I 'm loving all this information and interesting mix of opinions, I would like to know what are your views,if any, on the link between "The EVE
Theory"and blood line of a Christ, and do you think there is a "last EvE"(like)the last Adam. Any opinion, or ideas.
Am more or less sure there is infoarmation on the on the link between "The EVE Theory"and blood line of a Christ in the conspiracy and religion
forum on here
Welcome Angela247 ... as a new member myself - I may not be able to answer any techincal questions you may have but, I will try to be of assistance
should you have a question - U2U me should you have the need.
Reference your question on the Bloodline of Christ and having recently read twice the book "The Da Vinci Code" - I have an opinion and look forward
to sharing it in the Religion Forum with you. U2U me if you start a subject on it - I'll gladly share my opinion there.