posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 12:58 AM
So, I'm starting to get interested in comic books for the first time; specifically, The Amazing Spider-Man. Knowing nothing about the comic book
world, I found myself getting overwhelmed pretty quickly.
Being the naive person I sometimes am, I figured it would be easy enough to get ahold of some comic books starting way back at the beginning. I know I
have over 50 years of Amazing Spider-Man to catch up on, but the local comic shop is sparse in its inventory. The oldest issue they have was
160-something or other and I believe only as recent as 300-something with many, many in between missing from the ranks.
So, I've resorted to buying paperback collections. I was thinking about getting the "Essential" paperback collections until I saw that they aren't
printed in color.
Then, today I picked up a few volumes of "Marvel Masterworks."
So, my question is...exactly how many volumes of "Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man" are available? What issue will that bring me up to by
collecting what's available? I looked at the obvious places online:, etc, but found nothing very helpful; just incomplete and
woefully disorganized lists and catalogs. Even worse, what's listed on the Marvel website doesn't even offer the paperbacks for purchase.
I have seen up to 7 volumes in the bookstore, but checked online to find up to maybe 13 or 14 volumes.
I am interested in the 2009 and onward publications (I think some of the other volumes were published at earlier dates, but I like to keep the set
If anybody could help me catch up with my Marvel reading or has any other advice to offer to a new comic collector, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks
in advance!