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Fields of Fear: The Alien Connection (Cattle Mutilations).

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:41 AM
I've downloaded F.B.I. files about Cattle Mutilations (thanks FOIA) some years ago. It's really, really... interesting.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Zcustosmorum
Natural causes? Wtf is that? Some of the cattle in those pics didn't look very old, so what exactly is natural causes and how do they determine it?
Why don't you read the official reports and find out? That was kind of my point. You seem to be dismissing something you have no familiarity with, instead of actually looking into it. That official report was prepared by vets in the area so they know how to perform necropsies and determine a cause of death.

A coyote pouncing around with a scalpel in his paw is an image I just can't grasp

Animal Mutilations

Surgical incisions in the skin are explained as:

Tears in the skin created when it is stretched by postmortem bloat and/or as dehydration causes the animal's hide to shrink and split, often in linear cuts.

edit on 24-8-2012 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

If a guy with 40-50 years experience with cattle says there's more to it, I can't just dismiss what he's saying.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:52 AM
Linda Moulton Howe is a MUST watch, hear, read etc. If you want to get closer to the truth. I have not watch this video but plan to do so. Here Youtube videos are very interesting and she DOES her homework! She is known for her work on cattle mutilations called "Strange Harvest".

She is brilliant on the subject I think. Maybe the best and was on it, on the ground floor, I think that is how she started to get recognition in the ufo field when a TV station she worked for set her out for an assignment in regards to cattle mutilations. is her website, I am not getting paid for this promo

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Zcustosmorum
If a guy with 40-50 years experience with cattle says there's more to it, I can't just dismiss what he's saying.
As a human being, he seems like a decent, upstanding person, and I kind of liked him.

However, I didn't find anything impressive about his analytical skills at all. But he's exactly the kind of guy who is susceptible to the windshield analogy described by Kevin Randle around 35 minutes in that video.

By the way, when his home town builds a UFO landing pad for aliens, I also suspect that may predispose one to think about aliens. And, this also makes me wonder if there could possibly be any ulterior motives in this video, like maybe getting tourism dollars to go visit the UFO landing pad, though I admit that's pretty speculative. They did hype it up quite a it though, did you notice that?
edit on 24-8-2012 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I also take into consideration that he's hardly qualified from the medical side, however with these kinds of reports happening world-wide (and even here in Scotland, the amount of scavengers here is limited), the explanation just doesn't seem to fit for all cases.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Zcustosmorum

In a small number of cases it may indeed be something other than what's in the official reports. I don't doubt that possibility, as the official reports can't possibly cover all cases and some cases not examined certainly have different causes.

All I'm suggesting is to not dismiss the official reports without at least reading them first.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 11:35 AM
The two major theories for cattle mutilations, aliens and humans doing some genetic manipulation/weapon testing, aren't really adequate at explaining the phenomenon considering what I think are the most interesting facts about cattle mutilations: the high number of cases, and the dramatic fashion in which the animals are left and found.

All of these lead me to conclude that whoever is doing it wants people not only to know that it's going on but that something weird is going on. Otherwise just leaving their dead bodies without any mutilations would be enough.

Technologically advanced beings capable of space travel would have no trouble in doing whatever they wanted with the cattle and leaving no traces behind. Besides it would be in their interest to keep their presence and plans secret.

It leads me to suspect that human actors are behind it, but that the cattle mutilations are a distraction, a misdirection. Probably who is behind it is not even doing anything with the cattle per se.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 08:02 PM
thankyou for information

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by FireMoon
I've read in a couple of places and maybe someone can confirm or dismiss this, the following. That cattle's nervous systems reacts in a very similar way to humans when it comes to many toxins and neurotoxins and they just happen to "pool" in the places where the cows are usually eviscerated If it is true, maybe that's just coincidence then again...

One has to open up their mind to conclude based on the evidence of witness testimony and evidence of reported history that it is likely a more than 50% chance we have been visited.

I acknowledge that even the voice of the world in this subject can involve researchers who don't know about the factual events and to my surprise some who don't want to talk about them when discussing the subject.

