i hate to point out the obvious to all those who have a mental illness, and claim that their gonna make it in a shtf scenario.
having a knowledge of caring for the mentally ill, and seeing the effect of not taking not medication for long periods of time. my mother, father and
myself, have taken care of a aunt and uncle for the better part of fifty years.
both have been diagnosed to be or have, bipolar, depression, and ananxiety disorder, and other disorders that came as a result of medications and not
taken them as prescribed. not going into the others as i have not seen any mentioned yet.
on good days everything goes fine, no problems. they go about their lives as if you or me. on bad days or when there is a change in meds or not taking
of meds, you can see the changes and know a bad period is going to start. this period can last just a few days or months. i have seen my aunt go as
long as years, even under the meds. now i want you to understand, the conditions they lived in were not like living in the ritz, but all needs were
meet and you can say that they kinda lived a fat life. got most everything they wanted within their and our means and reason. they had no reason to
worry and no reason for depression to set in. now i know there are other factors for these illnesses, i use these as examples.
i want you to honestly think about it. if your illness is bad enough for you to go and see a doctor, be diagnosed with a disorder,and have to take
medication daily or as needed now in a relatively comfortable lifestyle. what is it gonna be like in a dog eat dog world after the shtf ?
sure you might be able to maintain for a little while, and if you take medication on a as needed basis. but after a prolong struggle to survive, where
it's gonna be, i think it safe to say very rough, where every day you are constantly worrying about what your gonna eat,where you gonna sleep, are
those bad guys coming to take my family's' food and shelter away today, are my wife and kids going to be safe, these are but a few of the things that
come to mind. chance are your gonna break and you and your loved ones are gonna be vulnerable.
lets face it the mentally ill are easy pray, just look at the homeless, a majority of them are mentally ill, and many of them fall pray to their own
looking for the things they have to survive. or punks and or sick individuals looking to get their jollies beating them up or killing them. then you
have those that are institutionalized, that fall pray to staff members or other patients, and a good many of them have family that see them daily.
now the only ones who might make it are the ones who are pure evil sickos that never have seen a doctor and have lived that way all their lives. them
or the ones everybody calls bat sh@@ crazy and stays away from.
i hate to say it but i think in a post shtf world the outlook for the mentally looks grim.
if you could not make it in the world we live in now with out meds. what makes you think your gonna make it in a post shtf world.
edit on 27-8-2012 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)