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666, NWO, Aliens and You!

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posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by dianashay

What people have to understand is that the mark is voluntary, western society has computers and facebook, but a refugee, which there are millions do not have access to a computer let alone facebook, they don't have a computer or even a mobile phone, are these people just taken out of the equation?

The mark will be offered to everyone, regardless of current religion or nationality or socio-economic status.

That is why I suggested that the mark is a visible mark that people will display with pride, those without a visible mark will be ostracized.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by dianashay

What people have to understand is that the mark is voluntary, western society has computers and facebook, but a refugee, which there are millions do not have access to a computer let alone facebook, they don't have a computer or even a mobile phone, are these people just taken out of the equation?

The mark will be offered to everyone, regardless of current religion or nationality or socio-economic status.

That is why I suggested that the mark is a visible mark that people will display with pride, those without a visible mark will be ostracized.

I getcha, but those (currently) without elec or computers/phones are for the most part already in slave-like 3rd world conditions and food is harder to come by. Those people perhaps are easier to tag (not because I consider them less intel., it is that they are already more easily convinced of such ideals of humanity vs demons, via their myths/religions, and political/economic woes.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by munkey66

This sums it up perfectly really, it must be something that everyone wants, from the high and mighty, to those who still live a secluded tribal lifestyle. The latter does not care about Facebook, does not care for technology. It has to be something that would appeal to all and there is nothing on earth that currently fits this bill.

Edit: there's always food and water. Something that did just occur to me, we are entering the age of Aquarius right? The water bearer, perhaps that is a clue to the what the spark will be.
edit on 30-8-2012 by DaesDaemar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

Perhaps having us chipped has happened Aquarius, aka Atlantis.

Aquarius relates to science, technology, space travel and physics; discoveries in these fields not seen since the days of Atlantis will affect every part of life. Aquarius is the sign of the Universal Christ. In Aquarius, differences among peoples will become increasingly less a matter of race and more a matter of levels of consciousness.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by dianashay
reply to post by DARREN1976

Well, the guy is kinda right.

I mean Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg of everything you say, do and eat (and more) is what information that would be avail. to view within the chip.

Perhaps we will be an open book as such, and as the prophecy-beholders could be embedded ON the face, therefore 'facebook' afterall. Biblically it would be the right hand or the head/face. We use our right hand (most of us) to use a mouse. Perhaps in the future a mouse would be obsolete and wireless because of a chip.

and as far as facebook is concerned perhaps the name of the site is a percursor and quite ironic to Z(S)uckerburg and the cronies he works for. They might find it funny, I particularly don't.
edit on 30-8-2012 by dianashay because: spelling

It started happening a good while ago, but ever oh-so subtly!! Do a search on ATS for the thread concerning RFID chipping your children!! Should be a thread about that, I know I've read threads on here concerning RFID chips themselves....
I dont take the Bible in a literal sense, but in revelations it talks about the end times and the number of the beast and people having a mark for use in everything, it pretty much translates as barcodes, and people are starting to wear these marks, banking security have been talking about putting these forms of security marks to identify people for a long time, almost too scary as it closely resembles whats talked about in revelations my friend!! even british passports (where I'm from) have identitiy chips in them now, that can be scanned, you've got the police (big brother) going about with biometric scanners on them as well now, they take your thumb print and if your known to the police, it will come up with your intel, wont be long before its compulsory, they already tried sneaking it in for the next generation, trying to subtly mask it behind safety measures for your childrens sake at school!! wanted to install biometric scanner in every school entrance, so the kids have to scan in on their way in to school, saying that if they did that, and had all your kids details linked to that scanner, then you would be able to check up if they actually made it to school!! now you cant tell me that it would only be the school that had them details can you? OF COURSE the authorities or "TPTB" would of had direct access to those details as well!! but people are starting to smarten up, and a good few cried out against it, saying it was a breach in to privacy and breach of their human rights, dunno if they scrapped the idea in the end, but I can 100% guarantee that if it was scrapped, then they will try the same again soon, but re-hashed as a different idea to make it look like something completely different, and this time they wont make the mistake of allowing people to cry about privacy issues, they will word it just right so as to make it compulsory, and the law!! with threat of jail, or getting labled an extremist if you dont comply, or some such bulls**t like that, it never ends, and it never fails to amaze me some of the dirty tricks that those with our best interests at heart try to pull!!

edit on 30-8-2012 by DARREN1976 because: spelling..

