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EMP Chronicles - 2012

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:37 AM
Whether or not you think WW3 is about to start or has already started (Albeit in a more "unconventional manner" -- Cyberwar, Currency War, Proxy War, Information War, etc...) -- there is one new weapon of war which you might want to learn about -- the EMP or Electromagnetic Pulse.

So I'm starting this thread to disseminate some research, organize said research, and stimulate some discussion.

If you have no idea what an EMP is -- watch this first as a primer:

Background Video

NatGeo: Electronic Armageddon Part 1 of 3

You can find the other 2 parts on Youtube, or get the whole thing on Dailymotion.

Here is the best relevant EMP textual article I have read – from April 2012. Great summary with many links. Though I don’t necessarily agree with his scenario, the gist and supporting links of what he wrote is the point.

The 100% Sharia-Compliant Iranian EMP Nuclear Weapon - Op-Eds - Israel National News -

Critically, through the lens of North Korean and Iranian development of a deliverable EMP nuclear weapon, alleged Iranian and North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile test “failures” actually become EMP nuclear weapon’s “successes.”

For instance, the recent North Korean “failed” ballistic missile was a perfect EMP nuclear weapon-type of due south trajectory over South Korea which reached at least 50 kilometers altitude and therefore was a total success for a test EMP nuclear delivery launch.

Given Kim Myong Chol’s explicit 2009 EMP nuclear weapon plank of North Korea’s nuke plan, it is certain that Iran is equally attuned to the EMP nuclear weapon’s battlefield capabilities, and delivery requirements. Again, open source EMP nuclear expert Dr. Pry has, in fact, explicitly cited Iran’s ballistic missile tests as perfect EMP nuclear bomb missile trajectories as well. (See Jane’s Missiles and Rockets, May 2005)

Has a link to this notable article –-

North Korea Tests 'Super-EMP' Nuke -

North Korea’s last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states, says Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA nuclear weapons analyst and president of EMPact America, a citizens lobbying group.

Samore, who handles arms control and non-proliferation issues, warned that “additional strong sanctions will be imposed on the North with the support of Russia and China."

North Korea’s nuclear tests have been dismissed as failures by some analysts because of their low explosive yield. But Dr. Pry believes they bore the “signature” of the Russian-designed “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting more gamma radiation than a 25-megaton nuclear weapon.

Pry believes the U.S. intelligence community was expecting North Korea to test a first generation implosion device with an explosive yield of 10 to 20 kilotons, similar to the bomb the U.S. exploded over Nagasaki in 1945. He said, “So when they saw one that put off just three kilotons, they said it failed. That is so implausible."

Of course, there will be those who mock NK, Iran, etc…for their relative inferiority, perceived failures, etc……not remembering the high tech weapons used to take out the WORLD TRADE center…anyway…short memories = short lives? Both NK and Iran come from old cultures, cultures that are relatively more well-versed in the art of deception and misdirection...

Summary of various scenarios from abiove and other sources...(Will post more vids/text later)

Relatively low tech missiles armed with an EMP launched from:

– North Korea at South Korea and Japan.

– Venezuela Iranian missile base? with an EMP launched at the Southeast US and ally Colombia and whomever else. Doesn’t matter if the missiles outer range is the tip of Florida, the radius of the EMP is greater.

Is this a second missile crisis? Iran to build mid-range rocket bases in Venezuela | Mail Online -

– Ship launched EMP at whomever

– Iranian mainland EMP launched at whomever

Of course, coming in September if you have access to NBC (USA) you can watch the fictionalized version of an EMP Strike on the US - Revolution.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:41 AM
Projection of Iranian EMP Attack on America

EMP Nightmare: How Iran or North Korea Could Destroy America with a Single Bomb

Substitute America with your own neck of the woods...Europe, Asia, South America...

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by dontneedaname

Well have you read the book One Second After by William R. Forstchen? That book is about what happened after an EMP strike in America. No food,water, and other basic nesscessity after the EMP.

An a question to the OP will America still exist as a country after an EMP strike?

edit on 2-9-2012 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:14 AM

The US/West, Soviets/Russians and Chinese and any other power worth their salt have looked at this issue going back decades. Most if not all have worked on the hardening of their electronics against EMPs to varying degrees. Lately there has been a lot of talk and wild speculation [ I suspect Video Gamers] about how the US military would come to a screeching halt because of a EMP blast/release.

