posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Dnepropetrovsk
I never knew it had any direct link to ATS, other than seeing the 'UN' logo in the ATS background display. I thought there might be a connection,
but never saw the info on it, but I never tried to find out - I guess what I am trying to say is, I never saw any ATS authored threads or U2U's that
addressed any relation...
So 'UNpartial' will be a site where news is delivered on a completely non-biased platform, in attempt to let visitors form their own opinion and
understanding, based solely on the facts relating to the relative topic?
That's some screen name you have there!
Those kids were brutal, disgusting, and an incredibly insane group that is the absolute epitome of Evil to it's core. It is unfortunate (lacking
better words) our reality is a place where such extreme torture and murder exist and can be seen all to often around the entire planet, complete with
admiration by those who idolize such acts of horror.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say you idolize them, just that there are some really sick people out there who do look up to these murderers
and their specific actions.