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"Mother Asks Doctors To Starve Her Son To Death."

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posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:19 AM
Today, an Australian mother has asked doctors to stop feeding her son Mark that has be in a coma for 6 and a half years.
If doctors agree to the mothers wishes and stop feeding him, it will take anywhere between 2 weeks and a month for Mark Leigep to slowly and painfully die.

Quote and link to full story below.

JOANNE Dunn will today make the most heartbreaking decision a mother can face.

She will meet with doctors to ask them to stop feeding her son, Mark Leigep, to let him die.

Mr Leigep, 37, has been in a vegetative state since March 2006 after suffering head injuries in a car crash at Elizabeth in Adelaide's north.

Ms Dunn, of Venus Bay, on the Eyre Peninsula, expects that once that meeting is over this afternoon, doctors will immediately stop the "futile feeding" which has kept her son alive.

She would rather he died swiftly and peacefully by euthanasia with drugs, with his family by his bedside.

But starving her son to death is her only legal option.

This is truely a sad story.
I feel for all those involved.

Its story's such as this is why i think Euthanasia should be Legalised/ Decriminalised.

Why cant the doctors just inject Mark with something that would end his life and ease his pain, instead of slowly starving him to Death while tubes are forced into every one of his orrifice's and machines and drugs keep him "clinically" alive.?

I feel that anyone with a terminal illness, or that are comatosed, paralysed or suffering from any other degenerating illness should have the right to die with Dignity and with as little pain as possible and at the time of their own choosing.

No one should have the right to tell these people that they cant die.
No one should have the right to tell another that they have to endure pain and suffering just because the Laws say Euthanasia is Illegal or That its against someones Religious Ideals.

Whom really benefits from these people being forced to stay alive?
Well,,, It definantly isnt the victim and it definantly isn't the families.
The only ones that seem to benefit are the Doctors keeping these people "Alive"

People such as Mark Leigep and his Family should be allowed to chose when the time to finally die is.
They shouldnt be forced to starve their loved one to death.

I think its time for this so called free world to Decriminalise and Legalise Euthanasia.

" Let People Die With Dignity "

So i ask you " What is your stance on Euthanasia"?

Are you For or Against It?
And why you are For or against it.


edit on 23-8-2012 by WozaMeathed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:22 AM
This is not ok.

Starvation is a HORRIBLE way to go out!

Just for kicks, I say that if this is allowed, the mother should stop being fed for the same amount of time. If she gives in and decides she wants food, then the child should be fed as well.

Would be interesting to see how long she lasted.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:22 AM
I believe a person should be able to choose when they die. Its not about quantity of life, but quality as far as I'm concerned. I also believe that you should be able to expire with your dignity intact. (without having to starve yourself to death)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Makes sense... Let's ask the boy if he would like to die and see what he says.

Wait.... nevermind...

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by EvenParanoidsHaveEnemies

I wouldn't want to live like that.... But that's me.

And the article does not give all information.

Also, if he has been in a come for longer than 2-4 weeks it is actually called a persistent vegetative state.
A PVS is much harder to recover from, the chances he will ever awake are very low.

Here is some info on PVS

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:43 AM
This is ridiculous!
He has to suffer, by starving to death.
She has to suffer for the rest of her life, knowing he died that way.
The hospital gets how much more money, for him being there for at least two more weeks.

And how much money and heartbreak could be spared with one little shot?

As a mom, I would do whatever it took to........

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:47 AM
In certain circumstances like this I can see where it could be helpful. If the choice is between dying a long and painfully drawn out death or have a quick and painless death people should have that option, but if it is indeed ever legalized people will misuse it as we always seem to do. Unless preventative rules are put in to place to stop any misuse from happening.

Personal choices and morals and just that, personal. I don't think people should be denied an option for something just because someone else thinks it's morally wrong. That may not be the case for every situation where a moral dilemma like this comes up but I think this one is a little different.

Why would anyone want someone to painfully die like this? It's okay to put our animals who are dying of a painful death out of their misery but when it comes to people it's like "Let them suffer" I don't get it.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:49 AM
I don't know anyone who would want to be kept alive, if you can call it that, for six years.