I just love it when the dreaded NEW EMP weapon is mentioned. Do people honestly think that Russia, China the US or anybody else for that matter are not aware of the advantage of the use of such a weapon and or device?

There always seems to be one in the crowd who thinks they have the "Inside scoop" on a secret EMP weapon that will disable a modern army. No offense to you OP but [Usually those who played too many computer games as "Commander" over GPU generated pixel armies] often will think the US, Russian or Chinese military's couldn't possibly know about or conceive of EMP weapons [not to mention having ever used such a device]?

Have some out there who know their military history ever wondered why in Gulf War I whole columns of Iraqi vehicles just suddenly stopped [Never Veering but a few feet from the road ] then had themselves decimated from the air?

I don't know about you but, if I were in the column and saw vehicles being shot to hell a few kilometers up ahead or in my rear view mirror I would have driven off into the desert away from the carnage. [Unless of course for some strange reason my engine just mysteriously cut out and died]

Think about it.

The worlds Superpowers have war gamed various scenarios going back decades. The EMP issue has been gone over with a fine toothed comb. Just like the Pop-Culture "Anon Hackers" didn't invent the idea of hacking military systems. The civilian populations on the other hand will be SOL!

The civilian electronics would be toast but not the military's

Hardened Electronics

Radiation hardening is a method of designing and testing electronic components and systems to make them resistant to damage or malfunctions caused by ionizing radiation (particle radiation and high-energy electromagnetic radiation)[1], such as would be encountered in outer space, high-altitude flight, around nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, or during nuclear accidents or nuclear warfare.


Honeywell's radiation hardened electronics products and technology provide aerospace system and electrical designers a strategically hardened family of products to increase performance, reduce risks and ensure mission success in space and in other radiation prone environments.

Radiation-hardened electronics technology remains stable amid steady demand in the space market

The economic downturn has affected many high-technology markets, but much like the military sector the space electronics market continues to prove resilient. Investment in new designs and new programs are steadily increasing and designers of radiation-hardened electronics (rad-hard) are optimistic midway through 2010 despite the recession and government cutbacks.

Radiation-Hardened Electronics

BAE Systems is a leading provider of advanced radiation-hardened electronics to the missile defense and space markets. These products have enabled a wide variety of civil, commercial, and national security space missions for the past twenty years

The Russians, Chinese and the US/West all have their primary systems/equipment to varying degrees hardened against such a situation. Also, The Chinese, Russians, Iranians and North Koreans civilians are just as susceptible to such an attack as the US/Western Europe etc etc etc are.

edit on 2-9-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by dontneedaname

Aliens have stopped the use of nuclear weapons, on Earth, at least five times; this coming from Courtney Brown and his remote viewing team. There will be no nuclear war on Earth because off worlders have decided the planet is to be used for other purposes, that do not allow for a radiation mess to deal with. Oddly enough, those that are advanced, do not view war, poverty, religion, deception and oppression as normal, like we do here on Earth. I wonder if their advancement had anything to do with their rejection of Earth norms? Hmmmm. We are in a time of macrochange and the Earth's frequency is increasing, making it unsuitable for most of the souls that currently inhabit the planet. They will not be coming back here, when they die. There is no free lunch or short cuts to consciousness development and the vast majority of humans can't cope with the changes taking place with Earth today. Getting help from aliens, is what the planet has to look forward to. Civilized, mentally healthy beings, help others because it is congruent with their consciousness makeup. They will help but humans must do the heavy lifting, as we rise out of the pit of ignorance that we call the norm. As far as disasters, there will be plenty provided by nature, including our Sun. What a great time to be alive.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
reply to post by dontneedaname

Well have you read the book One Second After by William R. Forstchen? That book is about what happened after an EMP strike in America. No food,water, and other basic nesscessity after the EMP.

An a question to the OP will America will still exist as a country after an EMP strike?

I've heard of it, but haven't read it. About to watch some of Glenn Beck's Rumors of War series 1-3.
Should get through all 3 of them in the next couple of days. Though my perspective of viewing them is different
than what the author's / producer's target audience is -- as can be noted in my answer to your other question.

Will America exist? America is an idea -- that is up to the individual. Personally -- I'm (almost) ready for the end of all countries...but that is another story altogether -- and would be better in the 2012 forum or elsewhere.

The word COUNTRY comes from the word can hear / see it in the world COUNTRy.

