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Signs That We Have Seriously Messed Up The Next Generation Of Americans

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posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by MAC269

Greed is only one of seven deadly sins don't you know. There are many things that have plagued the human condition and they all dont come down to greed dont you know.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 03:55 AM
You know what? There is not a single thing on that list that can't be fixed by simple philosophical change.

A simple admission that we acquired wealth as a nation without the proper coping mechanisms, it's not unlike how as a fact roughly 50% of lottery winners end up dead or in jail or bankrupt in a very short period of time.

We developed bad habits, that's all

Some very simple changes

1: We gave up our cultural diets, we need to embrace them, we replaced Tea with Coffee (speed), Or coke, Butter became margarine a molecule away from plastic... I can go on all day

Take diet seriously, many of our problems go away

2: PHILOSOPHY not PSYCHOLOGY... aside from being chemically imbalanced the other big issue is MENTAL.

Even looking at this list, okay 40 items, it seems like 1/4 of them are abuse... I'm sorry but no one is even allowed to hurt someone else's feelings in this world of modern psychology no matter how ell deserved, "domestic violence" is throwing a phone or yelling, the media hypes it up whenever some ghetto rat puts a kid in the microwave Lol, but in reality 80% or more of cases no one actually got hurt.

Then we have Sex, teenage sex, porn, pregnancy another 25% of this list... Uhrm.... we also have an Army of head shrinks walking around telling us we aren't alive if we aren't having awesome sex all the time, we teach masturbation, Orgasms are talk show fodder, I'm sorry but no one but the psychologists decided we needed to all have orgasms every day to be happy. I'm completely non religious but I don't need God to tell me walking around focusing a lot of my life on an "ANIMAL" instinct is bad path, that i'll definitely be divorced, that it's likely impossible to fulfill anyway

and the last huge grouping is education.... and well do I even have to say that Eating right and not being fixated on sex would fix that?

This IDEA put on... NO, INFLICTED on us that we have to be fulfilled of our desires is a mental illness in itself utterly insane. Not realistic, and baseless... okay I get that in a world where we are mostly post religion because we can see most Monotheism is about as useful as Zues was there is a gap, but to replace it with garbage culture is just pathetic. that's why I said Philosophy... I myself fancy Buddhism

It's Just diet...we have none... and philosophy, Modern psych is disgusting all SELF, it's repugnant.

If you can't stomach eating right and being better than a self indulgent beast without a fictional deity to threaten you and your going to turn to Dr Phil and Wendys your Doomed... you HAVE to replace those 2 things with something better, we might not need to pretend some omnipotent pain in the butt is going to doom us for gluttony and vice but you need something to guide you because without that guide your just an ape.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by all2human
Ya i'd say there's a few issues..

add a cliff and you've got lemmings.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by FailedProphet

I agree that many of today's youth are ignorant of certain things that we consider basic knowledge.

I don't really want to defend them. But, as technology improves, certain knowledge becomes useless information and therefore considered outdated and obsolete.

According to one survey, 50 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 cannot find the state of New York on a blank map.

The above is an example of useless information when it comes to today's real life situations.

This question, in my opinion, actually shows the ignorance of the person giving this survey.

First, there aren't many unlabeled maps out in the real world. Next, every major freeway has hundreds of signs if you need to find New York state. Third, cell phones come with GPS and google maps nowadays. Last, what purpose does knowing this little bit of American geography serve and how does it help a person?

Answer, it serves no purpose and doesn't help in any way.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by MagicWand67
reply to post by FailedProphet

I agree that many of today's youth are ignorant of certain things that we consider basic knowledge.

I don't really want to defend them. But, as technology improves, certain knowledge becomes useless information and therefore considered outdated and obsolete.

According to one survey, 50 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 cannot find the state of New York on a blank map.

The above is an example of useless information when it comes to today's real life situations.

This question, in my opinion, actually shows the ignorance of the person giving this survey.

First, there aren't many unlabeled maps out in the real world. Next, every major freeway has hundreds of signs if you need to find New York state. Third, cell phones come with GPS and google maps nowadays. Last, what purpose does knowing this little bit of American geography serve and how does it help a person?

