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Why most people never see alien space ships

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:06 AM
Its simple really.

If a movie or a photo is from some non-official place such as youtube, humans use probability to identify what they see in a movie or in a photo. And if it comes from some official place, such as NASA or the government, they use credibility to judge its authenticity.

So lets say you see a light moving in some youtube movie. Since the probability of it being a optical illusion, bird, chinese lantern, airplace, helicopter or a blimp is higher than it being a alien ship, it will always be classified as one of these things as long as its even remotely possible. Why is this important to think about? Because there will be lots of real alien ships being identified as these things, simply because of probability.

And then there is credibility. If the same clip as above would come from NASA, and they tell people what it is, people will simply believe it based on their credibility. We see this all the time.

So that is why you will never see alien space ships.

edit on 2-9-2012 by PrimitiveWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by PrimitiveWorld

Thanks for stating the obvious.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:14 AM
No, that is why the internet as a medium as it stands today, is not good enough to host Evidence to substantiate a claim.

As you say, probability and credibility are at odd with each other on the WWW.

However, as it is only a medium, it should not be used to gauge the quality of evidence anyway. That should still remain in the realm of actual witness and solid evidence. Which exist with or without the internet, if such things have any probable credibility in the first place.

I can see a sunset on youtube. It may be created in bryce. It may look surreal. And be computer generated with nothing to distinguish it from the real thing. So I rely on the real thing to satisfy my query as to its existence.

If I were to see a space ship with my own eyes, it wouldn't matter if youtube had footage.

Why most people don't see alien ships is because they don't see them with their own eyes. Not because they see it on youtube or explained away by nasa.

Why don't they see them with their own eyes?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by PrimitiveWorld

Almost like going fishing and swearing that ripple in the river was a walleye?...Expecting the expected without inspecting.....I think I get it

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:18 AM

If the same clip as above would come from NASA, and they tell people what it is, people will simply believe it based on their credibility

Anything from an "official" source has credibility.
Official is anything having to do with the ruling class's opinion of authentic. Then those beliefs are trickled down to the rest of the herd.

Throughout history, the majority has been way off most of the time.
It's been the out of the box thinkers that have moved humanity forward.

One of the main reasons why we never see alien spaceships is because we don't know what they look like, officially. We could be seeing them daily, but because we're expecting something specific, we miss out on so much.

edit on 2-9-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by winofiend

I have seen one with my own two eyes, and just stared like a doe head...

The problem IS, when someone sees one with there own tow eyes, they are usually too stunned to think of finding a camera, or don't have time, so no one believes them...... Thye all shout "pictures or it didn't happen"

Then some videos have blind beleivers, etc....

Even though I have seen them with my own two eyes, 2 things happened....

A: I wasn't sure what to believe, was it some new secret HUMAN technology???? Or truly "alien"
B: Now that I have see one close enough in real ife, I haven't believed even REMOTLEY, one single video, yet I tend to believe some eyewitness accounts.....

Oh, all the weird friggin catch 22's and stuff in this life eh??

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
One of the main reasons why we never see alien spaceships is because we don't know what they look like, officially. We could be seeing them daily, but because we're expecting something specific, we miss out on so much.

edit on 2-9-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

A lot of what we experience in a day to day basis is filtered out to what we, as individuals, deem important. A lot of what goes on around us is lost as we try to make sense of all the noise.

Yours is a good point, we could be seeing them daily, but not 'seeing' them because we know no better.

I read once that natives on the shore used to look out over the ocean, and not see the invading ships till it was too late, because they simply did not know what they were looking at, at first.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by mellisamouse

It's easy to become lost in awe, something that causes us to stop and become fixated like that I can imagine would not be something you could prepare for.

It doesn't even have to be something extra terrestrial, some things can just stun us. I know I'm crap with a camrea, even the one on my phone, so if I ever were to witness something I'd only expect myself to know the truth, others who know me may take or leave it, but it would be absolutely pointless to try and put something on the internet as evidence - imo. If I had evidence, I'd do so, but expecting nothing.

I think the problem is people are now reliant on using the internet to be their real world. If it doesn't happen on the internet, it can't be real.

Which is a shame really. I remember as a child watching documentaries such as unexplained mysteries, and they held such interest to me. Now we're saturated with unverifiable 'proofs' which do nothing..

I long for the day I see with my own eyes.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Hudson69
reply to post by PrimitiveWorld

Thanks for stating the obvious.

I'm sure there is a philosoraptor meme in the O.P somewhere, i hope someone here will take up the challenge, i am too busy right now.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:25 AM
Most people just dont want to see them or will deny them
are you ready for a partial disclosure ? might sound crazy
but it is for you to decide

I saw a beautiful multicolored one night in the dark forest 20 yrs ago
and im very sure i didnt dream about it .. i wasnt even sleeping yet

i agree with the op .. its hard to believe if you never saw one with your own eyes
because i have never seen another one like that after this unique sighting
it has trigger in me to think outside the box and research answers on ufos and conspiracies
i wouldnt be the same person now and on ATS if it wasnt for that ufo lol
next morning i checked if there was any roads ..
but nothing just big mountains and a river down below
there is also another kid beside me who saw it to .. said "what the hell is that"
so i asked him about it after we woke up from the camp building on the next morning
and he was like ... "leave me alone i dont want to talk about it"
i was so curious and him so scared .. his reaction was really strange to me

so 20 yrs later here i am NOW i had to reshuffle all my thoughs and connect the dots together
i think i start getting close to the truth .. it has been in front of us the whole time

