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Think You're Free? Guess Again - 10 Rights You May Not Have Much Longer

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:16 PM

Our struggle for liberty is a fight against concentrated wealth.

Our most fundamental rights, to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, are under assault. But the adversary is Big Wealth, not Big Government as conservatives like to claim. Consider:

Life? The differences in life expectancy between wealthier and lower-income Americans are increasing, not decreasing.

Liberty? Digital corporations are assaulting our privacy, while banks trap us in indebtedness that approaches indentured servitude. The shrunken ranks of working Americans are being robbed of their essential liberties - including the right to use the bathroom.

The pursuit of happiness? Social mobility in the United States is dead. Career choices are increasingly limited. As for working hard and earning more, consider this: Between 1969 and 2008 the average US income went up by $11,684. How much of that went to the top 10? All of it. Income for the remaining 90 percent actually went down.

These changes didn't just happen. Wealthy individuals and corporations made it happen - and they're still at it. Meanwhile, Corporate America's wholesale theft of your individual liberties has been rebranded as a fight for ... the corporation's individual liberty.

This is not a USA bashing thread and I do not mean it to be that way.

As Canadians we are in the same boat, we are not far off from these very things, and some of them on par with.

This has nothing to do with one single country, this has to do with our stupidity of letting these sort of things happen to us, and just lying back and accepting it...

I recommend you read the Whole article on the source link as it is very interesting. It shows just what we have come to accept as a society...

Any thoughts?

edit on 31-8-2012 by predator0187 because: Misspelt whole...

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:41 PM
[removed unnecessary quote of entire opening post]

I blame it on McDonalds. I had a social studies teacher - 37 years ago
asked me, why would you pay for something before receiving it? He was talking about how fast food works. His thought was that one receives goods and then one pays based on the idea that the quality of the goods satisfactorily met with expectations. He used the comparison of dining in a restaurant, where one gets to sample the goods before paying. He said, they (big business), were conditioning us to accept less and to put them in more control. No longer was the maxim, the customer is always right, part of a transaction. I guess this extends to other avenues of business too.

I remember when debit cards first hit. All banks were pushing them, claiming it helped them as it freed tellers and allowed for quicker transactions and less paperwork. It was offered as a free service for quite a while. It's purpose was intended to make smoother, quicker transactions and allow the bank to possibly operate with less staff. Now many banks are charging for the use of ATMs - at least for inter-bank transactions. It's all conditioning.

edit on 9/1/2012 by 12m8keall2c because: [removed unnecessary quote of entire opening post]

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Dear predator0187,

I never thought I was free in this country. I know I cannot leave it without permission, if I don't follow the law I know I will go to jail. I cannot say that you are any better off in Canada, I seem to recall that the Governor General closed down the Parliament to delay a vote on the Prime Minister. As long as we live in society, we will never be free. The question is what type of slavery we should organize under.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

An excellent statement.

We do have one right that they will never take away.

The Right to Remain Silent.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:01 PM
Member Edit...

Personal accountability is good...

edit on 31-8-2012 by facelift because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:23 PM
My only issue with lists like this are that a lot of these grievances aren't in any way related to Constitutional Rights. The Constitution protects us from government intrusion upon our rights. Lawmakers have, often due to public pressure, extended *some* of these rights over into the private sphere, such as anti-discrimination policies. If we want Google's data mining stopped, for example, we're going to have to stand up and demand the privacy laws extend beyond the government and are applicable to businesses as well.

reply to post by facelift

That relates to the thread topic how?

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:26 PM
In the past 33 years of my life while born and raise in America, I am free person to do whatever I want and whenever I a sandbox! Yes, that's right, American is a sandbox society video game. You can go only so far until you have reach the limits and your back being control by the banks, governments and elites who have the controller in their hands.

That been said, we will keep running around in circles attempting to find those Easter eggs and never truly have freedom and riches we deserve.

In the meantime, this is a game to them and we will continue to let them play us until all lives have ran out and its game over or who is willing to be on top of the Leader boards to whip their asses and win our true freedom into the open free world

edit on 31-8-2012 by sylent6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

That relates to the thread topic how?

It doesn't really...

