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Originally posted by KeliOnyx
reply to post by DirectDemocracy
I don't trust most Americans to wipe their own backside to be quite honest. Much less entrusting them to make sound policy decisions. The founders understood this one thing extremely well, the public at large are morons.
Originally posted by DustbowlDebutante
reply to post by Phoenix
I agree that term limits would help as well. I am no political expert, but from what I have read and gathered, the founding fathers never intended serving your country as a member of congress to be a life-long and/or full-time job. As it is, they get full-time pay (and better pay than the majority of us) for working part-time. And half of the time they are "working" the only thing they are working toward is getting re-elected and further securing their position in the government rather than doing the will of their constituents.
I think it is still possible to overhaul our system within the confines of the constitution. The first thing we need to change is the money aspect. The only money politicians should be able to accept is their paychecks. And those paychecks should be no more than the median pay of citizens of this country. Being an elected servant of the people should not be considered the "good life" or "easy street."
The second thing we need to do is enact term limits. I should think one or two terms is enough. We limit the president, why not congress? They also shouldn't be spending all of their time in DC. How can they represent their people if they are never around them to even find out their views and opinions? Why can we not go back to congress meeting for a few months out of the year while still keeping their day jobs? Isn't that how it was done in the beginning?
Originally posted by Freeborn
As you know stu along with the introduction of some sort of Direct Democracy here in the UK I also support reform of the current party political system.
Currently MP's put their own personal and career interests ahead of the wishes and well being of their constituents.
In addition with the current whip system we have elected officials being forced to obey party line rather than follow personal conviction.
Clearly the wishes of 'the party' are being promoted above the interests of the electorate.
Originally posted by Freeborn
Direct Democracy may not be the great cure all and there is much to consider etc, but it is definately a marked improvement on the current out-dated, corrupt and unrepresentative systems we currently have.
Originally posted by Freeborn
Unfortunately as you are aware of more than most of us the biggest problems we face are complete apathy by the majority and a conditioned belief that the current systems we have are beyond reproach and any criticisms of them are deemed as heretical
Originally posted by KeliOnyx
No no no. Direct Democracy is mob rule. And yes every so often someone pops in here without any sense passing it off as a good idea. Sorry day late dollar short.
The Supreme Court first established its power to declare laws unconstitutional in Marbury v. Madison (1803), consummating the system of checks and balances. This power allows judges to have the last word on allocation of authority among the three branches of the federal government, which grants them the ability to set bounds to their own authority, as well as to their immunity from outside checks and balances.