And the clock ticks toward the end of 2012...I don't want to be for or against any particular country.
I'm more -- "for or against" - certain kinds of people, which is country / nation independent. But not in a hostile against way. More of a "That's not my style" kind of way.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

The US/West, Soviets/Russian and Chinese and any other power worth their salt have looked at this issue going back decades. Most if not all have worked on the hardening of their electronics against EMPs. Lately there has been a lot of talk and wild speculation [ I suspect Video Gamers] about how the US military would come to a screeching halt because of a EMP blast/release.

I just love it when the dreaded NEW EMP weapon is mentioned. Do people honestly think that Russia, China, US or anybody else for that matter not aware of the advantage of the use of such a weapon and or device?


The Russians, Chinese and the US/West all have their primary systems/equipment to varying degrees hardened against such a situation.

Nice photos. Are you saying a localized EMP was used in Iraq? Any documentation on that? R u speaking from personal experience?

So what if SOME of the military is protected ...consumer devices and infrastructure ain' sound more concerned from a military standpoint.

Talking about EMPs is new to the general public. Maybe not to specific groups of people....

and no...I don't play video games now, nor have I in quite a very long time...the last video game of any significance that I played in depth was probably Wing Commander 3. Which probably dates me...
edit on 2-9-2012 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2012 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:39 AM
The military has had EMP-hardened materials for a decade. Civilian folks might feel the effect, but our fighting ability would not be damaged.

Just my 2 cents.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by dontneedaname
Nice photos. Are you saying a localized EMP was used in Iraq? Any documentation on that?

In a thread about speculation of EMP weapons...

You provide some circumstantial highly specualtive evidence that North Korea and possibly Iran have some new super EMP weapons. Yet, We find some interesting real world evidence of such a device being used and now you want proof?

I gave my argument as to why it's a possibility of some sort of EMP device being used during Gulf War-I.

So what if SOME of the military is protected ...consumer devices and infrastructure ain' sound more concerned from a military standpoint.

I'm just saying that even if there were to be such an attack on a Modern country most likely their military would still be able to function and deal with those who did the attacking.

Think about it

Talking about EMPs is new to the general public. Maybe not to specific groups of people....

Fair enough but, try using the ATS search function there are tons of threads, discussions and related topics going back quite a few years.

and no...I don't play video games now, nor have I in quite a very long time...the last video game of relevant significance that I played in depth was probably Wing Commander 3. Which probably dates me...

Fair enough..

As I stated "no offense to you" but most of the Super EMP weapons scenarios come from certain video games. Just like how China will invade the US using Cargo ships etc. Not beyond the realm of possibility but very over done due to many Gamers who seem to "Have the inside scoop" on that tactic.

Also, Any modern country is just as susceptible to an EMP attack. Not just the US but every country. Last I hear North Korea and Iran have discovered and use the internal combustion engine and the microchip.

Just saying is all.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Blackout Bomb?

The Weapon that Disabled Iraq’s Power Grid « CYBER ARMS – Computer Security -

In the opening days of Desert Storm, modified tomahawk cruise missiles were used against Iraq. The warheads were made up of bomblets that contained spools of carbon fiber wire. The fine wire shorted out power plants and disabled 85% of Iraq’s electrical production capability.

U.S.'S SECRET WEAPON AGAINST IRAQ (electromagnetic pulse bomb) -

BLU-114/B "Soft-Bomb" -


The imagination never ceases to amaze me on killing weapons......not a military man myself (Though I did want to be a pilot in my younger days, but eyesight stopped me from joing the Air Force)....though for various reasons... I've researched and seen plenty on weapons...etc....

Managed to go to a few interesting military related places in my life -- Titan Missile Museum in Arizona (9 Megaton Nuclear Warhead when it was active - 600x power of Hiroshima), visited the military aircraft graveyard at AMARC, been to Hiroshima, Los Alamos area....various battlefields, Qatar airbase.....among other places...

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by dontneedaname
U.S.'S SECRET WEAPON AGAINST IRAQ (electromagnetic pulse bomb) -

BLU-114/B "Soft-Bomb" -
The imagination never ceases to amaze me on killing weapons......not a military man myself

I rest my case.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:09 PM
Fair enough. I did search for -- EMP --on this board....10 pages...

Most are about how to survive...which is of no particular interest to me. None of the other threads seem to be particularly up to date...or detailed. The few that stood out, that I clicked on were in forum areas I never even looked in.

So...this is the WW3 forum...don't we discuss things like this here? You make it sound like it's "All old news, blah blah blah..."

In a sense, until it happens, everything is speculative...

