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WHY is no one focusing on the need to do away with the 2-party system?!

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posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:02 AM
If there was EVER a context in which finally the populace would wake up to the unacceptable fact that the 2-party system is a complete illusion fabricated for the easy functioning of the system of control, this should be it (of course for the rest of us, the last several decades had already sufficed)

I am not even going to get into the details of even the "most easily acceptable" version of rotten core of the Obama team (from dirty chicago money to subserviency to wall street, and even the disdain for America which he and his wife have expressed on different occasions - a "not-random" level of disdain that if you not blind you will know from where it stems from and to which purpose it is being used by the controllers that pull his strings).

Then we have Romney, the empty human shell, that will run any program that his controllers download into him on that particular day (notice how he has no remorse or even consciousness about it, he truly believes and plays out every program as a "smiling" robot clown would - and people can feel this lack of "substance" that is why even the ones that want to cannot fully support him). Not to mention being a part of the Mormon cult, and not only that, being a part of the leadership of it (which of course is enough if you understand these things that his loyalty WILL ALWAYS UNQUESTIONABLY be to the cult and NOT to the PEOPLE), and as any "Council of Elders" from any of the masonic or like cults, seek to reign supreme over the "useless eaters" (The council of elders of the Mormon cult are just another tentacle of the secret society network controlled by the other council of elders that together represent and are used by the true controllers of this world - so yes, another sad situation where the ones that fancy themselves as the tip of their own pyramids are just pawns that have fallen for an old trap that gets recycled over and over again in different eras).

So how can we still accept the illusion that we are actually only allowed to chose between apples and oranges when it is as clear as day that they are all equally rotten. How come there is NO substantial discussion of more parties getting involved. We keep pushing RP, but he has CHOSEN to remain an apple (and it is clear he is an escape valve so that YES you keep trying to fir your solution into the RIGGED 2-party system like trying to fit a square plug into a circular hole and then scratching your head about why it is not working!!!!! As in fact the solution is not RP/the savior (yet another for a different niche) himself but simply IS the end of the FED and a return to the rule of Law of the Republic (yes REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY - link for easy reference material founded on the Constitution and the END of all wars and the intervention policies and the control of government by big money and banks (I will not even make a big deal of the FOOTAGE of RP throwing horn signs and masonic handshakes), so WHY keep accepting that solution can come via the system that is offering you the apple and orange conundrum.

WHERE are the cries for the inclusion of more parties into the process. WHERE are the cries for a candidate from the CONSTITUTIONAL PARTY or from an INDEPENDENT PARTY with a spine or from a TEA PARTY that has not been assimilated into the system (its highjacking by system is well documented) or from a NEW PARTY that stands for SOMETHING besides the IDIOTIC ONE LINER PLANK of a platform that only serves for each one of us to walk on towards our own intellectual, emotional and even physical deaths! WHY?! There is no reason! The pundits for the system will say that it would cause the other one to win blah blah blah, BUT WHO CARES if you are choosing from a rotten apple or a rotten orange! Have we NO PRINCIPLE that we would not CHOOSE to break free from the system of illusion and control for DIGNITY and FREEDOM just because we are afraid we may get the rotten apple or the rotten orange. And so one of the solutions is left aside once again because of FEAR! YES FEAR! the old age tool used again and again throughout every era of civilization and as history tends to repeat itself when we choose to ignore it, and once again it WORKS time after time. (and the idea it would just cause more gridlock on the house and senate to have more parties involved is as absurd as the blindness it takes to not acknowledge the actual state of affairs and dynamic on the house and the senate right NOW for that fear to even have any shred of validity)

And to the argument they would not stand a chance, you are right. UNLESS there is true campaign reform and every candidate is allotted public use of the air waves to run commercials and appeared on REAL debates to showcase their cases AND no private money being allowed to come into play. AND if you believe that would be another waste of tax payer money, then I have nothing else to say to you, only that perhaps you would realize that trillions of dollars have been given out by the FED to every major player - american or otherwise - involved in the financial disaster that has ruined hundreds of millions of lives, and then let us talk about how the biggest chunk of our "debt" is OWED TO THE FED ITSELF or was accrued to serve the private interests of the MEMBERS OF THE FED. You gotta laugh not to cry. (easy reference material:,,,,

I guess I just wanted to get it out of my chest, of course it is just an opinion, I don't claim ownership of any truth on issues such as politics or political systems since such issues have no intrinsic truth to them as they are are simply choices of expression we make as a collective, just like the choice we make to believe in the fiat paper money system that itself is THE paramount example of a collective choice of expression with NO intrinsic truth to it what so ever. Hey, but again, it is as we choose it to be.

P.S. if it sounds I am rumbling I do apologize, I don't have it in me to go back and fully edit it for better reading, so take or leave as is

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:16 AM
Because the Freemasons let Bro. Ron Paul get enough spotlight this election in order to turn "infowarriors" into Bieber fans and to pre-empt a misinformed revolution. Classic social engineering. The Zionist shill Alex Jones had a helping hand in it as well.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:36 AM
The real illusion is that there are more than two parties.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by RedPillFactory

Bieber fans. Spewed my morning coffee I did. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Logarock
The real illusion is that there are more than two parties.

I think you are on the right trail but.....
I'd suggest there is only one party.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:21 PM
The real problem is there isnt more then "One" party.
Why is it that the average joe cant run? Oh yeah...
You have to buy in! What a corrupt system.

Built by the people for the people. HAAA

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by g146541

Yes, the Freemason party. Obama, Romney and Paul are all Freemasons. The easiest way to beat the opposition is to control it. Like the 32nd degree Mason FDR said, "Everything in politics happens for a reason. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way."

