posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Hey ATSers,
So I'm watching this video about how a kid built a weather balloon as a science project and it traveled 20 miles above Earth (which wound up landing
in some guys yard and he called the cops cause he was freaked out) ...anyway....I'm watching this news clip and at 56 seconds there is a shot of the maybe it's just me but everytime I've seen photos of the Sun compared to the distance of the Earth it seems pretty damn far away...but in
this clip the Sun seems friggin close!!!
Take a look for yourselves and let me know your thoughts...AGAIN ..pause the video at 56 seconds:
Boys Weather Balloon Experiment
FYI..the feed was slow for me and be patient with the commercial at the beginning
edit on 31-8-2012 by FreedomKnight because: (no reason given)