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Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?

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+5 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:19 AM
The first request I have is that you watch the full 15 minute video and read the YouTube commentary that the video author provides regardless if you are for or against Israel. Please keep in mind that Zionism and Judaism are completely separate even though they are affiliated due to the Zionist influence on Israeli policies.

Even though this video is from last February it is still relevant and covers a lot of ground including but not limited to the Zionist control over America, lies about Iran such as the "wipe Israel off the map" myth, sanctions placed on Iran similar to the ones placed on Iraq that led to the death of 500 thousand Iraqi children, and how certain groups use biblical myths to justify their crimes against humanity.

I will also point out that this video may be a bit one sided but is done so rightfully due to the current situation that has been unfolding in the Middle East since the formation of Israel. Many of you may call this video anti-Semitic but there are even portions of the film that address this myth/tactic when it comes to valid criticism of Israel.

I welcome anyone to voice their opinion of this video even if you don't agree, I also would like to know which parts you don't agree with, and why you. It all seems factual to me so please feel free to point out anything you believe to be non factual.

Dedicated to the long-suffering Palestinians and Iranians who have been sidelined by the United Nations in favour of the Nuclear Apartheid State of Zionist Israel in the most blatant exercise in International Double Standards that our world has ever known.

This video demonstrates that the United States is not a democracy, it is a bribeocracy, largely controlled by Zionists. But citizens of other nations need not be complacent, for there is much evidence to suggest that the same pressures are being brought to bear on their politicians and officials to support Israel's excesses, and an Internet search will reveal that the first ever European Jewish Parliament held its inaugural meeting early in February, 2012; something that the mainstream media seemed reluctant to publicise.

If you support this then you are pat of the problem, plain and simple.
edit on 26-8-2012 by Rabbi4Peace because: (no reason given)

+12 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
If you support this then you are pat of the problem, plain and simple.

If you support the claims of the video then you are part of the problem, plain and simple.

- Telling the truth about Iran and that it kills people around the world by sponsoring terrorism isn't 'being part of the problem'. Hezbollah ring a bell? Putting your head in the sand about Iran not being innocent is being 'part of the problem'.

- Telling the truth about both the Israelis and the Palestinians' - that neither is innocent - isn't 'being part of the problem'. Hamas ring a bell? Mass murdering Arafat stealing hundreds of millions of $$ in so-called 'donation money' ring a bell? Daily rocket attacks against Israeli civilians ring a bell? Putting your head in the sand about the fact that there is plenty of blame to pass around over there ...THAT is 'being part of the problem'.

- "The Chosen People' are ALL people. God loves all people the same. The Jews were 'chosen' for Jesus to be born through them. But other than that ... ALL people are God's Chosen People.

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am very impressed, please explain how you managed to watch a 15 minute video in less than 10 minutes because
I would like to have the capability of time travel such as yourself.

You obviously based your commentary on the title alone which shows ignorance and laziness.

Not only did you not watch the video, but your response had nothing to do with the thread therefore is off topic. Please return and comment once you watch the video. I will take your posts seriously once you comment on specific portions of the video you don't agree with and why.

Your feeble attempt to derail the discussion has been noted.

edit on 26-8-2012 by Rabbi4Peace because: (no reason given)

+8 more 
posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
explain how you managed to watch a 15 minute video in less than 10 minutes

10 minutes of that 15 minute propaganda fest was all I could take.

your response had nothing to do with the thread therefore is off topic.

My response was very much on topic. You just don't like it.

Your feeble attempt to derail the discussion has been noted.

Your feeble attempt to dismiss my post ... which was dead on accurate ... has been noted.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

10 minutes of that 15 minute propaganda fest was all I could take.

Not only do you base your opinions on ignorant assumptions, but you have a short attention span as well.

My response was very much on topic. You just don't like it.

I welcomed everyone to voice their opinion on specific portions of the video and how they have come to the conclusion that they have reached. You did nothing of the sort. It's not that I don't like your response, it just had nothing to do with the video. You read the thread title and continued on to post some counter propaganda without actually addressing the content of the thread.

Please, I invite you to dismiss any of the content from the video.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:48 AM
You mean, Palestinians formed groups to fight back against the fact they had their land stolen from them, and they're trying to protect their territory (homes), makes them terrorists?

I guess we can all agree, the United States was founded by terrorists, by this logic. Makes sense why those who like a constitutional america are considered terrorists, nowadays. It really comes full circle.


posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:53 AM
You seem to have lots of OPINIONS you like to throw around as "facts". Neither you, nor any evidence you present are conclusive proof on anything. Remember that there is only one true G-D (YHWH) that knows truth and I am going to rely on that over anything anyone else throws around as "proof".

