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666, NWO, Aliens and You!

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posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by SimonPeter

I will read up on these bible verses you have given when I get home from work. I'm not very well versed in what the bible has to say.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
So what if real aliens unexpectadly turn up and defeat the scout fake aliens and human forces. Wow that will really give the NWO a bad hair day!

Alien.... someone from out of this world....

Someone is gonna turn up. God. And ya he is gonna give them a bad day.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by r2d246

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
So what if real aliens unexpectadly turn up and defeat the scout fake aliens and human forces. Wow that will really give the NWO a bad hair day!

Alien.... someone from out of this world....

Someone is gonna turn up. God. And ya he is gonna give them a bad day.

If you see God as everything and in everything, then he is 'of' this world. Angels are a different story though. I'm sure religion will play a big part in the whole scheme, perhaps the NWO know what is in store and are planning events around this.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 01:54 AM

In phase one (control), the NWO will hoax an alien invasion of Earth (not much of a source). Why they would do this is simple, fear. The plan is to create such panic within the populations of Earth that the people will come to accept any and all restrictions placed on them in order to counter this threat.

Its naive people like you who will be the first to die if something like this was to happen.... If their is an invasion i bet you it wont be by us and it wont be hoaxed... Unless we get invaded by China or somethin like that, which is possible...

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:04 AM
This is a really great thread...I kinda gave up ats for awhile bcuz it seemed like it was going down hill..but now this thread ohhhhits seems like all of these theories,bible prophesies are coming together and all lining shall be interesting to see how it all plays out..I suppose its about 115 days or less away..this willl definitely
be an interesting year...I was going to post links to prove how these prophesies are coming true but it seems like

collectively in this thread yal have it done..if someone wants I can provide proof but I dnt feel like it right now

Well Like they say only time will tell..we will eventually see if this is fact fiction,conspiracy,or prophesy or none of the above..Until then peace

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by DaesDaemar

Originally posted by r2d246

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
So what if real aliens unexpectadly turn up and defeat the scout fake aliens and human forces. Wow that will really give the NWO a bad hair day!

Alien.... someone from out of this world....

Someone is gonna turn up. God. And ya he is gonna give them a bad day.

If you see God as everything and in everything, then he is 'of' this world. Angels are a different story though. I'm sure religion will play a big part in the whole scheme, perhaps the NWO know what is in store and are planning events around this.

The thing with God that most people don't realize is he's inside everything. When your typing, in a weird way you're touching God. He's inside every single atom. You can't plan around anything as he's inside everything and controls the future and past and isn't subject to time and space like demons and we are. Anyway it will all work out the way he wants. Like the saying goes... I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know who holds tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by dayve

In phase one (control), the NWO will hoax an alien invasion of Earth (not much of a source). Why they would do this is simple, fear. The plan is to create such panic within the populations of Earth that the people will come to accept any and all restrictions placed on them in order to counter this threat.

Its naive people like you who will be the first to die if something like this was to happen.... If their is an invasion i bet you it wont be by us and it wont be hoaxed... Unless we get invaded by China or somethin like that, which is possible...

How is that I am naive? Because I see a possibility that you do not? I will be nowhere near any of it when it happens, so doubtful that I will be among the first to die.

Do not presume to know me or my intentions, concentrate on yourself.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by DaesDaemar
reply to post by rwfresh

I'm sensing sarcasm
From what I understand, the 'Mark of the Beast' is said to be on the right hand and forehead, so unsure how facebook does this. I could be wrong...

Why would Governments go to all that to control people when they are doing a hell of a job just by letting lobbyist take them to dinner. And lobbyist are just taking politicians to dinner so they can give the consumer what he demands.

Example: Mark of the beast is sad to be on the right hand and forehead. Sounds like a lo of people talking on their cellphones to me. "Oh no! don't talk about my Iphone do you kw how many people I had to trample over after waiting in line for two nights in the cold for this baby? I'ts even got the "it's not a junk software" update now. Hell i can even pay my bill and go shopping with the thing! at ever would I do without it!"

You see governments don't control people. Governments just try to get rich and out of the way of crazy, ever growing, demanding populations. I bet you they flip a coin to see who the idiot tat is going to pretend they can do anything for the irrecoverable population is going to be.

Corporations are a means to an end and as big as they are now a day I'd say the game is over.

Concentration camps? How many homeless and soon to be will not dream of a cozy bed even if it's behind a wired fence? The Elderly of America are robing banks just for a bed and three square meals a day. You get that! Old people have nothing, no healthcare, no funds, no food so much so that they are committing crimes to be sent to jail where at least they can have some kind of shelter and food! And you are worried about Concentration camps? Funny will be he day when your sad to be put on the waiting list.

Alien invasion, fake alien invasion? Please aliens would not that happen. what? oh you guys think human kind has mad it this far because we are smart. Right..........

All people need worry about is their state of being, What nonsense and backward thinking is going thew their mind. It's not the end of the world no matter how much people want it to be.

