posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:57 AM
This is a wonderful thing and I have the highest of hopes for them. It needs to be done here as well. Like minded people should not be forced to
dwell with those they feel no kinship to, it makes no sense at all. It is insane that we have a system here in the states that forces 2 completely
different ideologies to battle each other nonstop, day in and day out. What is even worse is that there are people who insist that it is a good idea
to do just that. No matter how much strife they see between people, no matter how bitter the feelings get between those on the left and those on the
right, they tell you this road leads to prosperity and does not. Being ruled over by someone whose beliefs you do not share never leads to
the warm fuzzy feeling that Chris Mathews gets when he hears the word Obama. It leads only to citizen against citizen, my way against your way.
The sad part is our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution so this battle never need take place, so that our love for our countrymen could remain in
tact and the worst thing we could say is"Boy am I glad I do not live in your state."
If people on all sides do not start demanding the 10th Amendment gets followed to the letter, we are always going to be battling each
other..........instead of offering each other 50 unique places to call home. Each consisting of like minded people who share a common bond.
We fight, we spend billions of dollars needlessly to make the other guy live like we think he should...and for what? Couldn't that money be better
spent elsewhere?
Each of us are supposed to be able to open a map and say "that state is too liberal for me or that state is too conservative for me," or whatever
the people of that state have decided collectively is their identity. We are supposed to have the freedom to locate ourselves in the state that best
represents our beliefs. Not force our will on whoever loses the election and hope we get re-elected so that we can do it again for 4 more years. It
is madness and it has to stop.
I do not want to live in a heavily conservative state, I want to live IN a Conservative state. I do not want you to live in a liberal dominated
state.....I want you to live IN a liberal state.
If you only wished I had a place I could live my life the way I wanted, as much as I wish you had a place to live your life the way you
wanted......then we really could be countrymen.