I think it would be more merciful if the doctors could administer pain killers as well.

I think the mother is showing a lot of courage.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by EvenParanoidsHaveEnemies
This is not ok.

Starvation is a HORRIBLE way to go out!

Just for kicks, I say that if this is allowed, the mother should stop being fed for the same amount of time. If she gives in and decides she wants food, then the child should be fed as well.

Would be interesting to see how long she lasted.

So punish her for going through hell already nice!
She did not choose this option it is the ONLY legal option, they won't let you humanely put to sleep a loved one who is already brain dead!
He won't feel pain if he is brain dead.
Most of us in his position would want to be allowed to die.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
I believe a person should be able to choose when they die. Its not about quantity of life, but quality as far as I'm concerned. I also believe that you should be able to expire with your dignity intact. (without having to starve yourself to death)

he is brain dead...he is not starving himself he is unable to make decisions...the question is would you allow your 37 year old son to die or keep them living in an empty shell for 70 years. Starving is the only legal action.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by EvenParanoidsHaveEnemies

I dont blame the mother. I blame society. Im sure if there were a more painless option for her to take she would, but starvation is the only option she has been given. Its got to be a hard decision to do something like that to one of your children, but when your back is against the wall and the only other option is to let them suffer then what can you do?

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by EvenParanoidsHaveEnemies

Yea he's braindead, so the decision goes to his parents. Why dont you go ask his mom and see what she says? Oh wait....
edit on 23-8-2012 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I couldnt imagine being in his mothers shoes. I would do what i thought was right. In this case, as bad as i hate to say it, the thing that is right is letting him go. We all know the only way to make that happen in this case.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:10 PM
Originally posted by ucantcme

Well said.

I really liked this part.

Why would anyone want someone to painfully die like this? It's okay to put our animals who are dying of a painful death out of their misery but when it comes to people it's like "Let them suffer" I don't get it.

I dont get it either.

Even Marks mother said on the news," I would get locked up for starving my dog, and yet i can starve my son to death."
(Im trying to find the footage from news story, will link as soon as i do)

Its a stuffed up world when its Legal to starve someone to death and yet its Illegal to end someones life with Love and Dignity.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:12 PM
In the Sun Newspaper today:

Tony Nicklinson died yesterday after refusing food food since he lost the legal battle to take his own life, he was a stroke victim who was completey paralysed.


posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:23 PM
the mother would be smart to ask to give him one last meal his favorite food ever (liquified of course). slide something in there to help him go out and pretend you never knew. they are not going to do an autopsy on someone who has been veggied for 6 years.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
In the Sun Newspaper today:

Tony Nicklinson died yesterday after refusing food food since he lost the legal battle to take his own life, he was a stroke victim who was completey paralysed.


This is another sad story.

Tony Nicklinson's death comes just days after he lost his High Court battle for an assisted suicide warning that he had been condemned to a life he said was worse than death.

It seems like starving to death is the only option these poor people have.

We need these Laws to change.
Legalise Euthanasia.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
reply to post by Char-Lee

I couldnt imagine being in his mothers shoes. I would do what i thought was right. In this case, as bad as i hate to say it, the thing that is right is letting him go. We all know the only way to make that happen in this case.

I dont think any of us could Imagine what is running through his Mothers head at the moment.

And thats the worst part, she should have had the right to choose a humane and dignified way for her child to die, she shouldnt have been forced into starving him to death.

We need the Laws to change so that these peoples "Lives" can Legally be ended with some dignity and so their loved ones aren't forced to resort to drastic measures to put her child to rest.

Thanks for your Input MessOnTheFED and Char-Lee

edit on 23-8-2012 by WozaMeathed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by WozaMeathed

You know, thats how i see things too. Too bad its too much for the ASSHATS to comprehend. Apparently everyone knows better than you what you need to do with yourself and your loved ones.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:46 PM
I think I would end up sneaking something when no one is looking.

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