Answer, it serves no purpose and doesn't help in any way.

You know what? that's True, but we are still a lot of us stupider than heck... It does serve a purpose, a cohesive world view.

The schools are inundated with socialization nonsense from condoms to drug education, speakers on bullying

I have this much to say, this again goes back to my thoughts on Psychologists....

FEAR was a fine method, get in your seats, sit your butt down, learn science, you stop to do drugs, screw around with sex or picking on kids with your free time now non existent anyway we will tar your hide

There's your social education put the 3 hrs away, you screw around you can walk up and down the steps for 3 hrs carrying text books

I'm not literally talking about bringing back the paddle per say just cutting this "guidance counselor" crud out and ged's... Truant officers, actual punishment... not suspensions lol, yay free xbox for a week... NO

You can't drop out, you can't be on the street, you screw around your peeling potatoes with the lunch lady all afternoon, you can save an hr for condom demonstrations when kids aren't roaming the streets to have sex

It's plenty...done right, school All day, x amount of homework Curfew by 9:00 good luck getting high before College, dropping out and getting knocked up

How ridiculous is it that there are even gangs? Curfew + school equals the end of that nonsense, cut out all the social education and kids learn science, make it fun, Teach, it doesn't have to be miserable but kids should always be SUPERVISED

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:30 AM
I've never understood why it's important find New York state on a blank map

Geography and some other things in school have no real bearing on our adult life. It's just useless trivia. Maybe interesting to some people, but overall it's useless.

What would be more useful is reading, writing and arithmetic so that people can get a job and higher education and a better living.

Science, maybe, but science mostly useless, depending upon the job a person wants to do.

Some sciences are good for society though, such as medical science.

Archeological science, well, what good does that really do?

Geography I can see some application for it. Rocks and minerals in our soil affects our agriculture for one example.

But other than that, much of what they teach us is useless trivia stuff that really has no real bearing on an adult life.

If you think I'm kidding, watch the show "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" and you'll see that adults always lose the knowledge that they don't use on a regular basis because of how useless it truly is.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by FailedProphet

I have a few issues with this...

1.) The main pic. Have any of those kids considered actually walking into the joint and filling out a job application there?

Approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are living in homes that are either considered to be either "low income" or impoverished.

It is being projected that approximately 50 percent of all U.S. children will be on food stamps at some point in their lives before they reach the age of 18.

It is estimated that child homelessness in the United States has risen by 33 percent since 2007.

One out of every four teen girls in the United States now has an STD.

One survey found that one out of every five teen girls actually wants to be a teen mom.

2.) The US has a problem of families who are in or below the poverty line having too many children IMHO. My Ex-Wife and I decided not have kids until we could afford them and give them the resources they needed to be self sufficient.

More than 25 percent of all U.S. children have a chronic health condition that affects their ability to learn.

According to one survey, 50 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 cannot find the state of New York on a blank map.

At this point, 15-year-olds that attend U.S. public schools do not even rank in the top half of all industrialized nations when it comes to math or science literacy.

Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are.

3.) Parents...

Unplug the Goddamned X-Box, PS3, Wii, Computer, TV, Internet and what not.
The electronic babysitter is failing us! Send them outside for fresh air, exercise and character building sports also, sit down with them and open a geography and or history book.............

IMHO of course

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:46 AM
I dont think kids are any more idiotic than some of us were when we were kids.. there are just more ways to be idiotic now. You can post your idiocy for the whole world to see. Thank GOD that we didnt have that when I was a kid.. my kids wouldnt buy my BS about me never doing idiotic things if they had the ability to dig up a youtube I made when dingbat teen or 20-something, if so.

Then again, one of my oldest daughters friends came over.. a boy. They were going to a school concert and he asked me if he could use my hair straightener and hairspray.
Now, I wont mention his pants looked like he was wearing his little sisters clothes.. but a boy.. asking for a straightener and hairspray. You see, now thats common, back in my day he's have had his ass kicked. :lol Then again.. again.. I bet some joker kid in Platos day was dying his formal toga with purple berries or something to look stupid and got his ass kicked too.

