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Give Obama a Break! He Isn't All That Bad.

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1
Obama has Polarized this Country.

Fox news, Glenn Beck and Dick Army have polarized conservatives.

Conservative treatment and distain towards Obama has polarized liberals.

You guys were gunning for him before he was even elected

ALL of this that you guys rant about is a continuation of this, same in tone
and substance too

This might as well be today - the psycho anti Obama ATS squad four years ago

edit on 8-9-2012 by thepresident because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:08 AM
I can't understand how some people can be either so democrat or so republican. We are just voting for the president, they are just politicians. They rarely do much for the working guy except for raising the price of every service they provide. They cut income tax and raise the cost of everything else. They think people are stupid and can't see that. Give a tax break, mostly to the rich, and the national debt grows. They think we are blind, I think they are blind to think they wouldn't get caught on this stupid deceit. Strip them of their wealth and cast them in the streets.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:15 AM
Can you name one thing that Obama has done good for the country or a single person within it? Baked a loaf of bread, constructed a bridge, performed a surgery? One day you will wake up in a country where everyone will be a lawyer, a speechgiver or manager and there will be noone left to do real jobs. Then you will bite the bullet, what it means to have a real job, a job that brings tangible, measurable result to society. Keep voting for moutpieces...

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I have one thing to say. Take it on the chin and move on

LOL Are you serious? Let's just let every ruler in the world say that and let's see what happens....any takers? Yeah I didn't think so. Oh and for your title Obama isn't all that bad....well he isn't all that good either. So what's your point?

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Eh, I disagree with pretty much everything you've said. Romney or Obama, doesn't matter, we're still going to war. The corporate military industrial machine needs consumers & war. That's why Ron Paul was shunned & blacked out, he doesn't support the machine, in fact he wanted to destroy it.
edit on 8-9-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital

With this, i ask of you. Would you really want a warmongering psychopath who is Romney over Obama? If Romney wins, i have no doubt that we'd go to war, i have no doubt that your country will get driven further underground. Romney is not the USA's messiah. He is not the only way out.

What makes you think Romney is a "warmongering psychopath" Was it his years as a governor? In a state that also elected "THE democrat" Kenney for like 200 years as their senator? Was it his bipartisan Romneycare that he saw as a good thing for his state?

PLEASE tell me what makes him you say?

Let's talk religion for a second....

Romney is a Mormon, right? Mormons believes America is the chosen country, Mormons are pretty close to the most patriotic group of people you will ever meet because of this. America and the constitution are extremely special for them. I might think some of their beliefs are kooky, but it is hard to debate their devotion to America....

Obama is an apologist... to say it lightly. Obama sat in Wright's pews for 20 years listening at many times to hateful speak, if not that than very radical speech, BUT in your "outsider" perspective you go with Romney as a "warmongering psychopath".

Obama has approved around 300 drone attacks... bush (the war monger) less than 50.... Congress has push legislation to counter Obama's "kill list" for Americans on the list.... I could go on and on..

Can you explain Ronmy's ""warmongering psychopath" ways? mister outsider....

edit on 8-9-2012 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Advancedboy
Can you name one thing that Obama has done good for the country or a single person within it? Baked a loaf of bread, constructed a bridge, performed a surgery? One day you will wake up in a country where everyone will be a lawyer, a speechgiver or manager and there will be noone left to do real jobs. Then you will bite the bullet, what it means to have a real job, a job that brings tangible, measurable result to society. Keep voting for moutpieces...

Dude you are so will wake up in a country where everyone works for the government....wait that is what it is like in Greece.... Well it works well there......

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:00 AM
I think anyone who's educated in politics understands how terrible Obama is and that another term with him and S will HTF. But the destruction of the economy, waging senseless wars, and creating a totalitarian government is not the biggest problem, it's the American people's mindset. The only reason why Romney won so far is because they were persuaded that others weren't going to win. So instead of voting for who they wanted to vote for, they vote for Romney. The same instance will happen when you compare Obama and Romney, the majority of Americans will vote Romney because he isn't Obama and their mindset is that a vote that isn't for Romney is a vote for Obama.

If America keeps thinking this way, there will never be change for the better, and the government will not be civil servants but we'll be taking their place if they get any bigger. It's not a matter of who's the better turd of the bunch, it's who should really win, and everyone should vote for who they want to vote for. Because on how the system is setup, the elections are rigged.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:05 AM
Obama is doing the same he did in 2008.

Only a bit more realistical and less promises

But it aint gonna change much.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by rambo1112
Obama is doing the same he did in 2008.

God, lets hope not!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:19 AM
Obama may have flaws, but Romney is a dangerous warmonger with affinity to American religious fundamentalists and radical zionists. Do you really want him as head of the most powerful nation on this planet? This is a choice between bad and worse (as always, due to American voting system). Do NOT choose worse.