I just wanted to throw that out bad.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:34 PM

He said, they (big business), were conditioning us to accept less and to put them in more control. No longer was the maxim, the customer is always right, part of a transaction. I guess this extends to other avenues of business too.
It's all conditioning.

That's a brilliant observation. I never realized it that way before.
Thanks for sharing that!

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by predator0187

We often neglect the right to self-determine.

We can actually grow, rise up, better ourselves. But so many have grown to be dependent on government that we have enabled others to build walls around us.

Any freedoms that we lose are only the ones we give away freely.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Bilk22

Yes, Conditioning is the RIGHT word, I believe you are correct.

We have allowed ourselves to be boiled alive, while fed lies, poisons, and mind retardants that hamper most from thinking on their own. We are BORG.

The Few who scream and cry on the rooftops are shot down by a powerful machine fueled with money stolen or coerced from the common man. Marx spoke of this, but we were afraid instead of logical so we have no one to blame but ourselves. We consent to "The System" and feed it with our blood, sweat and tears. Our lives are given in an unholy Consumption as created "CONSUMERS" with only a Mass Mind that is very unaware of its own predicament.

We toss aside our freedoms as if they were commodities bought at the Super K.

We have sold our Souls to our own greed and gave Birth to the 1%, Our parents and grandparents consented, maybe UnAware.

But Our Generation NOW,, We don't have ignorance as our excuse anymore, we know what is being done to us collectively and individually as humans and as a species.

We have been Sedated, Like WILD BEAST of Burden, to surrender control to the Men and Woman of the Eternal Political MASKS. Clowns, buffoons and Charlatans.

Do we really Think this next crowd is going to be any different.

We yearn for a Hero to come up on a white stallion, fighting evil and giving protection to us all. Someone of the Common People who Rises Up to be THE Champion we all have been waiting for to come.

It is time we ALL Look in the Mirror. And See the Hero,
That needs to come to the Rescue of the Downtrodden and Helpless.

Maybe we can compliment this thread with ideas for
10 Things One can DO to Reclaim Ones' Freedom?

edit on 9/1/2012 by EarthCitizen23 because: spelling

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:12 AM
From my perspective, these are things which only matter because well-armed men in uniforms will shoot you (or worse, throw you in corporate-owned prison to work as a slave for the rest of your life) if you decide you aren't putting up with it anymore. One could theoretically infer from this that the solution is to be better armed than the oppressing forces. Theoretically of course, since I should truly hate to suffer the same fate as the likes of Brandon Raub.

The other alternative is to vote, and I believe we've all seen what good that has done, or we could easily remind ourselves by reviewing the events at the RNC this week.

"Freedom". Indeed...

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:30 AM
If we study the history of mankind, it really isn't much different than it was about 6,000 - 10,000 years ago, at least from documented history. Evidently, we HAVEN'T learned how to break the cycle. That's what is so frustrating about the anti-voters, you don't get anywhere without voting. No football game was won on defense alone. There has to be some offensive play on the field. Let's face it, a lot of "dreamers" have big ideas but no action or motivation. I just don't think we can keep blaming the big boys (TPTB) when it seems evident that "mankind" has been enslaved forever.... becasue of it's own lack of action! And, there have been quite a few revolts, uprisings, coups etc. that should have resulted in the desired results. So, what really is the problem? It obviously isn't something that happened recently and isn't inherit to the USA, it is worldwide and imbedded within man's history.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
If we study the history of mankind, it really isn't much different than it was about 6,000 - 10,000 years ago, at least from documented history. Evidently, we HAVEN'T learned how to break the cycle. That's what is so frustrating about the anti-voters, you don't get anywhere without voting. No football game was won on defense alone. There has to be some offensive play on the field. Let's face it, a lot of "dreamers" have big ideas but no action or motivation. I just don't think we can keep blaming the big boys (TPTB) when it seems evident that "mankind" has been enslaved forever.... becasue of it's own lack of action! And, there have been quite a few revolts, uprisings, coups etc. that should have resulted in the desired results. So, what really is the problem? It obviously isn't something that happened recently and isn't inherit to the USA, it is worldwide and imbedded within man's history.
edit on 1-9-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

Voting doesn't matter. You are choosing between 2 people put there by the very people enslaving you.

