posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Iamschist
Thanks for the reply Iamschist.
I did not think I would get many replies, since there is no a current event that would get people talking about this, other than the NASA study
showing how much of the ice-cap is gone.
To be honest, I am not an expert on climate or weather, and all I know about an anti-cyclone is that it is a high pressure system that causes winds
that rotate clockwise as they spread out from the center. It's the opposite of a cyclone (Hurricane), in terms of pressure and rotation, and I think
does not usually cause storms, just sustained winds.
I do know that most surface currents are created by the prevailing winds, and that the ice pack that did exist would have prevented the prevailing
winds from creating strong surface currents in the arctic ocean until now.
Who knows?