posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 04:56 PM
Hey all --
So, over the years I have been researching September 11th and the actions that day, I have always wanted to find a timeline that somewhat easily
depicted much of the disconcerting information pertaining to the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the events.
I never did find one that was visually stimulating as well as informative, so I took to creating my own.
I used multiple sources but mostly used and their 60-page timeline that highlights important dates and events. I took
what they had compiled and created this digital representation.
I've never seen something like this on ATS, so hopefully it will help out anyone looking to find more information. I originally wanted to post in the
9/11 forum, but I am not a frequent poster so I did not realize you cannot do that right now as it is closed. Because this information pertains to the
creation of al-Qaeda and some of the actions of our intelligence agencies, I thought it deserved to be an another forum at least.
I have yet to add the links to news sources backing up most of the information, but I have added the names of the news services sourced in the
timeline, and anyone who wants can look up the articles, if they are still online...
Enjoy! PG2