
go on. All these attacks are a direct implication of the foriegn policy that this deceptive government has chosen to go through with.
These events, along with the numerous executions of innocent men, have started happening since this administraion made the descisions is did. The
world is safer thanks to them? Tell that the Johnson and Berg families. Explain to those who have lost loved ones in Iraq what they have faught for.
Explain to the the Iraqi people why their country is now in ruins.
I also ask the president which connections his administration has the oil and arms industry followed by those who have recieved contracts in Iraq. I
also ask the president to explain his corporate donors, and how (like the millions Exxon mobil gave) donations have effected policy like the Keyoto
treaty. And while you are at it, tell us how many skull and bonesman are in your team.
And in return for all this what do the people get? Restrictions on civil liberites, policy which goes against the American constitution. So you can
say that America is less safe and less free. And the war on terro has creatd a climate of fear and an increase of racism and zenephobia. "
At this point Bush would probably be in tears.
Kerry has passed through on top because anybody with a decent brain could out speak Bush. Yet really these debates mean nothing. Kerry missed his
chance to anything and I think Bush will win. I know in the long run that the difference may not be so large if Kerry got in. But please,
please before you vote take a good look at all the S*it that these people have gotten America into, and ask yourselves why a record number of
people around the world are hating the United States. Why would so many people hate a leader of Freedom. Ask yourself that.
Vote Green or somethin!