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Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
The biggest problem with abortions is that it's really the same arguments over and over again and everybody is so emotionally invested in their pov that they can't be objective and will never change their mind but always expect people to agree with their opinion.
Originally posted by beezzer
Unborn children do not.
Men have no say, it's no-ones business but the womans.
A woman has a right, but her right should end where the rights of the unborn baby begins.
Ok, I'm too tired to fight you anymore. You win. All babies should be born to be hated, resented, abused, starved, abandoned, tortured, taken from the only mother they've ever known (who didn't want them in the first place) to be put in the foster care system to be most probably mistreated by strangers who don't give a crap about them, so that they end up criminals or drug addicts. Or, the woman decides to take matters into her own hands (because that's what women did before abortion was legal) and kills herself and the baby with back-alley butchers and coat hangers. Because God knows that's better for them.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Guys should take care of their kids or they should keep their pants zipped up.
Or you could sit here and talk about what really irks you... that women got a legal leg up on men. Misogyny, even the subtle kind, still speaks volumes.
Because she currently has that legal right. Equating this to child support is irrational.
Why not start a thread called "Repeal abortion" and argue for fetal rights?
Lobby for a repeal. Build a grass roots movement. Garner support - should be easy to do most religious people and the entire GOP would side with you.
Or you could sit here and talk about what really irks you...
that women got a legal leg up on men
Misogyny, even the subtle kind, still speaks volumes.
Apples and oranges and totally irrational.
Originally posted by Hefficide
I remember debating this exact same topic a few years back with a person who had exactly the same views as you... something rabbity if I recall.
The flaw with your argument is that you are not debating from a position of compromise or true social equality. You are playing the all or nothing card. You feel that women have all the power currently and you wish to have that inequity reversed - NOT resolved.
Thus, in essence, you are semantically rendering your own point moot without even realizing it.
My .02 cents.
I believe you are mistaken. I explicitly stated that this argument is superfluous because it seeks to reverse an inequality. Not rectify it.
Originally posted by kaylaluv
Not a great analogy. On top of your body is not the same thing as inside your body. But let's say this: If a panicked crowd of people started trampling each other, and one man who is being trampled throws off the man on top of him in order to save his own life, but by doing so causes the other man to be trampled to death - is the man who saved his own life considered a murderer? No, he's just protecting himself in a bad situation. Think of the baby as "trampling" the mother - she has a right to throw him off of her.
And again OKS you are removing one party from a three party contract. You cannot do this and remain genuine in argument. There are three distinct parties involved. The entire argument dissolves into rhetoric and semantics without that consideration.
So, you admit that women have more rights that men?
What you call unfair, I call mother nature.
Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Hefficide
I believe you are mistaken. I explicitly stated that this argument is superfluous because it seeks to reverse an inequality. Not rectify it.
And you have failed to demonstrate how it would reverse an inequality.
Answer these two simple questions.
Can a women absolve herself of the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy?
Can a man absolve himself of the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy?
Can the child absolve itself of the consequences of an unwanted life?
The child has the least voice in the situation. Again life > money. People have rights - paramount of which are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Life trumps money.
ETA: I avoided addressing these two questions deliberately because they lead to irrational conclusions. They are baiting questions that ignore the plurality of the issue.
Originally posted by Southern Guardian
In terms of pregnancy do women have more rights than men? Yes they do. They have more rights than men in this case because naturally they have the last call in the decision making of the pregnancy. The pregnancy is carried by the woman herself, she takes on the pain, she takes on the control and the responsibility. Just because she's pregnant and half of that genetic material came from the man doesn't mean she loses "control" over her body, she still has that control, this is what mother nature has given her. I understand your position, that the man who contributed his genetic material in your view should have equal rights, but it is just a reality that he doesn't have that control during the pregnancy, he doesn't magically gain half the control of the woman's body with pregnancy, this is something pro-lifers cannot seem to understand, or don't want to.
So long as mother nature requires, the woman will continue to be the one in natural control of the pregnancy, enforcing moral laws won't change this, it won't change the cycle especially with technology ever changing. What you call unfair, I call mother nature. In a perfect world the man takes the equal responsibility when it comes to natural pregnancy, but we don't live in that world. Mother nature has not made it so, you've got to live with this as do the others.
Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
Family courts awarding child support to mothers, from the wallet of the father is... natural to you?