Most people just dont want to see them or will deny them
are you ready for a partial disclosure ? might sound crazy
but it is for you to decide
I saw a beautiful multicolored one night in the dark forest 20 yrs ago
and im very sure i didnt dream about it .. i wasnt even sleeping yet
i agree with the op .. its hard to believe if you never saw one with your own eyes
because i have never seen another one like that after this unique sighting
it has trigger in me to think outside the box and research answers on ufos and conspiracies
i wouldnt be the same person now and on ATS if it wasnt for that ufo lol
next morning i checked if there was any roads ..
but nothing just big mountains and a river down below
there is also another kid beside me who saw it to .. said "what the hell is that"
so i asked him about it after we woke up from the camp building on the next morning
and he was like ... "leave me alone i dont want to talk about it"
i was so curious and him so scared .. his reaction was really strange to me
so 20 yrs later here i am NOW i had to reshuffle all my thoughs and connect the dots together
i think i start getting close to the truth .. it has been in front of us the whole time
the majority are benevolent aliens and a minority of bad fallen angels
there is a war in the heavens and it reflecting on the physical earth where time goes extremely faster
the center of our galaxy is NOT our sun btw .. the cake is a lie
i think we turn around a massive black hole .. it is one massive super reactor
and its in everything the famous spiral .. we are in fact spiraling around this black hole
everything and all constellation are spiraling around it .. its in our DNA the sea shells
we have spiral in our hair .. this spiral was created by a Creator .. it is the fibonachi sequense
like one big advanced programmer formula .. each galaxy has its own black hole
this black hole is the center of our galaxy and each 26000 yrs we come back to point 0
milky way itself is the most advanced clock ever .. literaly it is the Creator personal clock
thats why ancient civilization(survivors of different cycles) were so obsessed with the stars
because there is a big patern and it is the most accurate clock in the whole galaxy
the sun and the planets is just a constellation of stars ,, probably the new baby of the milky way
guess who created it .. the Creator with a big C and he is everything that exist
why Creating earth where time pass so fast but in the real dimension
time is extremely slow because of Gaia and how earth is positionned regarding the sun ?
it is caused by the magnetic poles for sure .. like a big battery
Earth is a living bioadvanced ascension machine in other words .. the perfect creation for evolution
thats why so many alien species wanted to be here in human forms .. to experience it and evolve
in reality we are connected to a very advanced high density gravity simulation
to help the soul evolve into god like beings if we find the correct path in our hearts .. the true door
everyone are egualy important and should find their own Holy Grail (the human heart)
dont be scare of dying .. nobody is dying .. we are all imortals .. yes hard to believe
the system on earth made sure we would never suspect all of this .
because they wouldnt have control on us
i didnt even have to see these other dimensions to understand that ..
perceptibility from your heart is one hell of a 6th sense and a good lie detector to
people who are to attach to this simulation and cant let go .. will be lost and confuse
their soul fail the most important test of life .. being a loving and caring being loving life on earth
dont follow anyone rules except your own rules .. you are the ultimate rulers
people dont realise that everytime they hurt someone or even a mouse
they create their own hell with karma .. each time someone do bad stuff
they are damning their own soul forever into an emptyness of torturing fire
wishing they could come back to earth and have another chance in another life (reincarnation)
really bad people dont have second chances
now its time you ask .. where are YOU in all of this
choose your heart and love or choose cold emptyness
the more i get answers .. the more i have questions but its all i got so far
life is beautiful and so mysterious
the signs and clues are all there .. it is you to find it
if you read this post .. then it is not a coincidence
have Faith !
edit on 9/2/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)