Originally posted by Jebbaroo
reply to post by bobs_uruncle
And there are the people, the voting people, saying "Liberals are nice. I should vote for them."
And now you know the motive for my thread. Those Ontario Liberals are lying from 6 ways to Sunday. if you want to hear about it, believe me,I'll tell
No established mainstream party in the colony of Canada (or any colony or country) is trustworthy, responsible or accountable, that's a given. I have
dealt with politicians in the past, as far as I am concerned, they're all scumbags. If Harper, Obama or any of them showed up my door tomorrow, I'd
tell them to their face what an ass they are and why and I would have a lot of questions they would not want to answer. I don't care if the IMF
threatened them or it's just their greed and avarice. Wrong is wrong.
You want to see change, most of us do. You want to be able to collectively bargain to make a better life for yourself but what are you willing to give
or give up to make life better for everyone else in Canada? Government is supposed to be about social responsibility and accountability, eg. the
greater good, not a single union or corporation or a group of people or political greed, power, graft and lobbying. It's about everyone and I realize
the present government is doing a piss-poor job, but what you advocate is feeding the beast by acknowledging the rules of the system.
Think civil disobedience as a collective, work against the system by doing the right thing. In my humble opinion, the best thing you and your
collective can do is offer to teach kids about the system. Teach them to think critically. Teach them about money, what it is and what it isn't and
how the IMF works to extort countries. Teach them about the law and how we are chattel to governments and how governments borrow money based on
populations. Teach them about the social contract that none of us ever signed at birth and that was never explained to 99% of the population and how
it is skewed in favour of governments to enslave populations. Teach them the truth in addition to the horsesh** government's want you to teach that
simply trains kids to operate well within a corrupt and fraudulent "system." At least that way the kids can make their own decisions because there is
no virtue in being sane in an insane and corrupt world.
Would you sacrifice educating the kids in your school to make a better life for your union collective? Can you do that and not feel any guilt knowing
you are hurting people? Because if you can do that, if you can hurt other people for your own benefit, there's really not much to talk about. It
really just means you want what you can get out of the system regardless of the damage it might cause, which is a mercenary attitude. Believe me when
I say that generally speaking, people who draw a line in the sand soon forget where that line was drawn. I made my line in the sand 22 years ago and I
have never turned back on my decisions or sold out for any reason.
Governments literally forever via their handlers, have turned us into totally competitve animals, where we strive for money or power or both, where
people are willing to step on the necks of others to get what they want. How can you expect governments to behave ethically and morally when your
union advocates the opposite and is setting the wrong example. The extra money that comes through from the government due to collective bargaining may
help your life a little, you can buy more things, but it will also equally make other people's lives worse. There is a finite resourse level in this
country at any given time, if you take "money" from one place to benefit one person or group, it is to another person or group's detriment.
I realize that governments will not change and follow the right example because they are being extorted by the IMF and UN, your union doing the right
thing will not make the government do the right thing, so now everyone uses extortion to get what they want. A husband might say give me sex or I'll
leave, a woman might say give me things or I'll leave, a union could say give us more money or we'll go on strike, a church tells you to do what they
say or you'll go to hell, a government tells another country sell us your resources cheap or we'll bomb your country, the IMF will always say give us
our interest or we'll destroy you economically. It's all extortion ;-) and extortion isn't right, it is a bullying tactic, you know that thing we are
all supposed to be against, bullying, that thing on ads on TV and radio and newspapers and the internet constantly. If it isn't right for a kid in
school, it isn't right for a government or anything in between. One rule fits all.
You really have to decide whether you want nationwide change or personal change, they are quite different.
Cheers - Dave
edit on 9/7.2012 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)