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

I know SOOO scary :O

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

The right hand represents works, the forehead represents belief. But some prophecies are double fulfillment so maybe your right. Some people will do the NWOs works with out the belief, some people will believe without the works.

edit on 30-8-2012 by SmertSpionam1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

You probably forgot to add Project Blue Beam and HAARP into your theory for the faked alien invasion

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I disagree . Chapter 7 of Revelations verse 3 and 4 tells a different story . So many people have not disseminated the message in Matthew 24 verses 29 thru 31 where Jesus comes back in the clouds and the trump is sounded . These are his words . Still they believe the trump will sound for them pre tribulation .
The NWO and the 666 system will have fallen before the return after the Jews reject the Antichrist for sitting in the seat of God and trying to claim Gods authority . The Antichrist will lose his power and authority because of the Jews rejection and people will desert him . He will live until God deals with him and cast him alive into the lake of fire Revelations chapter 19 verse 20 . God will stop his wrath being poured out Rev. chapter 7 for his 144,000 to be sealed with his mark in their forehead . Why ? To protect them from the wrath that is about to be poured out . Rev . chapter 7 verse 3 . Note Rev. chapter7 and verse 9 explains the Rapture if you call it that has happened and the saved are before the throne and Lamb . Confirmation comes in verse 13 and 14 . So the Raptured are before the throne and God preachers are going to walk among those in the wrath on the earth .
Chapter 14 of Revelations is a recap of Chapter 5,6and 7 of Revelations . In Chapter 14 the 144,000 are better described and verse 6 explains their mission . Why ? These people have rejected all knowledge of the Gospel and will be shown the error of their ways . Gods wisdom is not that of mans , but your daddy most likely told you what it was that you did wrong before you were punished .

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by MrPsi

The Koran is a plagiarized version of the Talmud and came about somewhere in the 6th century after Jesus . The book of Enoch if it is genuine would be part of the bible as he was told about in the bible . So what is your point ?

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Krishna of Hindustan.
Buddha Sakia of India.
Salivahana of Bermuda.
Zulis, or Zhule, also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt.
Odin of the Scandinavians.
Crite of Chaldea. Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia.
Baal and Taut, "the only Begotten of God," of Phoenicia.
Indra of Tibet.
Bali of Afghanistan.
Jao of Nepal.
Wittoba of the Bilingonese.
Thammuz of Syria.
Atys of Phrygia.
Xaniolxis of Thrace.
Zoar of the Bonzes.
Adad of Assyria.
Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam.
Alcides of Thebes.
Mikado of the Sintoos.
Beddru of Japan.
Hes-us or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids.
Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls.
Cad-mus of Greece.
Hil and Feta of the Mandaites.
Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico.
Universal Monarch of the Sibyls.
Ischy of the Island of Formosa.
Divine Teacher of Plato.
Holy One of Xaca.
Fohi and Tien of China.
Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece
IxiOn and Quirinus of Rome.
Prometheus of Caucasus.
Mohamed, or Mahomet, of Arabia.

Seeing as how a good 7/8 of these "saviors" go against what is taught in the bible...

What will happen concerning these religions and beliefs in respects to the antichrist's presence and the return of Jesus?

Im just asking for your input on this please. Will we have any religious allies during this time, or will they all believe the antichrist is the second coming of their own "savior" and take up arms with him??

I think this'll be a major turning point for a lot of religious people, such as people jumping ship from one religion to another...imo at least.

Please shed some light,

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

The signs of the times today are sickening . I have lived most of my life , I'm 62 . I see kids tattooed up to the point where they will languish in later life about how they were deceived by the Devil to follow blindly the fad of the day . These are people who have no role model but the Devil . Goth is of the Devil . The Tattoo fad has made the Mark of the Beast more plausible to people to have a visible s car on their body that pledges their allegiance to Satan . That's the in thing now . Body mutilation is also patr of the conditioning for the implant called Verichip , a RFID chip .
On the other hand this tells us that the time is near for the return of Christ .

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by PsyMike91

Just how many of these writings have described the unfolding of events that we now face . The Bible has prophecy in it that tells us of the events of today . These things have not been able to fulfill until Israel became a nation in 1948 . The prophesies in the bible that gives a definite link to this time period is Zachariah chapter 14 verse 12 . This plague that is poured out on those that comes against Israel can only be explained by the effects of an ATOMIC BOMB . This chapter deals with the later days that we are in .
Ezekiel 37 tells of Israel being reformed as a country after their being scattered .
Ezekiel 38 tells of Israel being attacked by the Arabs and Russia in the Gog and Magog that we are about to see and Zachariah 14 verse 12 comes into play here .
Revelations 13 tells of a One World leader who gets his power from the 10 kings of the earth and sets up the Mark of the Beast through out the world . The only way that nobody can buy , sell or trade anywhere in the world without the mark is for the money and records of ownership to be electronic only. Therefore again it is only now possible for these prophesies to come to fruition .
There are many others in the bible and little time .

Now how many of those writtings have you actually read and how many can you validate with todays real life circumstances ? Then have you really read the bible?

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:49 PM
I'm just visualizing and VERY much hoping for the impeccably non-Abrahamic - in particular and non-religious in general - Apocalypse and ALL post-Apocalypse. What will all the (particularly Abrahamic) religious wackos do when whatever events that will (hopefully) ACTUALLY transpire have absolutely zero, zilch, nada to do with ANY of their stupidly specific alleged "prophecies" and/or whatever else of their nonsensical mind control cults? (Yes, CULTS)! What will it do to their most terribly fragile egos and psyches to find out that they are positively NOT, at least effectively, the center of the universe or the "pinnalcle" of "God's" creation, or (for example) that Jesus was NOT The One and ONLY Begotten Son of "God" in the WHOLE DAMN UNIVERSE???!!!

edit on 30-8-2012 by Lightworth because: spelling

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by r2d246

That V pilot series looked crazy.....IT even had a clear reptilian in it! It kinda sounded legit...