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by nobody you know

Remember that there is only one true G-D (YHWH) that knows truth and I am going to rely on that over anything anyone else throws around as "proof".

Do you have proof of this claim?

Even if you do have proof of this claim, does this give a certain group the right to steal land due to the fact that they are God's chosen people?

You imply that what I have presented is not factual so do you have any evidence that disproves any content of the video?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:05 AM
We are all blame-worthy,untill we can rein in the controll weve lost to our governments/regime's and find a peacefull working solution, that doesn't include genocide

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:47 AM
OP, I wish you luck on your effort here and I hope you get a few people to really look for themselves, drop the propaganda that is repeated daily as if it were fact and learn what is and is not true where all this is concerned.

I want to note, just for the sake of saying this here but you're 100% right about the myth of the "Wipe Israel off the map" statement. Now better than half the people to even read this will get their backs up that I'd even say such a thing.. The thing is..... I got all high and mighty about being right and insisting that was said, it was what they meant and so there.

.......until someone like you said a few things that, for whatever reason, got me to stop and check into the facts on something so seemingly obvious as how they MUST have said that. Imagine my shock...or you, OP, don't have to by the look of it, but everyone else imagine my surprise to find out after a couple hours of research that NO ONE ever HAD actually said it. Ahmadinejad didn't even say the words himself. He was repeating something the Ayatollah said, and HE was badly ..or deliberately...misinterpreted with a crappy translation.

Truth is stranger than fiction when the fiction has been advanced AS truth for so long, no one even knows the difference anymore. I don't agree with ALL your video says.....but enough to certainly say doubters DO need to check into the matter with their very own work to verify things before challenging what you're trying to say. Folks may be shocked to many assumptions are not correct after all.

S/F for bringing such a controversial stand...even if I don't agree with 100% of it.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:49 AM
I am watching it right now and will add points as they will undoubtedly accumulate :
Chosen people issue:
There certainly are people who are considering that chosen means the best and certainly better then others. Is it the trait that exists only in Judaism? Other cultures and religions do not divide the world in "us" who are better and them who are "worse"?

Mythology thing: There are numerous established historical and archeological facts about Jewsih presence in this land in the Second Temple period. It is not 4000 years, true. And there very very little evidence about First Temple period, not to mention prior to it.
2500+ years old connection to land is not enough, i assume.
However author has a certain agenda, he needs to show that Jews consider themself better then others ,therefore they allow themself to lie and use mythology.

Expansionist plans:
Take map of Israel in 1968 and map of Israel now. Israel is shrinking,not expanding.
Religious Zionist Jews indeed believe they have the God given right to the land of Israel. Rediculous "To rule" claim in the video is just author using war by deception , subtle hint about Zionists taking over the world. Non-religious Zionist actually come from opposite direction, that movement just wanted to get rid of antisemitism by making Jews a nation in their own land. Israel or not did not matter. Even Uganda was discussed.

Antisemitism vs Antizionism:
Here author goes into antisimitic path, so he protects himself by bringing Aloni defence. Israelis/Jews cry Antisemitism as protection against valid claims. Well, she is wrong. Proven by this video.
From my experience on ATS , considerable percentage of people deliberatly and forcefully promoting antiZionist ideas and subjects tend to reveal antisemitic nature. Like this video - supposedly antiZionist, but using openly antisemitic as a reference to make an arguable claim.
Not all critics of Isral and Zionism are like that, of course. There are lots of people who do not agree with Zionism but are not led by hatred. You can see it almost instantly, rense is not a source material, for example.

So here video comes to Mossad and way of deception apparent slogan. The thing is, that translation of slogan is deception by itself. Mossad slogan is taken form Solomon proverbs, and it is not translated this way at all.
You can check it by yourself if you want. Unless you are interested in deceptions.
In English it goes:
"For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war" ,proverb 24. Of course if one uses translation by provided by objective rense, it kind of backfires. Even in modern popular Hebrew, meaning of the word תחבולות is trick or tactic. Not deception.
But author needs it to be deception because it falls in line with showing that Jews think that they are better then others, and therefore always lie.

