Astronomy Picture of the Day October 13 2004
Explanation: Artificial clouds made by humans may become so common they change the Earth's climate. The long thin cloud streaks that dominate the
above satellite photograph of Georgia are contrails, cirrus clouds created by airplanes. The exhaust of an airplane engine can create a contrail by
saturating the surrounding air with extra moisture. The wings of a plane can similarly create contrails by dropping the temperature and causing small
ice-crystals to form. Contrails have become more than an oddity - they may be significantly increasing the cloudiness of Earth, reflecting sunlight
back into space by day, and heat radiation back to Earth even at night. The effect on climate is a topic of much research. You can help NASA measure
the actual abundance of contrails by participating in a contrail counting exercise that runs over the next two days.
Interesting how they refer to us as "humans"
I find it repulsive how NASA is making this into some kind of benign science project for kids...weeeee, we can all count the contralis for 2 days and
report after all its only condensation.
Guess all the inquiries finally made them say, we need to shut this thing down.
History's Greatest Misconceptions Held by the Masses of People
1. The earth is flat
2. The Sun revolves around our Earth
3. "If God had wanted man to fly, he would have created us with wings".
4. Only God can control the Weather
My addition to the list would have to be
5. There is no world wide conspiracy taking place.
Jet trails from exhaust and condensation....yeah
Navy to spray aerosols in the gulf region
Scientists from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), NASA, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography have assembled in the Arabian Desert for the
United Arab Emirates Unified Aerosol Experiment (UAE2) mission, Aug. 5 - Sept. 30, to study tiny airborne particles, called aerosols, and their effect
on weather and climate.
Scientific American: Controlling Hurricanes (Subscription)
Every year huge rotating storms packing winds greater than 74 miles per hour sweep across tropical seas and onto shorelines--often devastating large
swaths of territory. When these roiling tempests--called hurricanes in the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific oceans, typhoons in the western Pacific
and cyclones in the Indian Ocean--strike heavily populated areas, they can kill thousands and cause billions of dollars of property damage. And
nothing, absolutely nothing, stands in their way.
The Florida based company, Dyn-o-mat, used a military aircraft to drop four tonnes of its powder on to a developing storm cloud.
The cloud disappeared from radar screens, which were monitoring the experiment
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
Serious question: Are Hurricanes: Scalar? TV Weatherman Scott Stevens' Page
Western Kansas Weather Modification Program
Weather Modification Inc
Chemtrails DataPage
Clifford Carnicom
Chemtrail Central
Chemtrail Images/Google
Chemtrail Images/Yahoo
I know I know....who are ya gonna believe....NASA or Conspiracy Theory Websites
Dont you love how I answer for mentally ill dont ya
[edit on 13-10-2004 by project_pisces]