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NEVER FORGET 9-11….Maybe we SHOULD forget.

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posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

.Surely steel beats aluminium (below 2.5 mach) every time.

Yet we saw on our trusty T.V. screens, aluminium effortlessly beat steel.

Anyone so sure of gross contradictions is iffy in my (physics) book.



Looks like the steel hull lost out to a WWII Japanese aircraft

Fast foward 60 years when have a jet aircraft weighing 300,000 lbs + traveling at 500 mph +

Think it cant penetrate a building .....?

Do you bother to actually read your physics book? Miss the part about how the force exerted goes up by the SQUARE of the Velocity ie double velocity force increases by factor of 4

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by maxella1

That's why we should never forget 9/11 because the terrorists are still out there walking around and breathing our air. I'm a New Yorker and 9/11 is not just a news story to me, It's very personal. To me forgetting is like forgiving and I will not allow that to happen. I will not forget and I will not forgive. Ever...

Yes, there are "terrorists" still out there walking around and breathing out air.

Our government is supporting them and providing them weapons as they overthrow countries without Rothschild controlled central banks in the so called "Arab Spring" revolutions happening around the Middle East. How many stories are out there claiming that the revolutionaries we support are the same Al Qaeda we are supposedly at war against?

When I say forget 9-11, I mean we must dump the slogan that has been used as a rallying cry for more foreign wars and police state oppression here in the US.

The way the right treats the 9-11 heroes as pawns in their quest to maintain tax cuts for the rich while funding the so called "terrorists" we are supposedly at war with just goes to show the hypocrisy of those who use this slogan against us.

I say dump that slogan; forget the hatred and the fear it engenders and find a new slogan to commemorate the heroes and the lost without furthering the sick political objectives of our rulers.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Forgetting 9/11 was an inside job is the same as going into denial. Denial wont get us out of this mess we are in it will only make matters far worse. There needs to be an "OFFICIAL" investigation conducted by those who believe it was an inside job and whom are not afraid to speak out through fear of death.

People need to realise that if the real 9/11 criminals are not arreated and charged then indeed there will be no hope at all for humanity ever again, period. The human race will not survive this massacre, it has only been a decade or so since the offence so its still early days in the grand scheme of things.

But I kid people not, unless this is properly dealt with then we will continue to sprial down the toilet untill war kills us all. The people that carried out 9/11 are the same people starting to poison everyone. This isnt a damn joke, this is very serious and denying it wont help you survive, it will only hasten the demise of us and our families.

These people committed such an enourmous attrocity without care of repercussion or any feeling towards those hurt. People need to realise the criminals havent gone away, they are just getting started. Expect many, many more deaths IMHO, far more than 9/11 in the near future thanks to these people. And they will continue until bought to justice.

Everyone reading this needs to fully understand, having these tyrants in charge means none of you are safe and neither are thier families, even if you have been led to believe you are part of the system like a secret agent or something ridiculas.

Of course this is only my opinion, but I certainly do not say such terrible things on a whim. And if what I have said scares anyone then I do not appologise, fear is just a natural reaction we must all go through and face before any change can take place. I am no longer scared of these criminals, the may have power over weak minded thugs and disinfo agents to steer them but they certainly are not goig to shut me up unless they kill me. But even if they do kill me there are now millions of others like me just waiting to take my place

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Very well said.

When I say forget 9-11, I mean forget the slogans and the fear those in power use against us to exploit this tragedy in order to further their own evil policies.

We should always keep in mind that our government lies to us and covers up massive conspiracies such as that behind the 9-11 attacks. We should never forget that there is something very fishy about the 9-11 "official story", the events that transpired that day and the government's response to those events. We should always fight to uncover the truth behind the events of that day, keeping in mind that our government has no interest in allowing those facts to be revealed.

In fact, the whole "Never Forget" slogan is now used to attack those who still seek the truth. The right-wing media portrays those who don't buy into the OS as somehow attacking the memories of those lost on that day and as exploiting the memory of 9-11 for their own political purposes. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

The public needs to stop blindly following those in power who say they are doing all this crap to preserve our freedom from "terrorist" attack and recognize the fact that whenever the government says it is defending our liberties, it is actually scheming to take them away.