Here we come to the real reason for this film - showing that all terror is done by Israeli deception and Iran is victim of Israeli false flags.
Since there is little real proof for this claim, author uses assumptions. Iran could not have done that terror act in Bulgaria to not offend one of its few partner. Ah. OK. That proves it. China,Russia and numerous other states that trade with Iran despite the sanctions are unknown to author. What is Chinese market compared to Bulgarian economical beast.
By the way, i have no idea who did that terror act in Bulgaria. Not sure that it was Iran. But claiming that Iran could not do it due to fear to loose Bulgaria market is rediculous.
Not less rediculous is "find the difference" game. between London and Bangkok bombers. They are male. Yes. So? Why is it there? London bombings are blamed on Iran?
But author needs it to plant the idea that London bombings was done by Israelis too, because Israelis could have recruited 3 Iranians that were cought in Bangkok. If it is not agenda, i do not know what is. According to author - anyone who does not agree with his assumptions is not thinking.
Then there is paranoid Enterprise theory. Ok. Few Israeli torpedoes. Riiight. I can use my counter assumption and state that Iran can fire few torpedoes and blame it on Israel. Assumptions.
Iranian nuclear program - Author states that Iran develops nuclear deterrent against Israel rampant agression. As far as i know, prior to Iran developing that deterrent, Israel did not threaten it. No rampant agression. Despite Iran funding and training Hizbollah that fought against Israel in Lebanon and outside of it.
Here is the fun part - author really is applying genious tricks. Titanic is not questioned, why Holocaust is questioned. Ingenious. a) Titanic IS questioned. there are even theories that it was other ship. b) why apples are not oranges.
Research into Holocaust is frobiden... Outright lie. Research is allowed, denying Holocaust is illegal.
Sorry, film slides down to open antisemitism and i have no desire to watch it further.
My conclusion - it is 100 Iranian propaganda.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Rabbi4Peace
If you support this then you are pat of the problem, plain and simple.

If you support the claims of the video then you are part of the problem, plain and simple.

- Telling the truth about Iran and that it kills people around the world by sponsoring terrorism isn't 'being part of the problem'. Hezbollah ring a bell? Putting your head in the sand about Iran not being innocent is being 'part of the problem'.

- Telling the truth about both the Israelis and the Palestinians' - that neither is innocent - isn't 'being part of the problem'. Hamas ring a bell? Mass murdering Arafat stealing hundreds of millions of $$ in so-called 'donation money' ring a bell? Daily rocket attacks against Israeli civilians ring a bell? Putting your head in the sand about the fact that there is plenty of blame to pass around over there ...THAT is 'being part of the problem'.

- "The Chosen People' are ALL people. God loves all people the same. The Jews were 'chosen' for Jesus to be born through them. But other than that ... ALL people are God's Chosen People.

You want to cry about Hezbollah? Then blame Israel Hezbollah came into being after Israel invaded Lebanon.

Want to cry about Hamas? Again blame Israel they formed Hamas to fight the PLO.

Funny we always hear about these hundreds of missiles being launched against Israel but strangely almost no deaths. Sounds more like Zionist propaganda seeing how they show no evidence of this just like how they claim rockets are being built under the schools they bomb but never show any evidence.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Rabbi4Peace

Superb video, Rabbi4Peace! Thank you for posting it

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:31 PM
The Apostolic Church is God's only chosen people. All Jews who are not in the Church have been cut off from the olive tree. The Pharisee Jews currently leading the nation of Israel are not really Jews and have no claim to the land.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:49 PM
I love these, He said, She said, Who struck Paul lay the blame threads. The responses are all so enlightening and typical of why there will probably never be any solutions.

Yes, I'll play my part and jump and give my opinion as to who I think is to blame....

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Rabbi4Peace

Nice vid and I did watch it front to back.
Putting aside all of the evil that the terrorist israeli regime has done in the video, I still wish for their downfall.
The israeli terrorists have lied and twisted many facts but one they cannot twist, they murdered US boys in cold blood.
I know this one thing cannot be lied away or twisted to sevre anothers purpose.
Keep spreading truth, eventually someone will hear you.
I will state that ANYONE who supports israel supports the murder of US troops, this is fact!
Star and flag.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
I love these, He said, She said, Who struck Paul lay the blame threads. The responses are all so enlightening and typical of why there will probably never be any solutions.

Yes, I'll play my part and jump and give my opinion as to who I think is to blame....

Okay. It's me.


My bad.

(didn't have to blame me out in the open, jeesh!)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Rabbi4Peace

Why do all this “GOOD IRAN – BAD ISRAEL” propaganda movies have to be so boring?

Anyway, “Rabbi”, Here is another boring video just for you, from the mouth of your beloved peaceful leader.

Somehow, The only people I hear mentioning the phrase 'Chosen people' are anti-Semitic people who suffer from a mob mentality and inferiority complex . Every Jewish person I asked, gave me an answer along these lines: “Chosen ?! Yeah right, chosen to suffer you mean”.
Given their history, I can't blame them.
Respected Rabbis (not some senile wearing a dress) will teach that the Jewish people were chosen to convey the word of God, a set of rules to make our growing planet a better place.

You are a Rabbi like I'm a Hindu monk.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Do you support the murder of US troops?
Or what are you saying exactly?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by gravitational

Is the translation accurate?
How good is your Farsi?

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