posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 03:20 AM
when i was younger i believed in numbers and spells and what not but when i went to the university i took a summer course in Feng shui, it talked of
similar things with numbers and flow, and moving furniture in certain ways and making alters, and spell cards , and burning certain spell cards, well
im here to inform you all, taught by a master Feng shui artist,, its bull shice i tried a bunch of different things taught in that class, it was 3
months long so in no way a master course if those exits, i tried money alters, dream alters, moving my furniture in different ways to get the right
"flow" writing down love, hope, future, spell cards and NOTHING no love money or anything else i couldn't attribute to me just working harder or
getting ballz up to ask someone out,,, no magic involved lol
now if someone could find a list of numbers that the ultra elite use and could point at something and make a good correlations aka, stay away from
houses buildings with number 13 they are nwo type thing, ok then that could be useful, making a kids construction project, wont save your house, and
id bet 13 dollars on that !!
also, wouldn't using a penny made by the people you are making this pyramid against defeat the purpose, or maybe you are just sucking us in so the
nwo can make their pyramids and see into our minds ....NEW CONSPIRACY nwo can see into your minds with pennies!!!!