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Lawyers for Ron Paul threaten to arrest Romney in tampa

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posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Dear GogoVicMorrow,

I really like having you around. Stick with ATS please.

Anyway, you inspired me to check on Romney's not paying any taxes for ten years and The New York Times came up with something interesting.

Mr. Romney has insisted that his returns from 2010, and preliminary returns for 2011 (until he provides a final version) are enough for voters to evaluate his fitness for office. But even though he has not released his returns from earlier years, the 2010 return sheds some light on those years.

That’s because Mr. Romney paid income tax to foreign countries, and as result claimed in 2010 a $129,697 foreign tax credit, which he used to offset taxes he owed in the United States. American taxpayers who claim the foreign tax credit are required to report their total foreign taxes paid and tax credits used for the previous 10 years. So that return contains foreign tax data going back to 2000.

The good news for Mr. Romney is the forms suggest that he paid at least some federal income tax every year, as he has said he did. He used the foreign tax credit every year to offset his taxes in the United States, and American taxpayers can’t use a tax credit if they owe no federal income tax. This casts even more doubt on the claim by the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, attributed to an unnamed Bain Capital source, that Mr. Romney paid no income taxes during that time.

This helped me understand, and I'm glad you brought it up.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
More empty rhetoric?

Nothing is going to happen.

Plenty of shucked (and nearly devoured) sheep will cram into the polls in November to vote for any platform other than the GOP.

Write in Ron Paul if you think it'll work.

Or vote Gary Johnson instead.

Why not take the Paul momentum and establish an actual third party? A viable Libertarian party is 100X more valuable than a single a good candidate. Besides...does anyone here actually think that TPTB wouldn't pull a JFK on Ron Paul during his first term?

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 09:21 AM
I don't know what Gilbert's agenda is, but I believe it's not an honorable one! His "case" was just thrown out, with prejudice. Ron Paul DOES actually have REAL lawyers, Gilbert ain't one of 'em.
Perhaps the whole farce was initiated to get information on Ron Paul delegates??

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Habit4ming
I don't know what Gilbert's agenda is, but I believe it's not an honorable one! His "case" was just thrown out, with prejudice. Ron Paul DOES actually have REAL lawyers, Gilbert ain't one of 'em.
Perhaps the whole farce was initiated to get information on Ron Paul delegates??

Which case?

I thought he won the case regarding rule 13 and allowing Delegates to vote their conscience.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:19 AM
Massively unlikely I'm afraid. The Romney Unit is heading for the nomination. Ron Paul came third didn't he? Surely that would make it more likely that Rick "I'm a reject from the Spanish Inquisition" Santorum would get the nomination?

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
More empty rhetoric?

Nothing is going to happen.

Plenty of shucked (and nearly devoured) sheep will cram into the polls in November to vote for any platform other than the GOP.

Write in Ron Paul if you think it'll work.

Agreed. The 2008 elections proved that nothing will be done about accepting foreign contributions. That is precisely why Obama had a contribution website set up that doesn't track debit/credit card information. They used this scheme for two purposes;
1) So they could accept amounts above the legal limit using multiple contributions from the same card and 2) Because there is no name attached to the contribution.

Sure, if you sued, you could get the information from the company that processed the online transactions but we couldn't do that; that would be racist.

Word had it that the Saudi's donated millions to Obama's campaign using that scheme. Hundreds of untraceable debit cards. Where there's a will, there's a way.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 11:20 AM
The one thing Romney may be in trouble for is the money he raise for his campaign. If it is provable. This is assuming that he received donations from non-American citizens. I believe that is the biggest case they could have against him.

To be fair I will say I have only heard rumors of this happening but from what I understand he did receive campaign contribution while he was campaigning overseas but they could be completely legal if it was all donated by American citizens that were there for whatever reasons.

My biggest Question would be who donated to him at that time and were they American citizens?

edit on 27-8-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 12:08 PM
Kooks in the Ron Paul Camp?
Oh another one, ho hum.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

Here's a link to an article about the Dismissal of the case (Gilbert was "pulling people's legs" [that's as nice as I can put it] when he implied earlier that he had won)... Btw, under the Comment Section, Emperor Constantine's response is especially telling...

