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Who voted for Romney and why?

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posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:48 PM
I've really been having a problem with this for the last few months, really been trying to wrap my head around it especially now that Romney sto.... I mean won the nomination. Who voted for Romney and why ? I know I didn't and every person that I have asked didn't, and everybody I know who said they weren't going to vote for Obama this time around didn't. I can't really seem to find to many people who voted Romney in, and now that he has the nomination everyone I talk to says they don't like him and they're not going to vote for him.
So my question to ATS is

1. did you vote for Romney and if so?

2. how is he better then Obama?

3. why didn't you vote for Ron Paul?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:52 PM
1. I voted for Newt, but will now vote for Romney.

2. Romney is better than Obama because Obama is a muslim and a communist dictator.

3. I didn't vote for Ron Paul because of his foreign policy ideas. But I like all of his domestic ideas. But domestic policy is no good if you don't have a country.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by bigcountry08

I am focusing my attention on the state and local level. I refuse to participate in the federal elections anymore due to the corruption.

I feel that we can accomplish a lot more in this country if we could change our local and state governments. The cancer has spread way too far at the federal level for "We the People" to change anything.......

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:08 PM
I voted for Ron Paul for two reasons. The first is that his ideas follow more in line with the Constitution than the other candidates.
The second is I don't have to worry about him saying what needed to be said to get elected. He has a very solid track record where as the other candidates have a habit of saying one thing and then doing something else.
I will vote 3rd party this election because I don't trust Romney or Obama.
edit on 4-9-2012 by wardk28 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove

1. I voted for Newt, but will now vote for Romney.

2. Romney is better than Obama because Obama is a muslim and a communist dictator.

3. I didn't vote for Ron Paul because of his foreign policy ideas. But I like all of his domestic ideas. But domestic policy is no good if you don't have a country.

I swear this must be the typical answer for people who don't like RP and it must because the MSM told you so..... My question to you would be why is his foreign policy ideas bad??? Seriously I want a real answer for this, I hear people parrot this all the time but no one ever explains why..................

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

Number two elucidates the inherent failures of American public education, societal promotion of critical thought, and the encouragement of fundamental research. Furthermore, we can see a troubling aspect of democracy where in which a culture of counter intellectualism gives rise to the idea that an uneducated man's vote weighs as much as the vote of an educated and knowledgeable citizen. This dreadful aspect of the contemporary American society further promotes social controls through religion, media, and corporate entities. On an increasingly personal level it performs a terribly dreadful act. You see, the thing is, it allows for the uneducated man to assume that his worth and value are equal to, and in some senses greater than, that of the knowledgeable citizen. This provides for the easy route to be traveled by the majority of the citizenry within the nation, transforming the populace into ignorant, sleeping buffoons.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

Obama is many things. However, Numbnut poster #1324812413941413r551section43row987, Obama is neither communist nor is he of the Islamic faith.

I hope that was a joke I'm missing out on. If not, go fun yourself. I'm tired of Americans acting like stupid # on the internet and elsewhere. It's not commendable and shouldn't be acceptable.

No I did not vote in the primary. It was an open Primary and meant little. I do believe Newt Gingrich won my state.
edit on 4-9-2012 by TheOneElectric because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:28 PM
I have asked this question before, be ready for a lot of uneducated people or people being paid to answer.

Most of the answers will be what is socially acceptable and not actual researched facts.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by jheated5

Originally posted by Fromabove

1. I voted for Newt, but will now vote for Romney.

2. Romney is better than Obama because Obama is a muslim and a communist dictator.

3. I didn't vote for Ron Paul because of his foreign policy ideas. But I like all of his domestic ideas. But domestic policy is no good if you don't have a country.

I swear this must be the typical answer for people who don't like RP and it must because the MSM told you so..... My question to you would be why is his foreign policy ideas bad??? Seriously I want a real answer for this, I hear people parrot this all the time but no one ever explains why..................