Every individual who has seen the evidence mentioned shouldn't be held back by the veil of secrecy and disinformation because it is obvious to a logical mind what happened and why it happened.

In the year I am claiming something happened sheriff Tex Graves of Logan country Colorado became shocked, The FBI did a report on the cattle mutilations. Not the 1980 Kenneth Rommel report. We just need to look at exactly what happened, and not the 75% other nonsense floating around out there.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
I don't know if it mentions this in the video because I have yet to watch it but I think it could possibly be Government studies.
They could be studying these cattle that graze in the fields to see the effect or impact of maybe underground bomb testing in the area years before or some other project they are examining for to see if there are any ill effects to the food supply.

The secrecy could be to keep down public outrage.

I just don't know why Aliens would need cow lips and bung, unless sphincter is a delicacy somewhere deep in space.

I agree. On UFO Hunters they did a episode on Dulce NM and the aledged underground alien base there. There was a man who own a large ranch with a lot of cattle and land. He said about one a week he has one of his cow killed with certain organs missing. He snapped photos of high tech military black helicopters leaving his ranch to find one or sometimes two cows dead and organs removed.

Weird thing is, the cows were drained of blood and there was no blood on the ground where he found his cattle. They must take them somewhere and preform the mission and bring them back. Makes you wonder what they are up to, weather it be ET or our own gov't.


posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
On UFO Hunters they did a episode on Dulce NM and the aledged underground alien base there.

I think it's important not to forget where the Dulce information came from and in what context it was "distributed." I wouldn't be surprised if the cattle mutilations are part of those same distraction efforts.

As you theorize, the animals were likely drained of blood somewhere else and then taken back to the place where they were taken from. This to me indicates that whoever is doing it wants people to know they are doing it and that they are doing something weird to the animals.

That is one of the reasons I believe cattle mutilations are a distraction. Now a distraction for what or why are the big questions in my humble opinion.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 03:16 PM
^ I don't think killing more than 10 cattle that way is done simply for distraction. Obviously some experiments are done out of the whole thing, now experiments operated by secret scientists sounds more likely than aliens. The story of Dulce comes from Bennewitz (or in particular, those who sent information to him - Richard Doty and Billy Moore) but the stories of Thomas Castello and reptilians who are the ones that do these experiments is too far fetched.
edit on 25-8-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Imtor

I have to agree with you. The whole idea of Dulce is prolly true, but the idea of reptilians and Greys and all that jazz, just seems way to hard to believe. However I have heard crazier things in my life.


posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 04:07 PM
The whole Dulce story is very suspicious. I don't trust any part of it until there's persuasive evidence to the contrary.

But regarding the mutilations, I don't think the number of mutilated animals or how long it's been going on disproves that it's a distraction. Is there a time limit on how long intelligence runs a perception management or counterintelligence campaign?

If, as Imtor and many others suggest, scientists are doing secret experiments on cattle, why not get rid of the evidence? Apparently "they" purposely bring the mutilated animals back to their original location. That is very counterproductive to the whole secret experiment thing.

edit on 25-8-2012 by Quaesitor because: typo

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
^ I don't think killing more than 10 cattle that way is done simply for distraction. Obviously some experiments are done out of the whole thing, now experiments operated by secret scientists sounds more likely than aliens. The story of Dulce comes from Bennewitz (or in particular, those who sent information to him - Richard Doty and Billy Moore) but the stories of Thomas Castello and reptilians who are the ones that do these experiments is too far fetched.

Hey Imtor I know we have discussed Paul Bennewitz the civilian scientist who believed he had found the Dulce underground alien base location in 1978, he was able to trace pictures back to the location from a NASA source, because he built electronic humidifiers to go on board the Apollo missions, that white domes, CIA black limos, and saucer craft were above ground during the operation of this inside secret government base since 1963.