They are not there for your rights, they are there to push the status quo forward, and to keep education, free speech and free thinking oppressed.

It's the illusion of choice and "change".


posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:13 AM
So true its sickening.......wheres yer cojones america?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:15 PM
Why nothing will ever be done

The way it stands right now: Too much distractions like computers, T.V., cars, bills etc...

Think about it. The most prominent revolutions took place in a time when these distractions were very minimal.

People actually got together physically to discuss, relate, plan.

Sometimes I wish a solar storm would come and knock out the electricity. This would actually set the stage for any kind of hope - by the fact that we will have to actually speak to each other in person.

The people are separated!! Don't you see?? They got us in a nasty trap.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by stirling So true its sickening.......wheres yer cojones america?

Well it's not like any of us has a chance to get near the true bad guy to do anything about it now do we?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:15 PM
Seriously, who is the bad guy? Is it the POTUS? No, he is just a figure head. Is it our soldiers? No, they are lackies following orders. Is it the politicians? How could they work together when they are just as torn as we are? Someone tell me who the bad guy is because I really would like to know, I believe it is us, all of us, we let the world come to be the way it is. Not just America, everyone. We are all pathetic because we do not stand up for what we believe in. We let others who believe in the same things we do fall every day because of the mentality, "It is someone else's problem." So really, who is the bad guy?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by HauntedBullets

Originally posted by HauntedBullets
Someone tell me who the bad guy is because I really would like to know...

The prince of this world and the “Elite” Cabbalists who actively worship him.

"We cannot understand the world until we appreciate that most leaders are traitors and that mankind is victim of a diabolical conspiracy on an unspeakable scale. It's time we stopped fighting each other and addressed the real enemy." ~ Henry Makow

Satan and his Illuminati BOTH go clear back to the Garden...

One group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this planet. This evil cabal is few in numbers but, like a deadly octopus, its tentacles reach out to grip and strangle untold multitudes of innocent victims. The initiates of every secret society and internationalist organization, from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Jesuits to the Bilderbergers and the Order of Skull & Bones, obey the dictates of this sinister group and tremble when standing before its leaders.

The cabalist group I refer to is the Synagogue of Satan, an ancient, yet modern, elite so politically powerful and so fabulously wealthy that even past history has been twisted, reshaped, and revised to meet its preferred version of humanity's gloomy, totalitarian future.

Religious in nature, the Synagogue of Satan is, at its essence, a grotesque, satanic cult. It's high council is composed of High Priests of Lucifer; these are men who literally worship death while practicing sexual magick and occult rituals of the blackest nature.

The Synagogue of Satan

Note the Illuminati in Jesus' day:

"The Illuminati started long before 1776, It has it's roots in the mystery religions which the knights templar perpetuated. In Nimrod's time, Semiramus brought back the mystery religions which were from before the time of Noah. The Illuminati was just a different name by which these same entities existed. They can change their name a thousand times, but the same entities run it."

"The Old Testament is simply the history of how Satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of Satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the conspiracy reached the stage that, to use his own words, Satan controlled all those in high places.

He exposed the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9) he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the devil (Lucifer), whom he castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2 Cor. 11:14). He was specific in his statement that those who comprised the synagogue of Satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers) the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of his day.

Illuminati Roots

edit on 1-9-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Oh, I understand the idea behind the Illuminati, What proof of this is there though? Besides the symbolism that is etched into everyones head, for a secret society, a whole lot of people know about them. They almost seem to be another cover up for the true evil. Of course we can believe that the world is run by a group of families that have run the world forever, but what brought them to power? Where do these families reside? These questions are what truly matters because to fight your enemy and win you must first know your enemy wholly. What do we know besides the conspiracies and the all seeing eye? Has any one had a first hand account with the evil group known as the Illuminati? Not bashing the idea, but trying to get a more well rounded concept of it I suppose. How many of them are there? Is there whole play mind control? satanic sacrifices? If you believe in the Illuminati and a great evil force, surely there must be a great force of good somewhere as well. The world is based in duality, night/day, good/bad, saints/sinners, life/death. Where is the opposite end of the spectrum I wonder?

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