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:19 PM
I too have pondered this scenario, or atleast something very similar.

Its werid that recent events and conspiracy theory would all seem to imply this so easily though imo.

I mean, would it really be that obvious, from the most "secretive" organizations in the world?

I do believe in aliens, hostile and non, and One World Government is not a theory, its a factual plan. Which could be good or bad really, depending who is left running it.

But in the end, all we really know is this, We ARE being conditioned and or "brainwashed" for something.

And while i do NOT beleive the Earth -couldnt- sustain another 7 billion or more, provided we find alternate energy and treat the planet with respect.

I do however Know for a fact that NO "organization" could safely control 15 billion people if we are all forced to work and still live in poverty.

They know this, and that is why they will depopulate. But most likley through War, Disease and Famine. Like it always has been, and we will still be here, too busy looking the other way...

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:35 PM
I believe you are on the right path but i don't know if the people will be able to accept Aliens as a credible threat!
Unless of coarse these events do play out! I would be more inclined to believe in some other threat like plague, war or sterilization due to any number of influences! I do however believe there is some evil plan being formulated to cause panic and conformity of us all! It seems the methods being used today are very slow in nature! Methods like control of the food supply, wealth disparity, wars, terrorism, natural/unnatural geological and atmospheric events, plagues and diseases! They may continue on this path as it has been working for them so far! As for getting the people to take these RFID chips and to inter the majority into FEMA camps they may increase the severity of this agenda!
I expect this to escalate more then likely after this years presidential election but none of us can know this for sure! Expect great changes to come no matter the method our lives will be very different come the next decade or maybe even next year!
Anyone that has done his share of research can see that these changes are in the cards. It's painfully obvious that our way of life can't continue to destroy this world without repercusions! I expect that this is even more apparent to the elitists/TPTB! This will be a determining factor in when that change happens and whether we have any say in the shape of our future or whether we will just sit idly by with our heads in the sand and our hearts in our throat!

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by DaesDaemar

Now, these aliens WILL be human in appearance or have the ability to take on human form. They must be like this for phase two (dependance) of the plan to be put into action. How do we determine who is alien and who is human? We process everyone. The people will be rounded up through a system of internment (FEMA camps?) to determine who is human. We will then be given a 'mark' or 'chip' to prove this, which (as stated in the bible) will be readily accepted by the majority of people on Earth. This is how we will get the 'Mark of the Beast ' (wiki).

I'm sorry if this is rushed and somewhat erratic, but would appreciate any input and/or criticisms.

edit on 28-8-2012 by DaesDaemar because: source added

edit on 29-8-2012 by DaesDaemar because: wiki added

That is an interesting idea. I don't think I've ever heard anyone propose that excuse for processing people en masse before. Within the scenario, it makes sense--if we thought the Red Scare was bad, imagine the alien scare!

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom
I believe you are on the right path but i don't know if the people will be able to accept Aliens as a credible threat!
Unless of coarse these events do play out! I would be more inclined to believe in some other threat like plague, war or sterilization due to any number of influences! I do however believe there is some evil plan being formulated to cause panic and conformity of us all! It seems the methods being used today are very slow in nature! Methods like control of the food supply, wealth disparity, wars, terrorism, natural/unnatural geological and atmospheric events, plagues and diseases! They may continue on this path as it has been working for them so far! As for getting the people to take these RFID chips and to inter the majority into FEMA camps they may increase the severity of this agenda!
I expect this to escalate more then likely after this years presidential election but none of us can know this for sure! Expect great changes to come no matter the method our lives will be very different come the next decade or maybe even next year!
Anyone that has done his share of research can see that these changes are in the cards. It's painfully obvious that our way of life can't continue to destroy this world without repercusions! I expect that this is even more apparent to the elitists/TPTB! This will be a determining factor in when that change happens and whether we have any say in the shape of our future or whether we will just sit idly by with our heads in the sand and our hearts in our throat!

if you don't see people taking aliens as a credible threat just look around you at immigration policies, especially those that involve high impact migrations (US/Mexico Border) and multi-culturalism and the havoc these issues often create.

People are genuinely p'd off that HUMANS are using our (US) resources and/or being given handouts or benefits (or taking up space, jobs etc etc), Imagine if that threat were even further and they weren't even human (supposedly)? lol You think people are close-minded now? Just wait until this would occur.

posted on Aug, 30 2012 @ 03:28 PM
Wow, the only thing that blows my mind is how many of you out there seem to cheer this idea on. You all forget about the fact that this has ALWAYS been attempted and has NEVER worked - going back thousands of years. You forget about the unassailability of the human spirit. You also forget that a lot of this stuff, this NWO information has imploded upon itself through the internet and been built up into something that is basically a fantasy of those who are tired of movies, and want to entertain themselves by thinking it's happening in real life.

It isn't.

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