One day kids will realize they are not special little snowflakes and all nonconformist. One day us old farts will admit we were not special little snowflakes as we pretend we are on here. Kids.. Theyre trying to express their individuality yet in the same exact way as every other kid. Things never change, you know. We did it, theyre doing it, their kids will do it.. and they will gripe about their kids.

...... and so the world turns...

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by all2human
Ya i'd say there's a few issues..

Heh, and two of these kids have STD's.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Advantage

They were going to a school concert and he asked me if he could use my hair straightener and hairspray.

I'm an '80s child and guys with long hair, wearing eyeliner or other make up and wearing super tight pants was all the rage. Remember the big hair bands? That is basically what all the boys in my high school looked like. Yep, I dated a few and, nope, mom and dad didn't like them one bit.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
I've never understood why it's important find New York state on a blank map

Geography and some other things in school have no real bearing on our adult life. It's just useless trivia. Maybe interesting to some people, but overall it's useless.

What would be more useful is reading, writing and arithmetic so that people can get a job and higher education and a better living.

Science, maybe, but science mostly useless, depending upon the job a person wants to do.

Some sciences are good for society though, such as medical science.

Archeological science, well, what good does that really do?

Geography I can see some application for it. Rocks and minerals in our soil affects our agriculture for one example.

But other than that, much of what they teach us is useless trivia stuff that really has no real bearing on an adult life.

If you think I'm kidding, watch the show "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" and you'll see that adults always lose the knowledge that they don't use on a regular basis because of how useless it truly is.

I have to comment again

The mind is a muscle, some things like learning a foreign language have been shown to prevent dementia in old age, so when Americans say "why learn a foreign language" if for no other reason so you recognize your grand kids

You bring out a point that "people don't use geography every day so they loose it"

I'm 42 I haven't lost a stitch of anything yet.... In fact that would be the most appallingly frightening thing i could think of.... you shouldn't be "loosing" anything properly taught... ever

This doesn't scare anyone but me?

"To Loose" basic, simple geography as a young adult? Then rationalize you never needed it in the first place?

I'm sorry but the memorization of simple Geography should be one day thing maybe 2 in 2nd grade, an inability to do this is borderline retarded, literally not in the slang sense, if your not there in the first place or can't hold it after the fact there is something really WRONG

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
reply to post by Advantage

They were going to a school concert and he asked me if he could use my hair straightener and hairspray.

I'm an '80s child and guys with long hair, wearing eyeliner or other make up and wearing super tight pants was all the rage. Remember the big hair bands? That is basically what all the boys in my high school looked like. Yep, I dated a few and, nope, mom and dad didn't like them one bit.

Yep.. Im late 70's or 80's child. I have destroyed all evidence of me being imperfect so I can fool the kids into me never being so foolish as to do silly things like pat benetar makeup or the biotch flip big bangs I was famous for. Ive also threatened my mother with a really crappy nursing home if she clues the kids in on my idiot past actions... which shall not be mentioned.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by litterbaux
reply to post by LightWarrior11

You can't stop your kids from going to public school and being introduced to this trend. Well you can if you're rich. It doesn't matter how good of a parent you are, when you send the kids to school they are on an even playing field with everyone else.

Peer pressure sucks, I remember it.

In my day it was smoking, now its drugs and getting pregnant. Our future is bleak.

The only thing you're right about is the exposure. Which is why as a parent, I said you need to be aware of the things your child is exposed to. The parents HAVE to be involved and give a # and Be able to Realistically deal with these things by instilling common sense, use examples, honest personal stories & personal mistakes, being relateable, being there for them in an non judgmental non overbearing parental way (yet still parenting) as well as educating them along side with what's being taught in school and don't create a generation gap where the parent is demanding & unrealistic to the times and issues that they face. It's not impossible, parents today are either lazy, unavailable, or just don't know what to do.

The methods my parents used for me worked and to this day, I understand why those methods work.