Obama 2012!

edit on 8/9/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 03:44 AM
It would be very difficult to be wOrse than Obama.

Originally posted by Maslo
Obama may have flaws, but Romney is a dangerous warmonger with affinity to American religious fundamentalists and radical zionists. Do you really want him as head of the most powerful nation on this planet? This is a choice between bad and worse (as always, due to American voting system). Do NOT choose worse.

Obama 2012!

edit on 8/9/12 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
Obama may have flaws, but Romney is a dangerous warmonger with affinity to American religious fundamentalists and radical zionists.

Obama is a war monger who not only bombs innocent people with drones, but kills American citizens without due process. HE also has an affinity for racist churches and racial division using the media. Not to mention Obama has no idea what he's doing and is making the economy worse. No, the better worse choice is Romney. I'll hold my nose, but he's the better choice.
edit on 8-9-2012 by PvtHudson because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Give him a break? You'll never see it here on ATS. There isn't a day that goes by without someone writing a negative thread about the guy.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by daaskapital

Give him a break? You'll never see it here on ATS. There isn't a day that goes by without someone writing a negative thread about the guy.

Awwwww and ATS has been so nice to Republicans and Bush...

There is still a ridiculous section of this forum dedicated to accusing Bush of being behind 9/11 for # sake.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Guess you haven't read this communist health program I just love the part where the government Is allowed to control your bank account. Are you retarded ?

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:19 AM




posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:26 AM
Someone on this page said something about if 'anyone educated in politics.' I'm not taking that as someone with a degree in political science but just someone self-motivated to inform themselves with a basic knowledge of how politics works...and I don't mean the usual assumptions of the average conspiracy theorist.

I wonder how many here can step up and say this applies to themselves...and then be able to somehow support that claim?

I know there are a few and they wouldn't have to declare themselves to me because I know already, more or less...

But I said a FEW.

How many reading this thread right now can honestly say they actually go to the sources and read the actual bills...the laws...the proceedings...the minutes of meetings...the policies...the executive orders?

Unless you actually inform yourself...and I don't mean listening to pundits of any kind or even finding information second hand...there is no reason NOT to go to the .gov sources for this information because it is NEVER inclusive of opinion when it comes to facts and figures and the best way to see what goes on in get a clear view on who it is exactly that throws wrenches in the good plans and wastes resources supporting foolish and self-serving plans is by simply reading about what goes on...who says what and all that kind of thing.

I don't see much of that kind of being informed around here and especially the rabid Obama haters are so poorly informed it is almost unbearable. And there is an appalling degree of ignorance, too, in these discussions, in regard to the way that our government operates and is legally organized...something that has not changed as far as essential form and function since it was all set up more than 200 years ago!

There is so much blame on Obama as if he should be able to wave his hand and have things done exactly as he specifics...but if that were true, then it would be terrible in the other extreme that seems to be the other tone of ignorance that the Pres has unlimited power and at any time could turn into a Qhadafi and we'd have no recourse whatsoever but to acquiesce in an orderly fashion as we go, single file, into neatly organized rows of tents in FEMA camps.

Either you can let your President have unlimited power and live in fear of the actual possibility of despotism...or you can be patient and understand that the President does NOT have unlimited power and therefore no ability to demand instant results solely of his design at the drop of a hat.

And the biggest obstacle that our country is facing is by extension the obstacle(s) that Obama has been contending with for four years already and is willing to go another four years of enduring for the sake of a bunch of ingrates who don't even have the common courtesy to give their President the benefit of the doubt for even a minute or two....namely the opposition in congress which is not exclusively GOP...and seems worse than it has been in the past for some reason...

And all the Obama haters are buying right into the propaganda of the obstructionists as amplified in various intensities by the various preferred media sources...none of whom should be trusted for accuracy just by default without checking...these days something like 80% of the news we get from 'reporters' is nothing they found out or investigated but have received already written by some unnamed AP writer with no true way to know how reliable or accurate it is...unless they check it out the old fashioned way....I'm sure some do because there is some accurate stuff that slips through...but I bet they are kept pretty busy and distracted so that they cannot.

When Bush was president, all that could be heard around ATS was 'impeach him impeach him.' I had been wondering why don't we hear that about Obama...until the other day, it dawned on me...Democrats seem to be the ones that want to go the impeachment route for a GOP POTUS but when the situation is reversed, there is a lot of irrational hating and (mostly) ridiculous rumors constantly repeated until they become accepted as 'fact' even by people that once knew better.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 09:31 AM
I know what you mean. I'm an informed voter. Romney has the edge with "AURA."
reply to post by queenannie38

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:06 AM
It's plain and simple here really, if you vote for Romney you are voting for war with Iran.
By not voting your choosing to stick your heads in the sand and ignore the bigger picture, your all waffling on with hypocracy after hypocracy its making me sick.

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