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Habit4ming
reply to post by fourthmeal

Here's a link to an article about the Dismissal of the case (Gilbert was "pulling people's legs" [that's as nice as I can put it] when he implied earlier that he had won)... Btw, under the Comment Section, Emperor Constantine's response is especially telling...

Thank you for the info, makes a big difference to know the true details.

So ends the run.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by followtheevidence
He lost me at concentration camp

Even if they do exist, he loses credibility by mentioning their alleged existence w/o proof.

If the Romney accusations are true - I hope they make good on their word and pursue legal recourse ... while they're at it they can omit the cheesy theatrics from Mr. Gilbert.

What are you talking about?? The proof he shows us is on the military website that is recruiting for guards to work these very facilities!

This lawyer knows what he's talking about. Mittens won't be able to just sweep these facts under the rug.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:39 PM
My worry is, should these events come to pass, that Romney and his puppet masters will have agents in place ready to set off IED's and blaming domestic extremists groups. The Romney crime family has a plan in place, rest assured.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:49 PM
Unfortunately for us, Mr. Gilbert's ineptness cost us big here.

I really, really had high hopes for him and the campaign through him. But by not even following the Judge's orders properly to amend, he screwed this thing over completely, game over.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 01:54 PM
Confidential documents expose Romney as tax cheat....

Bush=Regan=Clinton=Bush=Obama= Obama?=Romney?

These pigs...big banks, oil, wall street, pharma,big corps, have taken over our constitution for their own gain along w/ whoever rides their tails.

This election is a joke. People stopped trying to prove Bush stole the election ...not once but twice. Had we kept going maybe we could have stopped the corruption plaguing the White House. Now..we just let them do whatever it is they want to do!!!


posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by VaterOrlaag

Tampa Authorities Empty Jail in Anticipation of Mass Arrests at GOP Convention better think again

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by trust_no_one

bet he's bricking it.

always a bad sign when you cant distinguish what decade a person is from.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by chuckMFd

Originally posted by followtheevidence
He lost me at concentration camp

Even if they do exist, he loses credibility by mentioning their alleged existence w/o proof.

If the Romney accusations are true - I hope they make good on their word and pursue legal recourse ... while they're at it they can omit the cheesy theatrics from Mr. Gilbert.

What are you talking about?? The proof he shows us is on the military website that is recruiting for guards to work these very facilities!

This lawyer knows what he's talking about. Mittens won't be able to just sweep these facts under the rug.

The US does not have 800+ camps ready and staffed for prisoners, and the military is not hiring for those imaginary camps. They DO hire for detention officers and other security personnel, but this hiring for camps like they are speaking of is a complete fabrication.

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

A JFK today wouldn't work, people are more aware, notice how they are resisting to take the crap about 9/11 or how they are noticing the shenanigans about Syria and Iran (even if most missed Libya and very few saw how Egypt was handled). The worst thing that is happening that puts a spot light on the scheming is increased speed over the "fabricated" events, that puts the artificiality of them in evidence. If a JFK was attempted on Paul you would most probably have a civil war (something that even now is not very far, if the states powers had not been constantly eroded toward the federated government, especially in the fields of security, things would very easily become explosive).

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by followtheevidence
He lost me at concentration camp

Even if they do exist, he loses credibility by mentioning their alleged existence w/o proof.

That pict is from 08, there's more now. I got to visit one 2 years ago (a military armory that was being converted into a camp) and it's...not someplace you want to be. Barbed wire high fences, guard towers, armed security, cameras etc. and guess what? They're all prepped and almost done being staffed. Next step will be implementation.
What concerns me about these camps is they are not like prisons. Prisons are built for long-term stay and the inmates have an individual living quarters and are at least care for. These camps are made to forcefully hold massive hordes of people, with lethal force, and with inadequate space and resources for them. There's no long-term intent here and anyone who knows history will feel a striking parallel between them and concentration camps. My advice: if any federal agents (that they're arming with hollow point rounds now) come to take you away to one,
do not go.
edit on 27-8-2012 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by milominderbinder

