so i came across this video by an artist that goes by "Immortal Technique".
the reason im posting up this video is because it made chills run down my spine and, what better place to share it besides here?
see, i love this guy here very much cause when i first "woke up", it was cause of his music. a cousin of mine was the one that pretty much made me
listen to it which i really didn't understand much but he explained it to me and made me look up words i didn't understand. that was the day my life
changed forever, can't say all for the good because being "awake" isn't a very positive thing emotionally but, has a positive impact in life; one less
zombie out there.
here's the video, only 7 minutes hope you guys/gals find it interesting...
the most interesting part starts at 3:15 if you don't want to watch the whole video but, it's worth it.....IMO
edit on 9/3/2012 by maria_stardust because: removed profanity from title
Hi, i listen to Imortam technique too one, he's one of my favorite rappers.
I noticed this thread because of the titlle from one of his songs...
if you like this kind of sound, then i'll advice you to check 'Conspirituality'
Don't worry, I'm not concerned with profanity, although overuse tends to distract. It's seeing the word 'murder' used so often in such a small
sample space.