posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 07:12 PM
More and more signs are pointing towards something big coming. Economics, religion, scarce resources, global warming, natural disasters....... Take
your pick.
The likelihood of such global devastation is a debate for another thread. Possible destinations for city dwellers like myself have also been
However, the one option that interests me still hasn't been mentioned.
I live in the middle of one of the UK's largest cities. In the event of a global or national catastrophe, I fully intend not to be here. In fact, I
intend not to be in the UK at all. The UK is an obvious target to terrorists and any potential collapsed states.
So what options does a UK citizen have? I cannot simply get up and move to Alaska to live off the land, for legal reasons to do with visas, work
permits, etc. For similar reasons, I cannot move location to Australia, South America, etc......
So let me ask you this? Where can someone in my position go? What countries around the world don't limit or monitor immigration? Is there anywhere I
could literally just go and live in, totally unimpeded. I don't like the way the UK is headed, and my instinct is screaming at me to get out.