Sooner or later we are all going to have to look in the mirror and face ourselves.

The Rat.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 02:49 AM
A while ago now I finally figured out why the people of the USA are so fixated about the NWO.

Previously I had not given it a lot of thought.

The NWO that is.

Then it occurred to me the leader of the NWO would be Chinese or heaven for bid Indian.

It will come and not before time, just maybe then we will have peace and are young men will not have to die to satisfy the greed of a few evil rich men.

Oh yes and by the way if the Aliens want us dead we will be and we will never have to meet them. They will simple make a virus that kills just us and one day we will all wake up dead. Like HG Wells but in reveres.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by HumanitiesLastHope
This is a really great thread...I kinda gave up ats for awhile bcuz it seemed like it was going down hill..but now this thread ohhhhits seems like all of these theories,bible prophesies are coming together and all lining shall be interesting to see how it all plays out..I suppose its about 115 days or less away..this willl definitely
be an interesting year...I was going to post links to prove how these prophesies are coming true but it seems like

collectively in this thread yal have it done..if someone wants I can provide proof but I dnt feel like it right now

Well Like they say only time will tell..we will eventually see if this is fact fiction,conspiracy,or prophesy or none of the above..Until then peace

I'm happy to see any links you have to back this up. I must admit, I haven't done a lot of research, it's more based on what I've seen here on ATS.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 04:18 AM
You have a few things right
but not concerning the aliens

the elites wants you to think they are hostile
so when you see one .. you shoot it in the face
because the government told you they were bad

this is why project bluebeam was intentionaly leaked
to make you believe in a false invasion
dont mix the alien machines from man made machines

just imagine if the elites made a special terror machine that look like alien
and been building it underground for a long time
people will think the aliens are bad .. because of this false flag hostile invasion
dont be deceived and fall in their mind trap
there is always 2 side . an evil side and a good side
its simple .. if it kill and destroy .. it is bad and you can defend yourself
but if it say it come in peace and land somewhere .. please dont shoot and ask questions later

dont be typical .. be open minded and dont fall in anyone trap
trust your hearts

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by TucoTheRat

So, you find the idea of an elite working toward world control ridiculous, but you believe that aliens are already working on Earth? Who are they working with do you think?

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by DaesDaemar

I congratulate you, I have often thought along these lines myself, I have the same view, but believe that the first visitation will be small, everyone will see it, but no battle will ensue.
People are easy to scare and with only little information can make the wildest of stories, if you only show a small fleet, the media and peoples imaginations will do the rest.

Phase 2 again is the mark of the beast.
This scenario can take 2 paths, the first mentioned by the OP and then my thoughts that the aliens are portrayed as our creator and then become our God, a new world religion has just been invented, we have 1 or 2 performing miracles, people will fall over themselves to worship our new Gods, they will take a mark to prove their devotion, again this will also play in with people not being able to buy or sell without the mark, as people like to follow, they will want everyone to conform so that they feel normal.
as humans we are very quick to shun and point the finger at those with a different belief.

part 3, depopulation
this can play into the 7 year rule of the beast, the first three and a half years of peace, the second half is the depopulation, simplest way to do this is so simple it is scary, people live in concentrated cities now and we are given the option from our new overlords to live in a new Eden, when you are called you must drop everything and go, very easy way to make people who start asking questions vanish without questions.

or they may just blow up cities and blame Gods enemy Satan who came from another spaceship

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by munkey66

Very interesting indeed. A small scouting force is all that's needed to instill fear and I didn't contemplate them being proclaimed Gods. Would tie in nicely with 'Jesus was an alien' theories too. This would be a great way to ensure most people would willing to receive the mark.

Thanks for posting your ideas

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 05:14 AM
Your scenerio is plausible, however, as a Christian I disagree with the mark of the beast interpretation.

I'd like to insert the following Animal Planet logo, but unfortunately I do not know how to insert.

Those who 'run' the world communicate through symbols as most are coming to realise. But unfortunately the true impact of what is being communicated is not. Let me explain as one looks at the logo.

1. The M in animal is rotated to make a "3". This makes IM as 13. The number 13 signifies rebellion in scripture and the number of the beast in Revelation.
2. This 13 in ANIMAL reads thusly AN 13 AL. Rebellion is centred within the word ANAL. People joke about the rise in sodomy in our lands and fight for the right of homosexual marriages and fight for the right to educate our children that sodomy is a healthy and natural sexual practice. But if you do not understand that anal intercourse is within every mystery religion as a ritual and is a pathway to the 7th chakra for "illumination", you will never come to understand that it is a 'back door' (no pun intended) to the spiritual world which is NOT of the true Creator. If you are laughing, please do your research as you will stop soon enough.
It is this spirit world whereby all the occult 'wisdom' derives, the messages.
3. "ET" is centered exactly above the word "Human".
4. The word PLAN is fully centered within the logo and fully centered below the 13 of rebellion and beast.
5. The weird choice of word "surprisingly" contains the word RISING.
6. The green colour chosen is Osiris green.

