posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 12:22 AM
Want to get more information out there regarding this situation. Maybe Im stretching alittle bit here, but this story can be intriguing if you are
interested in the US military and mind control. This article can be found at
"Army Pvt. Isaac Aguigui held the Army's lowest rank, served in the military less than two years and never saw combat. Yet prosecutors say the
21-year-old soldier commanded enough authority to form an anti-government militia within the U.S. military with soldiers of greater rank and
experience following his orders -- including an order to commit murder."
"Isaac Aguigui joined the Army and enrolled in the U.S. Military Academy Prep School, which prepares cadets for admission to West Point, but he never
became an officer. Instead, Aguigui’s service record shows he arrived at Fort Stewart in November 2010 as a private, working as an intelligence
analyst in the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division."
"Pfc. Michael Burnett, the soldier who cut the plea deal, told the judge that Sgt. Anthony Peden, a 26-year-old veteran of two tours in Afghanistan
whose Army record lists 16 medals and commendations, shot the teenage girl twice at Aguigui’s command. Burnett also testified Pvt. Christopher
Salmon, 26 with one Iraq tour on his service record, put Roark on his knees and shot him in the head."
"Prosecutor Pauley said in court Tuesday the death of Aguigui’s wife was ‘‘highly suspicious,’’ but civilian prosecutors and military
investigators declined to elaborate. Her father, Alma Wetzker, also declined to discuss his daughter’s death, saying it was still being
investigated.Regina Ross-Schmid, an Army spouse at Fort Stewart and friend of Aguigui’s wife, said soldiers who served with the woman were never
given an explanation of her death.‘When we first were told she had died, what was said was she laid down to take a nap and when Isaac went to wake
her up, he couldn’t wake her up,’’ Ross-Schmid said. Ross-Schmid said she met the Aguigui for the first time at a memorial service for his wife
on Fort Stewart. ‘‘Everybody who spoke at the memorial was trying to choke back tears, these big strong Army men, and he’s not showing any
emotion at all,’’ she said. ‘‘At the time I said, maybe he’s in shock. I don’t know. I can’t explain it. It just seemed odd.’’
Does anyone else see symptoms of military mind control here. The motive of this "experiment" would be to conclude that no matter what trained
instincts and ethics a person has, no matter his/her level in the heirarchy of command, he/she can be manipulated to perform acts that may be against
the will of the individual. For an untested soldier to possess that much power over his fellow higher ranked, more experienced service members, it
makes the entire case seem odd.
For more information on mind control, read Walter Bowart's "Operation Mind Control".