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The Star of David is not a Jewish symbol. The seal of Solomon is a tool of Jinn control.

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posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:28 AM
Just had this arrive from America yesterday, strange to see this thread :

It's Buddhist in this case, and represents a seed syllable (center.) and mantra (outside symbols.) of Vajrayogini. (who's also in my avatar.) And no, I won't be worrying about Demons and throwing it in the bin.

I think it'd help if you didn't judge so fast, especially when you don't know the whole truth of what you're talking about.
edit on 5-9-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by robhines

Like I said, not everything of olden religions is bad. What is true is that according to Jewish law, they cannot have the images and tools of idols in their worship. I don't really care how they worship, but this is an ancient symbol and NOT a Jewish one. No judgment on my part. I don't even consider the swastika to be evil. Nazis, yes, the ancient symbol they
edit on 5-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

Ah ok, I get what you mean more now, thanks.

And sorry for judging on my part! Not been out of bed long, but should've still checked what you'd written more.
edit on 5-9-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 03:05 AM
Am I the only one that has read about the Jewish symbol actually relating to the hexagon on saturn?

Manly P Hall (1901-1990), mystic and a 33rd degree mason, taught that each of the three Abrahamic faiths has a planet that governs that religion. Judaism is Saturn: the symbol of Judaism is a hexagram symbol of Saturn, and the day of worship is on Saturday, day of Saturn. Christianity is the Sun: the symbol of Christianity is the cross symbol of the Sun, and the day of worship is Sunday, day of the Sun. Islam is Venus: the symbol of Islam is the star and crescent (the star commonly thought to represent Venus), and the day of worship is on Friday, day of Venus.

Things that make me go, hmmmm.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 05:21 AM
I wrote about this on another thread about this symbol recently and posted this link

Though now widely accepted as the emblem of Judaism, and given such names as Magen David (Star of David) and 'Solomon's Seal', the hexagram () has only been 'officially' Jewish for about a century [1]. At the time the accounts of David and Solomon were being written in the Bible, the hexagram () had nothing to do with either of them. It was then revered in India as a symbol of the perpetual sexual union between the blood-thirsty goddess Kali (the downward-pointing triangle t) and the war-god Shiva (the upward-pointing triangle s) who were supposed to maintain life in the universe.

The hexagram () reached Judaism by a devious route, passing through the Tantric influence on mediaeval Talmudic Jewish kabbalists, who spoke of the desired reunion between God and His spouse, the Shekina, a Hebrew loan word from the Indian deity, Shakti (similar to the Hebrew loan word, Adonai, from the Greek pagan deity, Adonis). This sexual union between Kali and Shakti was symbolised by the Tantric yogic sexual mandala consisting of a hexagram (). Hence the curious rabbinical tradition that the Ark of the Covenant not only contained the tablets of the Torah, Aaron's rod, and a pot of manna, but also "a man and woman in intimate embrace, in the form of a hexagram ()"

edit on 5-9-2012 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Corrected link from post

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

great site full of useful information. Thanks!

I never heard of them before, but at least they are honest with themselves and can sacrifice and admit their errors. That is big for me.

Thanks again.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Most people know the Star of David never originated in Israel. In fact, in 1948 the Israelis wanted the Menorah (see Knesset flag) on their national flag and not the Magen David but the "elite" insisted on it.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:04 AM
The song of Solomon, don't forget the Rose,

I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

I am the true vine, the Balm of Gilead, Divine Shekhinah, the tree of life.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
The song of Solomon, don't forget the Rose,

I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

I am the true vine, the Balm of Gilead, Divine Shekhinah, the tree of life.

Wow, you're the Lord? That's amazing! Did you just get an internet connection in Heaven?

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by BIHOTZ

The eight pointed star, the real seal of Solomon IMO is the symbol of Ishtar, Venus and the trinity of ancient pagan gods.

This appears to be fairly accurate of an assertion.

The eight point star has been traditionally associated with the 'goddess' figure in most cases, although perhaps not all.

Also I would like to suggest for anyone curious, to google "Hexagram Sumeria" or "Babylon". This will bring up all sorts of results and if you search by photographs you will find a ton of photos of ancient Sumerian carvings/reliefs whereby hexagrams are prominent and are closely associated with astronomical phenomena.

It is fair to assume that if a similar source were responsible for all of the diverse and scattered uses of this symbol, that they originate from Sumeria/Assyria/Akkad. Also those are great keywords for Google searches "Assyria" and "Akkad".

Plus what do you know about "Monopods (creature)?
Seriously you should check out that wiki because it's messed up. Basically there are references to this one legged giant footed creature throughout the world, from local legends to carvings in cathedrals. Please review the wiki and the related articles for more information. I realize the monopod thing is a little off track but still I haven't had a place to link it yet and it's worth linking.

Which also is proof of the Tower of Babel, the people were scattered, each taking with them their form of worship and the symbols being found all over the world... they all originated from the same place when everyone was of one language. The names were changed but they all tell a version of the same story.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by robhines

I think it'd help if you didn't judge so fast, especially when you don't know the whole truth of what you're talking about.
edit on 5-9-2012 by robhines because: added

Ah but the sword bears two edges which cut.
The street can be traversed in either direction as easily.

We are discussing a highly mysterious subject, which dates back thousands of years and can relate with half of anything pretty much. The layers of depth are innumerable, and I seriously doubt any one human can fathom the full context of just this one symbol it's so amazingly sophisticated in terms of it's flexibility and ubiquitous prevalence.

Dare I say we all "judge too quickly", if at any time we lead ourselves to believe we have a full understanding of such a thing? What did people really believe in general thousands of years ago in relation to this? It's hard to say, considering we have little to no written data leftover to examine.

