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FOIA Request Dump Confirms DHS Is Monitoring Alex Jones

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posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:49 PM
Now, I am not the biggest fan of Alex Jones, but this article is an interesting read. For anyone who thinks that big brother is not watching, here is some proof. I found it interesting how they seem to link AJ with criminal activity. Also the part about someone calling the DHS over an infowars sticker is rediculous. This is our country. Those who have dissent are fast becoming targets under the premise of Domestic Terrorism.

Excerpted from The Examiner: In an August 17, 2012, data dump received from the Department of Homeland Security,, an alternative news website, has received evidence which confirms that Alex Jones and are being monitored by DHS fusion centers for his “right wing extremist activities.” The FOIA request, initiated in August 2011 by Brian Hill, owner of, resulted in 177 pages of material.

Hill’s initial request was submitted on August 2, 2011, “requesting public records regarding any political profiling documents that specify what groups are monitored under fusion centers all over the country and which kinds of people are profiled.” After repeated requests to narrow his search, Hill eventually had to refine his list to include only,,, radio and

In total, Hill received 12 documents as a result of his FOIA request and, while he’s still sifting through the files, he’s uncovered information that Alex Jones,,, the Alex Jones Channel on You Tube, and even some of Jones’ followers are all being monitored by DHS fusion centers.

I live under the idea that everything I do is monitored in some form or another. I also choose what I do wisely. I wonder what else could be found out with some simple FOIA requests.

Document Two focuses on an incident which occurred on January 25, 2011, inside the 2nd floor restroom of the Mitchell Courthouse, Baltimore City Circuit Court. A member of the cleaning crew found a sticker which had been applied to one of the mirrors and the sticker said,

“9-11 Was an Inside Job. Learn the truth at”

Of course, all the names and contact information have been redacted, but someone from the courthouse apparently contacted someone at the DHS with the following question:

“Please see the attached photo reflecting a 9-11 sticker propaganda, which found by cleaning personnel. The sticker was applied on a mirror, inside a restroom, 2nd floor of mitchell courthouse, Baltimore City Circuit Court. Could you please let me know if I&A, SLPO and other LE/IC partners have reported similar activities?”

edit on 26/8/12 by usmc0311 because: added link.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:59 PM
I'm sure Alex will be happy about that. I think he was pretty bummed out when he wasn't mentioned in previous watch lists. Alex is an attention junkie, and this will feed his need for attention with the added bonus of giving him something else to yell about.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:04 PM
If you are openly trying to take down the Government...

You can't be too shocked if they are monitoring you.

Besides, they are pretty good at monitoring everybody.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by SpaDe_
I'm sure Alex will be happy about that. I think he was pretty bummed out when he wasn't mentioned in previous watch lists. Alex is an attention junkie, and this will feed his need for attention with the added bonus of giving him something else to yell about.

I think I'll have to agree with you there. I am only familiar with his early work like the Bohemian Grove Video and others, but I'm sure this will give him fuel for his fire. I imagine he will put out a new youtube video ranting and raving about this while secretly being happy about it. I have never been to any of his websites so I am not sure how exactly his followers could be monitored but that I felt was the most interesting point made. I guess we will see how this plays out.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by usmc0311

How very interesting but even AJ knows he is being watched by the Gov't, their cronies, fans and haters alike. What he and everyone else are waiting for is when the Gov't brings the hammer down on him, or they may never, but I guess we have confirmation that he is being watched. But again, this isn't surprising news, who isn't the Gov't watching these days?

The interesting twist is the Gov't monitoring some of his followers, but again, this isn't surprising.
edit on 26-8-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Anyone who questions the mafia run government will obviously be monitored. All ATS members are no exception to this. Any site which truth seekers navigate to will be monitored.

I would not be suprised if ATS has been approached by government individuals and questioned. All we can do as truth seekers and decent and honest individuals is keep fighting back.