For those who can accept it, the leaders know exactly what is coming for they work with those deceiving spirits to manifest them again on this planet. But tragically they are deceived by them as well. What all of need to understand is that there is a choice to be made by all - choose good and life or choose evil and death. Apollyon is coming, the son of perdition. It is their "god". Perhaps this post will go a long way to understanding the Bible's references to certain sexual acts as being abominations. God loves us, and fully gave us protection from this evil through his commands. It should also not go amiss as to why homosexuality is being coerced onto the descendants of Christian grandparents and great grandparents as a normal and "healthy" sexual practice, and why Christians are being targeted as "haters". If you can see what they are presenting in this logo, it's time to seek the Truth from the God of Truth.

OP, please don't consider this as unrelated to your thread. Please consider it with the thought given to make this post. If you came to the feeling that they will use the idea of "aliens" as a deception, perhaps Our Father in Heaven is leading you to repentance. Repentance is the most sorrowful of sorrow and the asking of forgiveness. Jesus died nearly 2,000 years ago in payment of your sins already. Ask for the faith to believe and know. "Aliens" are coming, but those with no faith will take them on face value as "extraterrestrials". Those of faith know in what time we live, and know what it signals - the return of Our King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Christ Jesus, Yahushua. God saves. But first, we get the man of lawlessness - the son of perdition.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

I'm not sure exactly what the image means. The rebellion of ET over humans is rising? I understand that the term ET could also be used to describe angels and demons.

What do you see as the mark?

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by DaesDaemar
reply to post by TucoTheRat

So, you find the idea of an elite working toward world control ridiculous, but you believe that aliens are already working on Earth? Who are they working with do you think?

I believe the elite need not go to such lengths for what they already have which is what everyone asks for anyway.

ET is not already working on Earth they are part of why Earth is. As well as you or I and any controlling elite.

ET works but not with and they run the show some for your better and some for your worst but all roads lead home.

The Rat.
edit on 29-8-2012 by TucoTheRat because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by TucoTheRat

Interesting, I'd like to know more of what you think ET are doing or have done on Earth.

While I agree that the elite do have a lot of control at the moment, it doesn't mean they don't crave more. They have measures of control for now, but it's not complete. The more people become aware, the less time they have to work for complete control. They need that before too many people wake up, because when they do the opportunity will be lost. Their opportunity is now, they have the means to act, but they must do it correctly to fit their agenda without raising too much suspicion. If 7 billion people suddenly realise what they're up to, they lose all control, they won't let this happen.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by DaesDaemar
reply to post by TucoTheRat

Interesting, I'd like to know more of what you think ET are doing or have done on Earth.

While I agree that the elite do have a lot of control at the moment, it doesn't mean they don't crave more. They have measures of control for now, but it's not complete. The more people become aware, the less time they have to work for complete control. They need that before too many people wake up, because when they do the opportunity will be lost. Their opportunity is now, they have the means to act, but they must do it correctly to fit their agenda without raising too much suspicion. If 7 billion people suddenly realise what they're up to, they lose all control, they won't let this happen.

Ets I think are just doing their job. Different factions fighting for control, different jobs, even criminal ETs. Some speak in one ear some in the other. There is quite a bit of info about ET just do a search n ATS.

Elite have control, and as population grows so will the control. Some things are inevitable and there is bound to be abuses horrors even. But to think that the world learning that they are controlled with out even asking why they have been controlled and for so long is bound to spark it's own abuses and horrors as well could even in my opinion spark a dark age. both scenarios are frightening to me.

but thankfully all I have to worry about is being a good person and loving. Some things are just out of our hands some things are not. The choice of love or hate, but again, all roads lead somewhere.

Savoring and anticipating abuses and horrors brought on by this word is not something I wish to do any more. looking into a mirror is as hard enough as it is. looking on the bright side and carving out a life now that's worth savoring and working toward. But then again maybe I see it this way because I've seen enough doom and gloom.

The Rat.

posted on Aug, 29 2012 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by DaesDaemar
reply to post by TucoTheRat

Interesting, I'd like to know more of what you think ET are doing or have done on Earth.

While I agree that the elite do have a lot of control at the moment, it doesn't mean they don't crave more. They have measures of control for now, but it's not complete. The more people become aware, the less time they have to work for complete control. They need that before too many people wake up, because when they do the opportunity will be lost. Their opportunity is now, they have the means to act, but they must do it correctly to fit their agenda without raising too much suspicion. If 7 billion people suddenly realise what they're up to, they lose all control, they won't let this happen.

7 Billion people wont wake up, as popular as ATS is, we are a minority and we see everyday that more and more people fall for the lies and accept the new rules and regulations that take more and more freedoms away, those in charge are in no hurry because all of their agenda is being pushed daily, media is becoming more centralized, peoples attention span is reduced and your average man cares about who is playing in the next football match or which celebrity diet Kim Kardashian is on.
As much as we want to believe people are waking up, unfortunately that is just a dream.

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