Here's the source of the letter:
To: Interested Parties
From: Bush-Cheney '04 Communications
Date: 10/13/04
Re: Letter Criticizing John Kerry's Economic Plans Signed By 368 Of The Nation's Leading Economists
Here's the only place that's listed it ( not on CNN, AP, Reuters, UPI ):
The National Review!!!! Was NewsMax deciding not to run it!?!
David Frum, Editor: GOP mouthpiece. NRO: here's their ads
They even have a Tab of culmative 'dirt' on John Kerry!!
The 'author'?
Cesar V. Conda, formerly assistant for domestic policy to Vice President Dick Cheney
So Seek, Pal-O-Mine:
I read the 'letter' from Bush/Cheney 2004 Communications, and here are my questions:
- Economists are like scientists, they are 'wonks', always careful to
never make a hard & fast statement without doing what your HS math
teachers always demanded....
showing the work. The statements have no corroberation in 'formula' - highly suspect for a wonk.
- The one statement that was solid, had this disclaimer:
"In fact, we believe Kerry's proposals would, over time, inhibit capital
formation, depress productivity growth, and make the United States less competitive internationally." Now, I've posted a bit on Economics &
particularly the Kerry plan being referenced: it, as the disclaimer notes, was never proposed as an 'over time' solution, but as an immediate
response to our current economic mismanagement.
- Where do the 368 come from & how did they get together? What confrence was this? What polling used?
- Why are those named tied to Beltway think tanks that advise this administration?
I'll be happy to add, if it makes the legitimate news cycle, as well as go toe to toe on merit weigh out of the Kerry propsal vs., well, there is no
jrsdls - while it sounds harsh, propagandist is accurate. Take a page from someone who can be a mentor for the Right Wingers like yourself: Seekerof.
Now he used to post out the wazoo from these same sites I'm chiding you about sourcing from, but he dropped that bad habit, as did most all of the
'old schoolers' , simply because it was suspect. It's great to use them for
Mud Pit Moshing , but they fail serious discussion....if that's
your goal.
I read everything & have no one on ignore. Having been around the world ( mom was an airline employee) & working since I was 14, I've worked with
many an American immigrant, have read their religious text, debated their country's positions and have visited a great many of their countries. Thus,
even people I share no values with, I consider them my teachers, as I do everyone.
[edit on 13-10-2004 by Bout Time]