Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself since i have gathered a good amount of information off of your lovely site during the past month or so
of reading(lurking >.
Personal Disclosure: OL is sure a mod will be alone soon with a very helpfull post!
Reply to this post using the reply button up top roght of this post ... and that will be another post towards your mandatory 20post before you can
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Welcome.I personally think this is the only site worth being active in on the whole wide internet.Fact,fiction and ocassionaly a laugh all in one.Just
don't expect freedom of speak due to some oppressive terms and conditions.
Enjoy but remember to walk in lock step.
And glen i agree, i haven't found another site quite like ATS, and promptly halted my search for one once i saw the quality of the other similar
forums out there.
(Johnny rolls out the Welcome Wagon Buffet Cart, cues the music to be played for the 25 Cent Tour)
Be sure to try out Ask ATS with any "search words" of your choice, you will find numerous threads to
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Here are some handy links to get you oriented into now becoming a valued member of ATS.
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So buckle up, keep your arms within the ride's comfort zone, have fun and "Deny Ignorance"...!