Since getting a feeling of anticipation and an urge to find out why, I've been on a journey! I've been through doomsday, 2012, NWO, allsorts of "crap"
though the oliympics thing did get me on the edge of my seat. Lol.
The three days of darkness thing has had an air of truth to it with me because I'm seeing it as a possibility in some of the other theorys I've looked
into. Leading me to think they could all be the same thing from a different perspective.
When I first heard of this three days of darkness it was very simple and biblical in nature, the earth shall be consumed by darkness for three days.
Now, this can be interpreted in many different ways energetically so what this actually means is anyones guess... Or choice maybe. But since I first
heard of this a couple of years ago now, it's seems to pop up in every theory I hear about 2012 as a possibility this could happen, scientifically and
in prophesey and metaphorically.
I can't give any of this as fact or truth as one has to do with proof and the other, belief. I can point you in the direction of a couple of sources
for proof, so you can have the fact, but weather you take is as truth will depend on what you are prepared to believe, fact.
So the world is to be consumed in darkness for three days.... What could cause this? Volcanic eruption could black the skies out, niburu could blot
out the sun as it passes, the super wave is a cosmic energy cloud on its way to us at the speed of light, if dence enough this cloud as it passes
could drag the light away from us or block it. And the holographic universe could reset and have to shut down to update itself now we have come to the
end of this perticular learning curve.
No fear is needed in of these theories as some fearmerchants propose. Fear only comes from not knowing we are eternal and thinking we are powerless.
Any one of these events would cause undeniable change to this planet and the change would ripple across its surface with increasing force. Economic
spiritual and politicle change would follow. Perhaps in some cases and certain events I mention here, DNA changes, spontaneous evolution, and profound
"special" abilities we don't yet have, also tiring in the theory of ascension. The reason many are expecting this change could be a natural instinct
kicking in, so this could suggest the change is of a natural origin.
For some, the aticipation of what is about to happen has been a natural, pleasant process, uplifting and uphoric for those spiritualy receptive. So
now let's look at some of these theory's from a Devine, benevolent perspective. It's not all doom and gloom, this is duality after all.
Niburu! A planet that sweeps into our solar system every 3600 yrs or so. The annunaki are said to come from niburu too. Those that came down from
heaven. Niburu means crossing point, so bridge? Maybe not a planet but something else? A portal or gateway for souls to connect to bodies perhaps?
Waking people and connecting them to the higher consiousness level, ready for the shift to the 5th dimension. This could be connected to new earth
theory and the super wave theory below.
The super wave! Our black hole is sopossed to emanate energy in a pulse, this pulse creates the harmonics of this galaxy, the formation of matter,
gravity, and the direction of collective conciousness. (search cymatics to see how this works) everything is constantly in a state of change why would
reality be any different? This change is the Devine plan for beings to move closer to perfection, when ready. Some think if you are of the right
frequencey this wave or cloud will pick you up and carry you away, this could be interpreted many ways. Will it cleanse the earth of evil? Will it
sweep the righteous, loving caring away to a "more suitable" place? I see the rapture and the new earth theory in here, (to see proof of how this is
possible watch a human embryo split very carefully. The point where you see the centre of the cell dissapear before the split and then reapear after
could be the three days.) Dr paul violette has done extensive research on the super wave theory and sees peeks in this activity from samples taken
that this happens every 26000 yrs or so matching the count on the Mayan calendar.
The holographic reset! If our universe is fractal and scientists are right about the underlying code they may have found hidden in the constructs of
reality, maybe, just maybe we are not sopposed to surpass nature, or technology is not sopposed to surpass nature so at that point... At the
singularity... When computer technology is about to pass our abilities, nature kicks in, we get updated and the technology is again playing catch up.
The three days would be the time the hologram is rebooted.
So that's my positive take on three doomsday scinarios. Could all these be a mataphor for the same thing?Ascension.
edit on 7-9-2012 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)
Hopefully all three theories are true and they inhibit one another and everything keeps on spinning as usual.
I apologize for the not so philosophical answer, but the three theories you have brought to us are so beyond our comprehension that i just dont bother
with it.
Regardless, thanks for the info, I find having ourselves reset the least objectionable option if my opinion counts
The massive one in the middle of the universe, or the one our SOL goes around?