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by dontneedaname
Fair enough. I did search for -- EMP --on this board....10 pages...

It's a good topic.

Most are about how to survive...which is of no particular interest to me.

I'm just curious, Why not?

None of the other threads seem to be particularly up to date...or detailed. The few that stood out, that I clicked on were in forum areas I never even looked in.

There are many various aspects to this scenario.
Those various forums cover those different aspects.

So...this is the WW3 forum...don't we discuss things like this here?

That's exactly what we are doing right now. I just filled out the picture is all.

You make it sound like it's "All old news, blah blah blah..."


I just provided a more in depth reply to add to the discussion. Russia, China and the US are decades ahead of anything that North Korea and Iran know regarding these types of potential weapons systems and their effects. Those three in particular have been playing with Nukes and spin off tech since the 40s and 50s.

They might know a few things

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:26 PM
Another great read on life after an EMP event is "Lights Out" by David Crawford. The military indeed has EMP hardened systems however it also has to be realized that Armies, Navies and Airforces depend to a great extent on a long and deep logistics train that starts in CONUS.

EMP of the magnitude contemplated while leaving our military mostly intact initially would over a surprisingly short time degrade those forces to an extent that it would be questionable whether they could be of any value on the modern battlefield.

As time passes it would only get worse as ships require extensive refits and overhauls, aircraft require intensive maintenance and parts, tracked and wheeled vehicles require depot level maintenance or rebuilds, shortages of the most mundane of supplies and food will affect infantry personel. All the above increases by major factors if any fighting is required.

Conventional use of military forces would quickly lead to triage as material and manpower had to be stripped from elsewhere in the world for resupply as none are available from CONUS. Any potential foe would know this and sustained battles of attrition would be winning strategy.

A ship based attack where it fires then scuttles in deep water would make any immediate determinations for strategic retaliation virtually impossible.

Upon an EMP event covering one half or more of North America I think other countries thought to be supportive may withdraw support or become outright hostile to our military forces deployed in their regions. This due to massive power vacuum created by a severely weakend U.S.

A call to bring all or most forces home to restore order and provide relief would be overwhelming to the point of only maintaining strategic forces for deterrence from further attack.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Slayer I wonder what will happen to the US Federal government after an EMP strike will they try to retake the country?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Phoenix

But another great concern is the Chinese troops coming and occuying the West Coast. I got that from the book One Second After which is about a post EMP America.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
reply to post by Phoenix

But another great concern is the Chinese troops coming and occuying the West Coast. I got that from the book One Second After which is about a post EMP America.

One Second After does not really deal with external situation much, consider China with trillions in worthless debt and its main market cut-off, its an economic armageddon for them and it could easily lead to its people going into revolt.

I think their hands will be too full to worry over conquest or invasion.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:00 PM
China is too oil-dependant to maintain a sustained attack ANYWHERE.

Just my humble. . .

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:05 PM

The civilian electronics would be toast but not the military's

I would have to agree with this milspec standard for emp hardening can be found with a google search of less than 2 seconds.

Military will go on however when it comes to the dated and most vulnerable civilian sector high probability that is all she wrote for quite sometime.

Less than a second a total blackout and can not be replaced quickly they would have to be shipped here. Emi/emp shielding does exist is some parts of local industrys certain parts of hospitals do have shield just think of MRI rooms but that is about it, and server rooms.

Cell phone towers,banking,online just about everything would be toast not to worry bout Wall street tho after 9-11 there was a beta site created to store all that data.

There rest of the civilian market is a hit or miss there is a book out that cause quite a llittle stir called one second after.

There is also ample information about creating faraday cages for the rest of us simple metal box that maintains its metal contact and is grounded.

An emp "superweapon" doesn't exist one high altitude nuclear detonation in about the middle of the country as say bye to the internets.
edit on 2-9-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
China is too oil-dependant to maintain a sustained attack ANYWHERE.

Just my humble. . .

Not many would believe me on this, but..............

The whole Chinese business model is based on predatory trade practices, and that's why the world is ganging up on them, Norman said, adding that China is facing large amounts of unemployment and social unrest, and their banks are sitting on huge assets of non-performing loans. Norman estimated that the actual cost of oil is between $10- $20 a barrel, but when US citizens shell out $4 a gallon at the pump, it's collateral damage or the price we pay to engage in an economic rather than physical war with China.

The 13 min mark, gives you the gist of it.......

I kind of believe this.

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