Don't allow those in power to use sloganeering and knee-jerk patriotism to further their anti-American agenda. Think for yourselves and remember; whenever the government tells us to "remember 9-11", we need to be more wary than ever because you can be sure a new assault on our liberties is on the way.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:39 AM
We should never forget 9/11 but we should let the famalies have their privacy also and stop re-running these programmes all the time.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:42 AM
I live nearby, and know people who were in the towers. I'm too close to the story to ever forget.

if you don't know anyone who witnessed people cut in half or falling on the ground like bags of cement after jumping out from 70 stories up, consider yourself lucky
edit on 9-9-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

When I say forget 9-11, I mean we must dump the slogan that has been used as a rallying cry for more foreign wars and police state oppression here in the US.

There's nothing wrong with the slogan it says exactly what it means. Just because people see different meaning in it we shouldn't change anything.

The way the right treats the 9-11 heroes as pawns in their quest to maintain tax cuts for the rich while funding the so called "terrorists" we are supposedly at war with just goes to show the hypocrisy of those who use this slogan against us.

9/11 victims, first responders and survivors get disrespect from the right, left and center. If you're trying to say that democrats use this slogan in the way it should be than how come they don't give a crap about dealing with those who let it happen? As far as I'm concerned there is no right or left. Just pointless posturing and fake disagreements. They are on the same team.

I say dump that slogan; forget the hatred and the fear it engenders and find a new slogan to commemorate the heroes and the lost without furthering the sick political objectives of our rulers.

But if you really want to change it how about '9/11 truth now!' actually this one already exists. It's just that people are in some kind of coma.

Never forget that people were murdered, never forget that the guilty are still free, never forget who came to the rescue that day without an invitation, and never forget that they were lied to and now re dying and need our help.
edit on 9-9-2012 by maxella1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:57 AM
Never mind.
edit on 9-9-2012 by PLASIFISK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Of course this is only my opinion, but I certainly do not say such terrible things on a whim. And if what I have said scares anyone then I do not appologise, fear is just a natural reaction we must all go through and face before any change can take place. I am no longer scared of these criminals, the may have power over weak minded thugs and disinfo agents to steer them but they certainly are not goig to shut me up unless they kill me. But even if they do kill me there are now millions of others like me just waiting to take my place

I second that opinion. I think of terrorists the same way I think about the latest 'Boogie Monster' west nile mosquitoes...They exist but nothing to be scared about because we can protect ourselves from them. There's no need to go kill them in places where they pose no threat to us.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

I absolutely agree!

And the timing seems profound, I think.

There is a way to remember something for the purpose of honoring the memory of love and of accomplishments and friendship and all the good things that memory serves...memory should serve love, not fear.

There IS a way to forget but not to forget. More about that at the end of my post.

And the wrong way of remembering is more like feeding the weed of resentment...which is no different than a monkey on one's back...the more you feed it...the more it eats...the bigger it gets...the hungrier it is the next time you feed it.

During the London Olympics, I remember reading some article about there being 'outrage' that there was no mention of the 9/11 incident but there was mention of the tragic events that have happened during the Olympic games in the past...
And I thought to myself that 9/11 didn't have anything to do with the Olympics, why mention it?
Well, there was a lot of attempts to build up some sort of expectant anxiety about supposed terrorist attacks and such...nothing at all happened. NOTHING.

My personal opinion on the matter as a whole is that the Never Forget motto was used as propaganda for the same purpose as the attacks were capitalized upon later for, which was promoting and sustaining acts of war in other places.

We (the US) have no real enemy these days...we are almost bullies and bullies don't have enemies but they sure try hard to make enemies.
If we do not have the specter of terrorism we don't have an enemy to fight or an excuse to make war...since we no longer have the former specter which was communism...and before that, fascism...and before that, it was the monarchy and forced class system that the common man fought against...that wasn't a specter, however...