Exactly! I would love to hear how Ron Paul's Foreign policy would result in not having a country? Bringing troops home to protect our own borders and not meddling in other countries affairs, not bankrupting our country in borrowing us into oblivion to fight illegal wars and station troops in 135 countries, promoting free and fair trade etc. yeah we can't do that we might lose our country... Sigh.

I have found when you push and can get some of these folks to answer they usually pop off with some ridiculous MSM twisted sound byte that has nothing to do with Ron Paul's plan Like he wants to disband the military or some such non-sense.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:33 PM
ATS double tap
edit on 4-9-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:44 PM
He's trolling guys, don't pay attention, just trying to derail the thread.

I seriously doubt that a member of 7 years, even if not a rocket scientist, would remain uneducated after all those years.

Back to topic, good question OP. I have talked to a lot of folks around my parts and very rarely do I hear someone say they will vote for Romney or have already, the while thing smells like low tide.

Even one of my best friends, whom I've always clashed with politically, said that he would have to be an idiot to vote for Romney, and this friend agreed with most of the things Arizona did last couple of years.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by bigcountry08

1. did you vote for Romney and if so?

2. how is he better then Obama?

3. why didn't you vote for Ron Paul?

1. Yes I voted for Romney as well as in 2008. But I was open for someone else to come along.

2. Romney has business experience, he has non-Chicago political experience. He has invested in just about everything so he knows how to work with people who do not agree with him. He understands the american dream and freedoms. He's lived it and earned it!

3. I didn't vote for Ron Paul because of many reasons which I have outlined in numerous posts and on my website down below in my signature. The number one reason I didn't vote for Ron Paul is because he is a fringe Libertarian! I am not even a normal Libertarian! I am a Republican.

The number two reason I didn't vote for Ron Paul is because of his foreign policy. Now the answer to your question about why I would not like Ron Paul's foreign policy can be found in a thread I just happened to make: The Quasi Effect: War Mongering Founding Fathers: His claims about foreign policy are bunk if you know anything about the history of this country!

The third reason I didn't vote for Ron Paul is because his economic plan has no chance to be voted into by Congress.

The final reason I didn't vote for Ron Paul is that he is a racist religious nutcase! But that is the fourth reason and the first three reasons trump that reason as I don't really vote on social issues.


edit on 4-9-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2012 by jjf3rd77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove

1. I voted for Newt, but will now vote for Romney.

2. Romney is better than Obama because Obama is a muslim and a communist dictator.

3. I didn't vote for Ron Paul because of his foreign policy ideas. But I like all of his domestic ideas. But domestic policy is no good if you don't have a country.

Star for the awesome Palin imitation

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:54 PM
I am an independent so could not vote in the primary. However if I would have I suppose it would have been Romney by default. Lets face it that was not the A-list who is waiting for 2016. All people had to choose was from Meh, and then lots of nutters. The Republicans I know voted for Romney by default because he sucked the least of the group.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by bigcountry08

1. I did not vote for Romney but I did not vote for Ron Paul.

2. Almost anyone is better than Obama.

3. His foreign policy is the one major thing I disagree with.

4. I will not be voting for Romney.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by jheated5

I travel a lot across the world I have also served in the military the one thing I am certain about is that U.S. military presence is the only thing that keeps the world from breaking out into total war. I love the idea of bringing all the troops home but how long will it be until x country invades y country.

Our economy is a global economy most of what is in your home is not manufactured in the U.S. my car isn’t even manufactured in the U.S. Places like Taiwan, South Korea, and even Japan depend on our military to deter countries like China from invasion. In the Middle East U.S. drove Iraq out of Kuwait which was just the first stepping stone in Iraq's plans for that region. The Middle Eastern oil mostly supplies the EU but the EU does not have the military strength or will to keep that area from destabilizing into all-out war.

That is the basic reasoning why most people did not support Ron Paul’s foreign policy.

As much as I liked the man I cannot support his ideology on US military involvement.


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