posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 07:23 AM
The scary thing about the chip implant technology, is that we have now reached the point in history where it is possible to control individuals by
denying them access to the "system" if they do not comply. "The land of the free" today has more laws and regulations than ever before, but we all
still prize the "freedom" we have, because at any time we can up and out by exercising our choice. If all citizens can be traced, they can be
controlled. Quick scenario: no chip, no citizenship. No access to bank accounts - no buying or selling. Options: take the chip or starve. OK, so
getting everyone to have a chip seems doable. Back to NWO: a one world government forcing their will on everybody. That's OK if you agree with them,
but what if you disagree? With the power of control in their favor, they can make us do whatever they want. NWO by definition, is linked to a unified
worldwide government. So whether their leader will be the Pope, or Beast or AntiChrist, the leader of the NWO will demand to be worshiped as God by
all. This chippy brings that scenario one big step closer. The chip is not the concern, it is what can be done with it. That is point.