This thread provides an opportunity to call for Debates, suggest Debate topics and look for other Debaters. If you wish to start a Debate it must be
approved either by a Moderator of this Forum by private message or approved in this thread. To participate in debates you also need "Fighter Status"
which you can apply for in this thread or by sending a Super-Moderator a private message with the request "Can you please give me fighter status".
The new Debate Rules have been created to simplify the Debates and get more people interested in reading them. They are:
* Debates are three posts each. One post opens and defines your debate the other are the body of the debate.
* There is a character limit of 5000 words in place. Our desire for debates is that instead of turning it into a linking and referencing-fest or
overstating your point, you bring your argument across in a succinct manner. Debates are meant to be fun and readable.
* As a fighter you can start and run a debate after you have gotten approval in this thread or from a Moderator of this Forum. A debate no longer
needs an introduction. You start it by simply starting with your opening post. Forum Mods are:
If you dont get a response from a Moderator, chose one that appears to be online.
Judging will be done by two judges . If the two judges vary, the Debate will be a tie. Judges should be anonymous. Do not post in this thread if you
wish to judge, write one of us a PM. As a judge you should
not be invested in the topic being discussed. Should you be chosen as a judge, please judge the debate not based on your particular stance but on how
well the debaters made their point.
Debate posts must not be edited once posted.
There is no longer a time-limit on when a debater must reply. However, if more than 2 weeks have passed without the debate coming to a conclusion and
without word from the missing debater, the thread will be closed unless someone else is willing to take over the rest of the debate.
To gain fighter status, you must be a member in good standing and have either 200 posts or 6 months membership. Apply for fighter-status with a
Supermoderator or by sending me a message. After you have received Fighter-Status you must post in this Forum within 2 weeks, otherwise the status
will be revoked.
If you retreat from the Forum for more than two months your status will also be revoked. Regaining it may then take several weeks.
Tournaments will be limited to 8 fighters to prevent the fallouts of previous Tournaments. The next Tournament will be announced at a later date in a
separate thread.
This new debate format is a test and may be changed in the future.
Please do not use this thread to discuss debates but rather to propose for debates with other ATSers. This might, for example, take the following
"Who wants to debate with me?"
"Who would like to debate topic X with me?"
Please be respectful and within the rules of the T&C and general civility at all times. T&C Violations and excessive off-topic posting will cause you
to lose first your fighter-status and finally your ATS-Account.
This Forum is for fun and education. Debates are an opportunity to really focus and pinpoint the issues surrounding any topic without all the "noise"
on regular boards. Treat it well and it well treat you well.
Guidelines for Judging Debatesedit on 28-12-2012 by
Skyfloating because: (no reason given)