Plenty of proof and it has already been causing problems.
I propose that the first dakness event will not be three days, it will stop all electrical systems working and all RFIDs so that the implanted people
won't be killed as soon as the slave owners realise the slaves are going upwards.
Solar winds stop hitting the earth and are diverted and the moon turns red, as the light/particle waves from the SOL are sucked in. Nothing stops
Due to the photons being diverted, many satellites come down and other small, low orbit ships will fall to the earth.
BUt in that midnight hour a snatching away will occur.
The Timeline will also change and the maps will change but only people who remember timelines will know that. Gypsies and RH neg possibly. People will
call them mad.
I have always thought that the three days of darkness is just the day when we (the sol system) passes through the galactic disk. We do not just rotate
around the galactic core. Since we are from a different galaxy and was acquired by the milky way one we ungulate up and down from the galactic core in
a sine wave pattern. The next time we go through the actual disk will be, you guessed it, Dec 2012. Care to guess the exact date? Yes the Mayans
and many more had it down to the correct day. When we pass though the disk we will be straight out for the dark rift. this massive amounts of dust
will not allow as much light in during the nights of the day before, day of, and day after. I do not think it will affect the day time they way that
you think it will but rather the night skies will have a whole lot less that you can see. (darkness at dark times). This would not be a problem as
such but rather a marker in time that anyone can know. So instead of saying day 1000 of year 5987 of the x calendar system you could say the three
days of darkness that would isolate the date in any calendar system.
I may (or may not) wish to comment further later, but I'll add a speculative one:
3 Days darkness is the "stopping" period when time will "rubber band."
Since the big bang we have been expanding. Space and time are interwoven. Time is speeding up. Days will seem shorter and shorter as the year goes on
(don't they already?)
This culminates in "3 days of darkness" which is similar to your "reset" period above, before time "snaps back" in the other direction (assuming
it does.)
What if the three days darkness was absolute? I mean, what if this describes everyone being STRUCK BLIND.
How horrible and chaotic would that be? How many people do you think would survive that? Go insane from fear and panic, maybe injure themselves?
Sorry, I've been known to pen a bit of fiction, and I've got a vivid (oft paranoid) imagination.
Here's a very plausible three days of darkness for you.
X-10 class solar flare detected headed directly for earth. To protect the power grid, they announce a controlled shut down that will last... guessed it... three days. The flare passes, and the grid is powered back up. Infrastructure is saved, no damage to the grid, and everyone is
without power for only three days.
We still aren't supposed to reach the peak of the solar maximum until December. It could happen.
Of course I particularly like the idea of Nibiru swinging out from behind the sun and diving between the sun and us causing a three day eclipse. That
would be cool to see.
Your rubber and time line. I've heard some say we are already going back, some think we are at the time of Christ now, hence the return, or Christ
Originally posted by iwilliam
I had an additional terrible thought earlier.
What if the three days darkness was absolute? I mean, what if this describes everyone being STRUCK BLIND.
How horrible and chaotic would that be? How many people do you think would survive that? Go insane from fear and panic, maybe injure themselves?
Sorry, I've been known to pen a bit of fiction, and I've got a vivid (oft paranoid) imagination.
Maybe the world will be consumed by dark evil demon spirits, having the same effects you say above.
It can be interpreted many ways, depending what different info you have come across, which you can relate to this perticular scinario. Maybe we could
loose all gravity and our atoms could fly apart extinguishing all solidity, leaving us in pure consiousness, at this point manifesting would bacome
natural. So.... No dark thoughts.
one cause of the 3DOD is the supposed recent entry of our solar system into the "fluff" i believe it's called
a very large cloud of interstellar helium, which upon reaching a certain level of density, will cause the sun to gutter and blow out like a candle.
this in turn will be followed by the collapse of the earths magnetosphere exposing life on earth to cosmic radiation, the radiation still coming from
the sun [which is why one should not go out during "daylight" hours], and the "star-demons" see below.