If resentment and hate continues to grow within us, we will fuel that war machine for the ones who manufacture the machine and it's parts...if we no longer brew that fuel within us...that machine sputters to a slow but shuddering halt.
Once it turns off...I daresay they don't have a way to turn the engine over again....the spark plug was perhaps man's lacking perception of other people elsewhere being just the same as the ones next door...the sense of unity and connection that is emerging in this world is what cracked and broke that spark plug. The internet and technology aided it just as it could possibly hurt it but I really think overall it was a boon to our connectedness.

The Israel Loves Iran campaign on Facebook shows that, is about to spill out into the so-called real world and the streets of the people who started it online. The sentiment in Israel is increasing toward wanting to be friends with everyone rather than enemies and their leadership is losing their power to do things the old way.

That is just an example...I'm not trying to point at any group or whatever...we are all Earthlings!
There is one race!
The human race!

I made this graphic several years ago, but no one really seemed to *get it*. Maybe I was a little early.
I will try it again:

edit on 9/9/2012 by queenannie38 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 02:31 PM
Never Forget these people.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by maxella1

9/11 victims, first responders and survivors get disrespect from the right, left and center. If you're trying to say that democrats use this slogan in the way it should be than how come they don't give a crap about dealing with those who let it happen? As far as I'm concerned there is no right or left. Just pointless posturing and fake disagreements. They are on the same team.

You make an excellent point there; the right has no monopoly on 9-11 hypocrisy.

I guess, because I look to mostly right-wing news sources for my information, I see it as coming mostly from the right. There sure wasn't any change in the intrusive policies once the Dems came into power and they sure as Hell didn't keep their promises to get us out of the wars. They even expanded our drone use around the world.

It seems to me that the right uses 9-11 as a weapon to bash their opponents and justify their policies but, maybe that's just because I'm not paying enough attention to what the left and center are saying as well.

Originally posted by queenannie38

Beautiful pic.

I wish more people would embrace that sentiment.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 05:59 PM
People will never be able to forget
because they cant make closure without the truth

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
People will never be able to forget
because they cant make closure without the truth

Perhaps that is the reason they withhold the truth from us; they don't ever want us to achieve closure so they can keep using the memory of 9-11 to serve their agenda.

The worst thing is they refuse to hold anyone within this country accountable for the failures that day. We have no problems bombing people half a world away who may or may not have had anything to do with the events that day but, not one single person inside the US lost their job or was even disciplined for the failures that happened that day.

That to me speaks volumes. It indicates to me that nobody was disciplined because nothing went wrong that day. Everything unfolded as planned.

People today need to work harder than ever to uncover the truth behind 9-11 because we can be sure the government will do everything in its power to keep that truth from us.

Maybe once we achieve closure, the country can finally get back on track without all the police state policies we've suffered with this passed decade.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 06:51 PM
Agreed. For some, who lost their dearest loved one, closure will only come when they join them. My tears always fall when I hear a story from someone who that applies to.

We can't fix that. That's inescapably and tragically true.

But the rest of the country needs closure and we haven't been allowed to pursue that because of the end that it would put on our enslavement to a few men's profit at the expense of not just Americans but Afghans, Iraqis, and maybe, but hopefully not, GOD forbid, the entire world.

Those profiting are the ones that profit in such companies as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Gronman, and Raytheon.

From WikiL

Federal Procurement Reports provide contract data that may be used for geographical, market, and socio-economic analysis, as well as for measuring and assessing the impact of acquisition policy and management improvements.[1]

In Fiscal Year 2010, the top five departments by dollars obligated were[2]:

Department of Defense ($365.9 bn)
Department of Energy ($25.7 bn)
Health and Human Services ($19.0 bn)
General Services Administration ($17.6 bn)
NASA ($16.0 bn).