Mom said, no matter how many times we talk about this that and the other, its up to me to make my own decisions, make my own mistakes, and as a parent, she can only be there for me to help me learn from my mistakes. But through doing most of the things I listed above, it at least gives them something to fall back on, to think about, or relate to when making their independent decisions.

And Maybe people shouldn't have kids if they aren't going to be smart or strong enough to deal with them when society's influence starts to creep in.

Just my 2.
edit on 5-9-2012 by LightWarrior11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Fast food, bad schooling, nanny state beliefs and bad government have contributed to the new generation of overweight deliquents.

its more like no hope, no jobs, no opportunities and no money.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:38 PM
How can you teach common sense, respect, dilligence, and patience to a child strung out on Springer,bad girls club, jersey shore, and about any other reality television programming. When that is not consuming their time, texitng and gaming is!

They listen to music that glorifies abusing woman in ways that I refuse to write here. Gang activity and violence are glorified to them.

Thirty three years ago when I started high school, peer pressure ended when the school day ended-now it is twenty-four - seven, as well as the drama that is constantly perpetuted on a daily basis compliments of the electronic social media.

The blame goes out in many directions. It starts with parents, the media, and even school boards that tell children to call 911 when they are getting disciplined by their parents.

So, everyday, teachers are dealing with a big handful of gang banger wannabes, and parents can not discipline their kids. I am not attempting to say all children are bad or terrible. There are those who try and shut out all of these things around them to better themselves.

Sadly, parents are almost powerless, as children today always have an out if they do not want to conform to their parent's rules.

There are answers for us parents- but it is appauling that when we put the foot down, it might result in being handcuffed and arrested.

May tomorrow be a better day

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Why is everyone ignoring the poverty rate of children in this country? And school quality? Everyone is making it to be a "youth vs old" debate and it really shouldn't be.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Peer pressure sucks, I remember it. In my day it was smoking, now its drugs and getting pregnant. Our future is bleak.
reply to post by litterbaux

I agree with your assessment. Children who come from good families can easily be influence by children whose parents are poor role models.

Unfortunately, we have too many kids raising kids.

Some children have been raised their whole life thinking government subsidies are a way of life.

Some children are being raised by drug addicted parents.

Some children are coming from homes that lack discipline.

Some children are homeless or are being raised in foster care.

Some children grow up in families who are surrounded by a life of crime.

Poverty and high crime neighborhoods have caused more children to choose gang life.

Too many parents are not involved or care about their child's education.

Children who are raised by parents who have less than a high school education usually will follow the same path.

All this baggage is being brought to schools which is influencing their attitude and the friends they hang with. Unfortunately, most kids are influenced by bad attitudes rather than positive ones.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:20 PM
Record numbers of young people voted in 08, so maybe there is hope in a more politically active youth.

It bothers me that urban issues like poverty and crime don't receive due focus in the national political discussion. What's more important, the 1.4 mil abortions per year, the four millions homosexuals, or the tens of millions struggling in urban poverty?

In a struggling situation, one may seek some sort of outlet from reality. Now, with mass media and electronic entertainment, those outlets are more available and addictive than ever. We've had a major shift in recent year when it comes to consumer options, and no apparent shift in consumer behavior to match.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Why is everyone ignoring the poverty rate of children in this country? And school quality? Everyone is making it to be a "youth vs old" debate and it really shouldn't be.

I agree this generations grand parents
received great income from real estate and sold it,
to their children which is now worthless and of no value,
to the current generation.
What I thought may have been of value to pass down to them,
now has no value to them,
and would be placing burden on them
instead of assets.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:53 PM
To just get by both parents have to work all day and children are sent to day cares and schools. There is too little time to communicate as a family, to discuss what is right and wrong and god forbid a teacher gives their own opinion on life when they should be sticking to the books. The only philosophical discussions I encounter are pretty much on sites like these or with stoners. Parents have too little time to relax and think about life and this gets passed on to children who end up filling the void with constant entertainment stimuli. As long as it is profitable to entertain children vs enlightening them it will continue.

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