We have two choices in this era, either we lay down and accept tryants have got power and let them keep it or we fight for the freedom of or children and refuse to accept.

In the end it will be those children everywhere that will have to live under the tyranny, we can either let the government have our kids and do what they want with them or we can stand between our children and the government and defend.

Choice is ours.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:16 PM
Great OP and very timely. Like you, I just naturally assume that anything I do which isn't encrypted and then run through proxy networks on top of that, is monitored and indexed in an NSA mainframe somewhere. (and even's probably still indexed) The acres of computers they have at Fort Meade, probably. Not that any one person is that interesting...they just hoover everything.

Now Alex Jones? lol.... Hell, his whole business is about catering to the crowd most likely to spawn the next lone wolf militant that does real damage. The Government would be failing in it's basic duty of National Security if they didn't at least observe the places where such legitimate threats are likely to appear.

...and I absolutely don't mean people like 99% of what they DO have for users. I was there for a long time myself before moving over here... There are unstable people though, they're most likely to appear in a spot like here or there first, Uncle is watching.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:21 PM
What I don't get is why people believe that they have privacy on things like the internet or phones. Everytime I log on to the net or use my Iphone I accept that there is a risk of it being monitored. Even here on ATS i'm sure information is being tracked and monitored as it probably is evedrywhere. I am probably also being monitored because I am a military and combat veteran and I do not believe the OS regaurding 911 nor do I support the wars our military is involved with and I have no problem speaking about it. I doubt any one person is monitoring me but I'm sure my info is stored and tracked along with many others.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:35 PM
i used to listen to his show sometimes but he plays so many commercials that i cant stand it anymore

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:38 PM
I laugh my nuts off at his rants but thats about it/. All i can say is TROOOOO

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:10 PM
I used to listen to Alex Jones but over the years his sites have become nothing more that revolving fear mongering for the plethora of advertisers hocking survivalist food, gear and equipment and gold. If there are any docs I'd like to see it would be just how much Jones has profited from these advertisers and just how closely connected to these businesses.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 03:49 PM
Does the SPLC citation listed in the article mean that the DHS is monitoring SPLC or that they are working with the SPLC in collecting data against Alex Jones? I'm confused by that. The Southern Poverty Law Center is probably the second most active Civil Liberties organization in the nation behind the ACLU. Seems odd that they would be on a federal watch list.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 03:52 PM
What's funny is if they wanted to listen to alex jones, all they have to do is go on his website. I can 'listen in' on alex jones without being in a multi million or billion dollar dhs complex. But knowing them, the government is probably wasting millions of dollars doing the same thing.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 04:02 PM
This is the game , and thats how it goes.

Alex Jones is one of them , this whole 911 movement is for the next civil war and we "truthers" will get a free train ride to our slaughter , like the poor Russians and Gypsies in WWII.

Just wait , they`ll brand us all terrorists and websites like Jones` are playing a huge part in creating and keeping these movements going.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by SpaceCadet69
This is the game , and thats how it goes.

Alex Jones is one of them , this whole 911 movement is for the next civil war and we "truthers" will get a free train ride to our slaughter , like the poor Russians and Gypsies in WWII.

Just wait , they`ll brand us all terrorists and websites like Jones` are playing a huge part in creating and keeping these movements going.

Agreed. It has always been the elites plan to collapse the dollar and the U.S. itself,
the latter being achieved via revolution (against an (too) obviously corrupt government)
from within. Jones and most other 9/11 'truth' leaders are compromised and sold-out
individuals who are playing their part, and when the time comes (this year) for certain
'truths' to come out, Jones et al will be shown to be completely justified in the eyes of
the public over their concerns and battles against these governmental corruptions.

But kid yourself not, this is all scripted. Everything is for effect.

Didn't you ever wonder how stupidly obvious U.S. government 9/11 involvement/guilt
has been made?
Not the form of master/career criminals, eh?

The real truth is that 9/11 was completely faked, and Jones et al know it well.

edit on 26-8-2012 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

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