A JFK today wouldn't work, people are more aware, notice how they are resisting to take the crap about 9/11 or how they are noticing the shenanigans about Syria and Iran (even if most missed Libya and very few saw how Egypt was handled). The worst thing that is happening that puts a spot light on the scheming is increased speed over the "fabricated" events, that puts the artificiality of them in evidence. If a JFK was attempted on Paul you would most probably have a civil war (something that even now is not very far, if the states powers had not been constantly eroded toward the federated government, especially in the fields of security, things would very easily become explosive).

You think so? I don't.

I think a small handful of people would go right on typing in conspiracy forums about how obvious it all is and the other 99.9999% of America would blindly swallow the swill the fed from the "news" channels.

It's not the it would be believable that Ron Paul's plane mysteriously crashed or some such's that people would CHOOSE to believe the more ridiculous hypothesis which ran contrary to pretty much all of the evidence in order to make themselves more comfortable. We see this behavior time and time again. For example:

Exhibit A: The Existence of ET Life.
-We have had eye witness accounts from astronauts, a US President, US Presidential candidates, the governments of Belgium and Luxemburg, the current "first lady" of Japan, countless military personnel, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of civilians, police officers, park rangers, professors, and a myriad of other well-respected individuals...and still even us "conspiracy theorists" still find ourselves "waiting for disclosure". Well...if the aforementioned people stepping forward doesn't constitute "disclosure"...WHAT THE HELL DOES?
Most of the time I think there are forces at work that attempt to deliberately conceal the truth from all of us peasants. However...sometimes I wonder if the Illuminati (or whatever you want to call TPTB) don't sometimes shake their heads in amazement that the general public simply REFUSES to acknowledge what is directly in front of their faces. is it that not one but TWO US astronauts (Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper) step forward and say "I saw intelligently guided spacecraft which appear to be not of this earth when I was in orbit" and 99% of people just sort of shrug and go on with their business and the remaining 1% sit around wondering when "NASA will tell us there are aliens out there". THEY DID!! A COUPLE OF DOZEN TIMES. WEREN'T WE F^^KING LISTENING??

Exhibit B: Political Assassinations.
How is it NOT ONLY did JFK's assassination go off without a hitch...but also people were so eager to believe that yet another lone nut took out his brother Bobby? What about MLK? Malcolm X? John Lennon? Go tell a random person on the street that you don't think that Sirhan Sirhan really did it, despite the fact that he confessed in writing and they will look at you like you are nuts. Tell them that it's indisputable fact that the audio recording clearly shows that more shots were fired than Sirhan Sirhan's gun could hold therefore he MUST have at the very least had an accomplice...and you'll just get another one of those somewhat puzzled shrugs followed by a "Yeah...but he confessed to it".

So...why do so many people CHOOSE to believe in the most ridiculous hypotheses when it comes to these things? Why do we believe that at least SOME bullets are imbued with magical properties and that Lee Harvey Oswald must have had one of these whilst inexplicably not DEMANDING that our government find or make some more of these magical bullets to use in Afghanistan? How can we go to see a major movie like The Fourth Kind that SHOWS US THE REAL LIFE VIDEO of spaceships hovering in Alaska FROM THE CAMERA IN THE COPS POLICE CRUISER, people levitating, and audio recordings of "people" speaking perfect Sumerian and still "be waiting for disclosure"?


Easy. Because it's just really, really, scary to accept the fact that aliens are kidnapping people and that our intelligence agencies are murdering US Presidents/Presidential candidates and peaceful dissenters in broad daylight and THERE ISN'T A DAMN THING WE CAN DO TO STOP THEM.

It's much more comfortable and much less scary to just shrug our shoulders and say "I don't know...pretty weird" or to sit around wondering when "the smoking gun" for 9-11 will come out...even when WE ALREADY HAVE ABOUT 50 SMOKING GUNS IN OUR HANDS.

No...we won't do a damn thing except tie ribbons things and "raise awareness".

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