the majority are benevolent aliens and a minority of bad fallen angels
there is a war in the heavens and it reflecting on the physical earth where time goes extremely faster
the center of our galaxy is NOT our sun btw .. the cake is a lie

i think we turn around a massive black hole .. it is one massive super reactor
and its in everything the famous spiral .. we are in fact spiraling around this black hole
everything and all constellation are spiraling around it .. its in our DNA the sea shells
we have spiral in our hair .. this spiral was created by a Creator .. it is the fibonachi sequense
like one big advanced programmer formula .. each galaxy has its own black hole
this black hole is the center of our galaxy and each 26000 yrs we come back to point 0
milky way itself is the most advanced clock ever .. literaly it is the Creator personal clock
thats why ancient civilization(survivors of different cycles) were so obsessed with the stars
because there is a big patern and it is the most accurate clock in the whole galaxy
the sun and the planets is just a constellation of stars ,, probably the new baby of the milky way
guess who created it .. the Creator with a big C and he is everything that exist
why Creating earth where time pass so fast but in the real dimension
time is extremely slow because of Gaia and how earth is positionned regarding the sun ?
it is caused by the magnetic poles for sure .. like a big battery

Earth is a living bioadvanced ascension machine in other words .. the perfect creation for evolution
thats why so many alien species wanted to be here in human forms .. to experience it and evolve
in reality we are connected to a very advanced high density gravity simulation
to help the soul evolve into god like beings if we find the correct path in our hearts .. the true door
everyone are egualy important and should find their own Holy Grail (the human heart)
dont be scare of dying .. nobody is dying .. we are all imortals .. yes hard to believe
the system on earth made sure we would never suspect all of this .
because they wouldnt have control on us
i didnt even have to see these other dimensions to understand that ..
perceptibility from your heart is one hell of a 6th sense and a good lie detector to
people who are to attach to this simulation and cant let go .. will be lost and confuse
their soul fail the most important test of life .. being a loving and caring being loving life on earth
dont follow anyone rules except your own rules .. you are the ultimate rulers
people dont realise that everytime they hurt someone or even a mouse
they create their own hell with karma .. each time someone do bad stuff
they are damning their own soul forever into an emptyness of torturing fire
wishing they could come back to earth and have another chance in another life (reincarnation)
really bad people dont have second chances

now its time you ask .. where are YOU in all of this
choose your heart and love or choose cold emptyness

the more i get answers .. the more i have questions but its all i got so far
life is beautiful and so mysterious
the signs and clues are all there .. it is you to find it
if you read this post .. then it is not a coincidence

have Faith !
edit on 9/2/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by PrimitiveWorld
Its simple really.

If a movie or a photo is from some non-official place such as youtube, humans use probability to identify what they see in a movie or in a photo. And if it comes from some official place, such as NASA or the government, they use credibility to judge its authenticity.

So lets say you see a light moving in some youtube movie. Since the probability of it being a optical illusion, bird, chinese lantern, airplace, helicopter or a blimp is higher than it being a alien ship, it will always be classified as one of these things as long as its even remotely possible. Why is this important to think about? Because there will be lots of real alien ships being identified as these things, simply because of probability.

And then there is credibility. If the same clip as above would come from NASA, and they tell people what it is, people will simply believe it based on their credibility. We see this all the time.

So that is why you will never see alien space ships.

edit on 2-9-2012 by PrimitiveWorld because: (no reason given)

Your reduction of logical argument to reach your last line above is exactly in line with the goverment's old "swamp gas" explanation. Nothin' like an armchair speculator flaunting his/her brand of 'reasonable thinking" to give a good laugh to those that have had a decent sighting.

Don't you understand? There IS no credible position for a skeptic today.

You can be skeptical about a particular UFO report or photograph, but you simply can't throw every single instance of UFO related data: personal/group sightings, images, goverment reports and air force memos into the trash. --Well, yes, you can if you deny the phenomena entirely. Even Phage doesn't do that

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

Isn´t it somehow logical that we are NOT the only intelligent species in the vast universe? I mean, if its supposed to be infinte in every direction, isn´t there infinite room for infinite StareDads on infinite earth like sun systems? Take two mirrors and face them. Now think every mirror picture a bit difference, no mustache, red hear instead of black.... and so on.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:03 AM
They come at night

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:09 AM
The reason most people don't see them is because we all don't live in Phoenix.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 09:48 AM
I thought it was because most people are to buzzy texting on there mobile phones and don't care to look up at the beautiful sky.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by PrimitiveWorld

whether you see them or not you have to assume they are there because considering the number of habitable (we can't really begin to think we understand all the parameters of what "habitable" means) planets in the known universe and because of the fact life exists on this one, it is more than probable the universe is teeming with life. It would be irrational and unreasonable to think there is nothing else out there and once that is accepted one must assume they are already here. Whether you need to be hit over the head with a ufo is irrelevant, life exists here and it logically follows it has been elsewhere much longer than here.

edit on 2-9-2012 by bottleslingguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:55 AM
It's more like finding the Proverbial needle in the haystack....except we are not sure if there is even a needle there.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by winofiend
I read once that natives on the shore used to look out over the ocean, and not see the invading ships till it was too late, because they simply did not know what they were looking at, at first.

I have seen many people (all from the US) saying that, but that's obviously wrong. If that was true we could never see something new.

As for the topic of this thread, we may see space ships and not identify them as such, but that is only natural, as most of the sightings are just a light in the night sky, so we cannot even know if it's an object in the atmosphere, orbiting the Earth or a far away star or constellation.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:59 PM
The OP is philosophically too far advanced for me to qualify a comment.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by NIRAJ


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