It does seem obvious to us now that Dr. Bennewitz had a computer system relaying him disinformation, particulary that of aliens from outer space in cahoots with the American miltary having underground installations provided to them by the US government at Area 51, Dulce, and as many as 12 other locations strategically located across the states based on an agreement stemming from the Eisenhower alien briefing. After rigorous studying of historical facts, one would become to realize two things - the aliens have a big habit of lying, and the aliens are NOT the type of individuals to 'work' with any human being unless they have implanted them and monitored their family through multiple generations. Hence, 97% of everything told by intelligence agencies is an absolute lie, the only truth being that Roswell was real.

Yet the individuals assocatied with the Pentagon and the US government intelligence operations say, 'Yes, Roswell happened and it was really an alien event.' And the disinformation is so much that it guarantees a 'plausible cause of denial.'

The truth is that most of the Dulce cattle mutilations were done by the US government secret scientists based underneath the mountains of Dulce. Remember Gabe Valdez said there were a total of 4 human bases in the area. Strap marks found around the animals legs, evidence the animal has been dropped from a helicopter - those pieces of evidence did NOT occur with the events I am mentioning. Let us remember from what research is sparsely available - Paul Bennewitz claimed of a secret military underground base in the area, but he also said that the alien bases were in different locations than the human bases. Let us remember that in 1978 Paul had not any communication with the government and he had already been convinced by the cattle mutilation conference of 1979 in New Mexico organized by Apollo astronaut senator Harrison Schmitt who was briefed fully by Bennewitz about the alien bases and real reason for the cattle mutilations - only to create hybrid animal experiments - that aliens had 3 underground bases in New Mexico as of 1980.

Billy Moore didn't have anything to do with anything, he was a square small minded agent trying to gather information only for himself to conclude.

The Thomas Castello story comes from a woman who had contacts with TAL and John Lear, but as in the Bennewitz thread we posted in there was a feud between Lear and Bennewitz at one time that will not be revealed - this is most likely because the Dulce base vat drawings were originally from Myrna Hansen and we won't know for sure because Lambright isn't telling us.
edit on 25-8-2012 by greyer because: spelling

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

37:00 "So-called animal mutilations are nothing more than the work of scavengers feeding on animals that have already died of natural causes"

I highly suggest you read some more about the characteristics of cattle mutilations. Surgical precision, cauterization, removal of organs through unknown means and without any apparent point of entry, etc etc.

That certainly doesn't sound like any combination of natural death and scavengers that i've heard of before.

edit on 26-8-2012 by Maroboduus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:04 AM
Anyways, i remember reading a while back that they had discovered an enzyme in cow stomachs that allowed natural material such as corn to be turned into biofuel much more efficiently than had been previously possible. The first thing i thought of when i read that was cattle mutilations, although i'm not sure why.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:12 AM
Just throw your dog a big steak and look at the edges of it after he takes a bite,CASE CLOSED ON THE PREDATORS.

Dont waste time listenig to any predator crap,and the bovine molecular DNA is used to facilitate implants by fooling our aoto-immune system,and there may also be an allelle connection I havent fully figured out yet.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Maroboduus
I highly suggest you read some more about the characteristics of cattle mutilations. Surgical precision, cauterization, removal of organs through unknown means and without any apparent point of entry, etc etc.

That certainly doesn't sound like any combination of natural death and scavengers that i've heard of before.
I have read that. I make you the same offer as I made to Zcustosmorum, which is to at least read the official reports before dismissing them. In some cases where witnesses claimed the cuts were so surgical there was no evidence of predation, or teeth marks, Vets performing the necropsy examined the tissue under magnification and without the hair in the way, where it could be determined that there was in fact evidence of faint scalloping made by teeth of scavengers that the witnesses had missed, because they hadn't examined it closely enough, under magnification and with the hair out of the way.

This article by a veterinary pathologist discusses and explains many of those:

Cattle Mutilations - Facts and Fancies

The possibility of cults has been suggested but I've never seen this confirmed, however I wouldn't rule out the possibility of some kind of animal rituals accounting for a small number of cases. But frankly I see that list just like the Windshield analogy Randle mentions in the video. Yes the windshields were pitted, but that doesn't mean the cause had anything to do with what people thought. The veterinary pathologists are much more credible than Mr nice guy farmer.
edit on 26-8-2012 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

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