The Top 100 Contractors Report for Fiscal Year 2009 lists contracts totalling $294.6 billion, the top five comprising aerospace and defense contractors[3]:

Lockheed Martin ($38.5 bn)
Boeing ($22.0 bn)
Northrop Grumman ($19.7 bn)
General Dynamics ($16.4 bn)
Raytheon ($16.1 bn)

In the same period, small business contracts totalled $96.8 billion.[4]

Unfortunately, the profits of these companies seems to be closely connected with the GOP party...I don't mean that as a partisan statement...I don't have a party affiliation, myself..I do not and have not and will not...same way with religion...I have none...well, I say music is my religion when asked.
But anyway, what I am saying is that when I say GOP I mean simply that because I have found it to be true. They are the ones for the war to continue and the Democrats have tried many ways to get Congress to put an end to the war in Afghanistan. But the Speaker of the House sends those kinds of things to committees that somehow seem to agree with the idea of not addressing it straight on and there the bills stay, effectively dead.

If we could get to the truth which is really simple, I think...the profits would be over for those few.

What I believe to be the simple truth is this:
Our involvement in Afghanistan at the end of the cold war caused some really hard feelings in many and one of them was a charismatic wealthy idealistic named Osama bin Laden.
Our refusal to acknowledge that we were interfering in ways we would never tolerate eventually led to a horrific terrorist attack which did not end with a goal of bringing down 3,000 Americans with the Twin Towers but rather started with that.
We responded with even more of the same that stirred up the hard feelings in the first place.
Shortly thereafter, the charismatic wealthy idealist died from ESRD but no one shared that information with the people he attacked that day.
Meanwhile, the war went on and another one was started and we were kept busy with smoke and mirrors and were constantly faced with reminders of why we needed to answer aggression with more aggression.
The Presidency changed and led to another death of that charismatic idealist...

THAT should have led to closure and resumption of our lives....but after the initial celebration, it was oddly silent. If that were really the reason we were over there...and were supposedly being aggressively fighting terrorism, then you would think that even the government would have been jubilant.

They didn't say a word, hardly.
Any mention of what Obama accomplished that Bush did not is met with unusually harsh criticism and rancor toward Obama...and also he is blamed for not stopping the war.

But the records in Washington show a different that most people are too busy with other things to be concerned with rooting out...or maybe not aware that it is any rate...the truth is right under our noses and we are told to look over there! look here! but don't look under your nose, whatever you do.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Sorry, but NO WAY should we forget.

The victims, the families, to the average Joe on the street. This touched everyone in America, and the World.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Well, maybe not everyone in the world. Check out this thread.

These people have no idea, or at least 92% of the men asked...what 9/11 meant or what happened there...many looked at the images of NYC and said it was Kabul.

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:25 PM
Never forget about the victims & what the victims families went through, never forget the servicemen that went into action on that day.

Never forget what the government is capable of............

posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:37 PM
1 shall not forget those who lost their lives under terrorist behaviors nor will 1 forget those WHO WERE WHAT 1 RECOGNIZES AS SOLDIERS IN SPIRIT (first responders) who were sent into the buildings trying to PROVIDE SERVICE TO OTHERS (STO) KNOWING THERE WAS A CHANCE THEY WOULD NOT MAKE IT OUT. LIKE the FUKUSHIMA 50 SPIRIT SOLDIERS (FEARLESS). So 1 cannot forget. Move on and try to keep a OPTIMISTIC positive mind state that there was no deception @ play is how I tend to be. But ALERT as possible not paranoid but alert that somethings more can possibley happen.

As far as the exploitation of 9/11/01 with remembrance dialog and visuals 1 can see letting much of that go. But many should not forget. The who are responsible for these types of activities on CREATOR CREATIONS shall have their TIME of JUDGMENT to EXPLAIN and their SOUL vibrations will determine their fates as they JUSTIFY why?

With that I send positive vibes out to those SOULS who PUT THEIR all ON THE LINE TO CLEAN THE MESS AND TO HELP OTHERS OUT OF THE BUILDINGS souls here and there.


posted on Sep, 11 2012 @ 03:49 PM
No I will never forget...I lost friends there and work there looking for survivors....easy for you to weren't there!

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