posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by bsalert
Here is another idea for you (and this is what I do).... setup your "MyATS" page to show only the forums you are most interested in. From looking
over your profile and where you seem to be posting the most in that would be: Aliens & UFOs, Space Exploration, Fragile Earth and a small smathering
in other forums but those 3 seem to be where you post the most in. If you don't know how to do that, all you have to do is go to the specific forum
and subscribe to it as you would with a thread. Then when you visit your "MyATS" page, under the subscribed forum heading it will show the last 5
threads to be posted in that forum but you can also click on the forum heading to see all of the threads posted in that particular forum.
So, then you would sign into ATS, perhaps give a quick once over on the new topics page or firehose and then head on over to your "MyATS" page to dig
into the forums that hold the most interest for you. This is what I do in order to avoid the topics/forums that hold no interest for me.
Before I possibly get an answer like you gave to OneIsOne which was "But why should I have to"... consider that ATS is an international site, yes, but
the majority of the members are in the US so naturally what is going on in the US is going to garner the most attention and threads. If politics is
not your bag and it's honestly bothering you to the extent that you hint at... you do have options you know. Vote with your dollar, if you don't like
it then move along. ATS is not the only conspiracy based forum on the web.
ETA: Sorry BH, we seem to have cross posted!!!
edit on 7-9-2012 by MyMindIsMyOwn because: (no reason given)