The only person that's going to lead humanity to freedom is yourself. The Freemasons know this, so they give us heroes, like Ron Paul and Alex Jones, to dilute and whitewash any REAL revolution of thought that might occur at a later date. Ex. Money, Government, and Religion are all forms of mind control.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by RedPillFactory

Profound and clear statement. Trying to get the mass to follow though is the tough part.
Especially with all the modern distractions today's society brings forth.

Some days i wish i had taken the blue one though.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by RedPillFactory

I have never seen either of these men in lodge, so unless you have some proof or even evidence, please stop with the derailing efforts.
Btw seeing Scare em all Al Jones as a hero lets me know where ones mind is on the evolutionary scale.
We do agree that there is only one party though, it is no organized set of men, it is just greedy men working toward a common goal.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:50 PM
some people are focusing on it, but they don't get a voice to make much of a difference. they're easily taken care of with chattering and flashy nonsense. essentially, there are more than a dozen interconnected root problems that must be addressed asap, and all at once, else they will reappear as we continue to try and fix them one at a time. far too far behind. just enjoy the ride.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by g146541

All the proof is on my website.

Ron Paul was president of his pledge class in the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, which was founded by a Freemason (just like the Mormon Church). Their logo has a compass and square as the centerpiece, not to mention all the Freemasonic rituals admitted in their own publication.

I have all the pictures and links for any freethinking individual to make their own assumption.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:02 PM
Why just hold on for the ride? i would rather be the proprietor of corrective actions.
Its not just going to go away only get worse.

There was a small group of people around my part, that were organizing a militia.
Not to conduct any activities, just to be prepared.
Sad thing is they were forced to disband. I would call that a strike against our constitution.
Local Law scared them to the point that they didn't pursue it any further.
I call that a gross abuse of power.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by RedPillFactory
reply to post by g146541

All the proof is on my website.

Ron Paul was president of his pledge class in the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, which was founded by a Freemason (just like the Mormon Church). Their logo has a compass and square as the centerpiece, not to mention all the Freemasonic rituals admitted in their own publication.

I have all the pictures and links for any freethinking individual to make their own assumption.

I see, you have tied the mormons with the Masons.
But have you tied the catholics to the Masons as well?
I'll bet your being a studied person that you have!
Do you not see that there can be greedy people everywhere in every organization?
There is no ONE body, greed is everywhere!
I'm not saying that every Mason is a good person but I do know for a fact that not all are bad.
In fact I have only known one Mason that was ....well he was a jerk but that hardly makes him a bad person.
But if you must fill your time connecting dots that are surely on every page, you miss the whole lesson.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:20 PM
Yes we do. So many American citizens are programmed to believe they are the only two and the thought of another choice is somehow "un-American". The Repubs and the Dems need to go the way of the Whigs...(and the DoDo bird)

This is a quick video but I think if you feel like there is something wrong with our country, it WILL speak to you. Please share it everywhere and anytime you can.

Thank you.

Here is a little funny one you can share as well.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:23 PM
Really, we should get rid of the two party system and just put names of all average law-abiding American citizens in a big hat and pick out a name on election day.

Such a method would be a MUCH better way to elect a president than having to pick an IDIOT from one of our two THOROUGHLY INCOMPETENT and EPIC FAILURE political parties.

Even if someone whom was picked from the hat had less brains than a paper-sack, we would still be doing better than ending up with an IDIOT from either the Republican and Democrat party whom have PROVEN themselves dumber than a paper-sack.

edit on 25-8-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:28 PM
Whats wrong with the present system? You are either with us, or you are against us. Any way more than two parties, may get people confused. Confused voters? No we dont want that now do we.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:33 PM
For what it's worth, everytime I post links on INFOWARS proving Ron Paul's Masonic allegiance and AJ's Zionist backing, my comment gets deleted. Also, Synchronistically, I watched A Scanner Darkly (2006 Disney film) last night, and guess who made an appearance, The 'homegrown conspiracy king' Alex Jones. The movie is about the future police state, supposedly what AJ is fighting against, and in the scene he gets kidnapped by a SWAT team.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:38 PM
Great post OP! The other question we should be asking is why do we not vote for the Vice President as well, and the Presidential cabinet...why is the president allowed to just "pick" them? I mean, if the president dies, is assassinated, or resigns office then the unelected Vice President automatically becomes the POTUS. Seems strange that we would not be able to also vote for a VP that the people want...always wondered why...

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:55 PM
All and any party affiliation needs to be illegal. Candidates shall only run on their opinions on the issues. The only funding for every campaign must be from a govt. fund and all get the same amount. The top three candidates that have amassed the most signed petition support by registered, legal citizen voters will be on the ballots. The petitioners will be checked to ensure they are valid and they have signed only one petition, only one time. Enforcement will be by the DOJ and the US Military services as will the vetting of all candidates and holding of all elections. Voter thumbscan ID into a national tracking system (with other biometrics available for those without thumbs or too difficult). All voters are weighted as to their level of contribution to the country. Paid no taxes last year, you are .75 vote. Paid in the top 30% or more or an active duty armed forces member you are 1.25 vote. If you are the owner of a tax paying company that employs 50 or more tax paying American citizens. 1.5 votes. Everyone else is 1 vote.

Electronics is cheap and reliable. Digital comms is fast and reliable with 256-bit encryption. Even the most remote voter locations everything can be done with a laptop and a printer (backup/recount ensurance)

Let's see voter cheating now. Let's see politcal decision paybacks for contributions now.

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