It could be worse. Here's a true story.
7 years ago I was off-roading at an old abandoned site that used to be a quarry, where hundreds of people died after an explosion happened back in
the 1800's. It's in a pretty unique location, it's out in the middle of nowhere, yet geographically only a few miles from the city.. It's supposedly
haunted and what not, lots of local kids sneak off there to hang out and party since there's underground caves and such..
Any way, I was there with my girlfriend one night (no one else was there, it was a Thursday night on a school night.) because we were interested in
visiting locations that were supposedly haunted to see if we could actually have any ghostly encounters (we never did.)
I brought along my flashlight (LED Lenser T7, check it out), which is small but incredibly powerful, it's something like 200 lumens with a lens on it
and if you shine it in the air it's like a searchlight (visible beam goes very far.)
So anyway, while we were out there, I thought an airplane was flying by off in the far distance. I decided to give the people on the airplane a show
(or something, it was a stupid move that i really didn't think about.) Maybe they would see my "search light". So I flashed it around in the air.
Next thing you know, that "airplane" is flying towards me. As it gets closer I realize it's a helicopter. It starts hovering above my vehicle, maybe
about 50 feet up and turns on a huge searchlight (I guess they were trying to out-do me or something. Which they did!) and lights up my car and the
whole area around it. It hovers above my vehicle for about 10 minutes, meanwhile I'm freaking out and my girlfriend is mystified. We felt like we were
in a sci-fi movie. I didn't know what was going on and thought they were going to shoot us or something.
And then I check my rear view mirror and I see about 5 vehicles with flashing lights speeding towards my car up the dirt road and through the
I now realized that the helicopter was the city police department's helicopter (they only have one which BTW has recently become a huge area of debate
here since they are thinking about getting rid of the helicopter because the city can't afford it anymore).
They approached me and asked me questions. Said they were dispatched because the chopper thought I was somebody in distress trying to signal the
chopper. I claimed dumb and said I was just shining the flashlight around and was totally surprised and didn't even know the helicopter was there.
Astoundingly they let me go with just a warning and told me I had to leave because I was trespassing. I could probably have been in a lot of trouble
(though I really didn't do anything illegal to warrant the helicopter showing up.) Maybe trespassing but it was unintentional I thought it was public
edit on 25-8-2012 by WP4YT because: (no reason given)
edit on 25-8-2012 by WP4YT because: (no reason
edit on 25-8-2012 by WP4YT because: (no reason given)
edit on 25-8-2012 by WP4YT because: (no reason