The Star-Demons
according to the Aztec's view:
image borrowed from The_Invisibles_Vol.1_13 Copyright 1995 by Grant Morrison and DC Comics
the moral authority of the Copyright holders has been asserted
now i have a hypothesis regarding these Tzitzimime or star demons
they are very similar to the Igigi of Sumerian myth* in that they are lying in wait for the Barriers to come down,
to pounce upon the world
. [ *best known from their exposition in the Simon version of the Necronomicon]
now here's my hypothesis:
pretty much universally, the ancients believed that sickness and disease were caused by
invisible spirits
nowadays, since the days of Pasteur, we believe that sickness and disease are caused by
Microbes, microscopic [or invisible] lifeforms [spirits]
in other words only the names have changed
these demons, and the xtian versions of the 3DOD refer to them maybe
what for lack of a better term are Space-Germs
similar to the parasitic fungi that take over ants and other creatures brains
i mean what makes you think sealing windows and doors, as is advised, will keep out what we nowadays think of when we hear the word demon?
edit on 8-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by iwilliam
I had an additional terrible thought earlier.
What if the three days darkness was absolute? I mean, what if this describes everyone being STRUCK BLIND.
How horrible and chaotic would that be? How many people do you think would survive that? Go insane from fear and panic, maybe injure themselves?
Sorry, I've been known to pen a bit of fiction, and I've got a vivid (oft paranoid) imagination.
Maybe the world will be consumed by dark evil demon spirits, having the same effects you say above.
It can be interpreted many ways, depending what different info you have come across, which you can relate to this perticular scinario. Maybe we could
loose all gravity and our atoms could fly apart extinguishing all solidity, leaving us in pure consiousness, at this point manifesting would bacome
natural. So.... No dark thoughts.
I've had the atoms-flying-apart idea before, myself.
I've experienced something similar, but it was "felt" in a state of...shall we say... shifted consciousness....
after researching Sumerian text ive come to the conclusion, that all conspiracies from the Illuminati, to 2012, to chem trials, to the crusades,
Columbus, and America, and the antichrist are all connected.its truly bizarre.from the Sumerians to the Arcadian's to the Babylonians to the Hebrews
to the Egyptians to the Greek to the Romans to Christians to the Aztec Mayans and Hopi its all the same story with the same guy with the beard and
book and staff,is in every religion very strange.
Yeah I'm finding that too, I'm wondering though, if they are the same thing/event from different perspectives. They all seem to have the same basic
story line like many, many movies. Different characters and events, but energetically all following the same b line. From all angles.
NO not a volcanic eruption but a cosmic event that I started ot get a hint from when I read 'Doomsday just ahead'. I got from a book sale for a £1
-best £1 I ever spent.
Our SOL system has a barocentre that our Sun actually goes through- do you know what this means? It means our Sun IS NOT the centre of our solar
SO something else has to be.
This proposes a stellar mass black hole is the centre of our solar system.
In fact there have been two accounted days of darkness already, I will find out the dates and come back to you.
Time and space are interconnected so time will be affected by this balck hole (and it already has-I made a thread about it in Sudden destruction.)
In Philadelphia expt it was found that Gypsies have a 'time memory'. I have that ability (NOT a gift- a curse.) I suspect RHneg too.
You don't need Nibiru to have this 3 day dakness event happen, the means are already here, NIbiru is just the SIGN. All planet alignments are just a
SIGN that's all. BUt still a SIGN is important to note, they were put there for us to observe.
Originally posted by iwilliam
I had an additional terrible thought earlier.
What if the three days darkness was absolute? I mean, what if this describes everyone being STRUCK BLIND.
How horrible and chaotic would that be? How many people do you think would survive that? Go insane from fear and panic, maybe injure themselves?
Sorry, I've been known to pen a bit of fiction, and I've got a vivid (oft paranoid) imagination.
Have you read the book or seen the movie Blindness? What you describe is similar, but a few are left with sight. It turns out maybe it would v=be
better to be blind in such a time.
Synopsis: When a sudden plague of blindness devastates a city, a small group of the afflicted band together to triumphantly overcome the horrific
conditions of their imposed quarantine. .
Pretty cool flick, raises some interesting emotions for sure.
That's a interesting theory. I've heard that our sun could have a binary star? Could it be a black hole? It would make sense and fit with the
fractal universe, as each part of the whole would be a smaller version of the whole.
That film does look thought provoking, I bet the underlying plot has a deep metaphoricle meaning, I couldn't quite get it from that short preview but
metaphorically I recon it has something to do with the third eye.