What little we do know, is that the symbol itself has a incredibly complicated and storied history.
And it is also reasonable to anticipate that there is a lot of data we still haven't unraveled yet. So of course we should remain open to new revelations even if it destroys our prior held beliefs. Pursuit of the truth is paramount and takes primacy above mere superstitions.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
Most people know the Star of David never originated in Israel. In fact, in 1948 the Israelis wanted the Menorah (see Knesset flag) on their national flag and not the Magen David but the "elite" insisted on it.

Perhaps it was so a few decades ago.

But you must remember that we have a lot of new people popping up all the time, and new generations which need access to the information as well.

Most people I have met and discussed the subject with in the US currently are largely unaware of anything the T.V. or official curriculum does not espouse.

In fact, even in this thread, there was someone who was refusing to acknowledge any non-Israel source for the hexagram out of spite. So there will be some hard-line resistance to the suggestion that the "Star of David" has mysterious origins and that the Menorah would have been far more appropriate and accurate historically speaking.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

and from where octagons came in your ideology. I mean your avatar ! do you have any idea about that Octagons?

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by robhines

I think it'd help if you didn't judge so fast, especially when you don't know the whole truth of what you're talking about.
edit on 5-9-2012 by robhines because: added

Ah but the sword bears two edges which cut.
The street can be traversed in either direction as easily.

We are discussing a highly mysterious subject, which dates back thousands of years and can relate with half of anything pretty much. The layers of depth are innumerable, and I seriously doubt any one human can fathom the full context of just this one symbol it's so amazingly sophisticated in terms of it's flexibility and ubiquitous prevalence.

Dare I say we all "judge too quickly", if at any time we lead ourselves to believe we have a full understanding of such a thing? What did people really believe in general thousands of years ago in relation to this? It's hard to say, considering we have little to no written data leftover to examine.

What little we do know, is that the symbol itself has a incredibly complicated and storied history.
And it is also reasonable to anticipate that there is a lot of data we still haven't unraveled yet. So of course we should remain open to new revelations even if it destroys our prior held beliefs. Pursuit of the truth is paramount and takes primacy above mere superstitions.

It's just a bunch of old texts. Why do mankind add so much importance to them?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by maes2

Octagons are source and infinity.

The dome, the star of chaos/ order, Dharmacakra, the Wheel of Time; the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path, Octarine color of Magic, Eight Immortals in Ancient China, eight female and male gods in Egypt, Pagan Wheel of the Year from Yule to midsummer, the musical octave half or double in frequency, ect....

they are the primal power on the physicals plain. They were always intended for mans use, just that man was intended to retain his memory of the infinite for its use.

My avatar is a symbol of dominion in this world. As a human, I am within my Wright to bear it.
The svastika is in its proper form as well (right facing affirming good). 'azif (voice of the Jinn) in Kufic script fourfold around it.

What exactly are you refering to?

edit on 6-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
reply to post by maes2

'azif (voice of the Jinn) in Kufic script fourfold around it.

thank you. my arabic is not good, so that I thought it was written Ali !
how do you know that the voice of Jinn is azif. can we hear their sound. and what does it mean. how do you contact with them.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by maes2

My language skills are not that great. Azif has many variations but it does in fact refer to the noises insects make at night. These noises were thought to be in part the howling of deamons at night.

There in lies the clue. Sound or more to the point vibrations. The word itself is not what is important. It simply gives a concept of the nature to the subject at hand. It is not completely accurate. Jinn are not known to be exclusively evil (deamons) since they supposedly have free will like humans. They were originally intermediary entities for mankind and higher realms. There are those that did not rebel and have stayed true to their purpose as servants to "God" and mankind. Muslims believe that we all have an angel and a deamons that guide or fool us.

You nurture one over the other and that strengthens the power of that "side". Mohamid supposedly converted his deamon. Muslims believe that faith can be beneficial for the person as well as jinn. I don't practice jinn magic. So I am not an authority on subject- though I believe in balance. I do not hate my evil or love my good. I imagine that helps me find union between both which is honestly great and true. That makes both stronger and when in harmony a perfect union. A one being in unison of purpose and power.

If I do have a jinn near me helping me its voice and that of an angel doing the same is in unison with my own. A single consciousness and a single voice for a common purpose of good

Unity attracts the best or the worst in people depending on the purpose intended.

I would not teach anyone anything about jinn. Too many are thought to be agents of evil and people usually do dumb things for a short sighted advantage.

I would recommend instead learning to learn. Remember your own purpose and so your true power. Allies will then appear along the way as your adversaries become clear as your true self becomes clear to you. Balance is everything. Balance not "victory".

Try to be as one not the only one or the last one standing. Or fall for lies you make your truth.

*hear the melody the universe is playing and tune yourself to it. Resonate the song that sings all songs. Amplify it or reduce the octave. Stay intune.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 05:00 PM
Book marking for further reading, great thread and full of information.

What most people today don't realise, whom do not suscribe to a faith attached to specific symbols, but rather wear them whilly nilly because they look cool, is they filter energy back to those who use these symbols still.

There was a reason I hated 'labels'.

OP I have some questions for you, do you mind if I pm them?

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 01:20 AM
I have a merely personal opinion of the meaning of the Star of David, and the Ring of Solomon. The Star of David, the ancestor of Jesus; represents Jesus symbolically. It is composed of two triangles, one pointing up, other down. The triangle represents the Trinity. The triangle down, represents God coming down to us. The triangle up represents God ascending again; the Resurrection and Ascension. The Ring of Solomon is assumed to be a ring on the finger. Maybe, or maybe not. But, Solomon a saint in the Old Testament, is said to have power over demons (jinn). Perhaps as a saint he was able to exorcise possessed people? The ring would have been some sort of symbol; like a cross. Perhaps it represented God, who had no beginning or end, like a ring?

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