posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:55 PM
I sighted my first UFO about 5 years ago, and have been 'looking up' ever since, however up until a week ago, that was my one and only sighting.
In the last week, (3 occasions) I have seen a bright white light, flying in the skies above my house.
I noticed it first looking at the stars, whilst having a smoke in my garden with my cousin, who also witnessed the whole thing. It initially looked
identical to a star both in its size, and brightness. It was only once I realised it was ever so slowly moving that I started to freak out a bit. The
object proceeded to slowly move across the sky over my house, from right to left, before eventually fading into the distance. It was making absolutely
no noise which at the time was the freakiest part of all as it was a particularly quiet night. It took it approximately 5 full minutes to go out of
Whilst me and my cousin were still in awe and trying to think of a logical explanation, the light returned. This time it appeared from the far left,
near where we lost sight initally, but this time the light was a bit brighter, although didn't appear to be any lower. It once again cruised slowly
overhead but the strangest thing occurred whilst it was almost above us on this second pass, it looked like it 'pulsed' and then the light got MUCH
MUCH brighter, at this point it was not far off the size you would expect to see the moon in the sky, compared to the star size it was before. It was
still dead silent and very slowly moving overhead, then the bright light dimmed to its smaller size, then brightened once more before fading out of
view to our right (Although this time it was a very sudden fade out, so I assume it dimmed its glow again)
I was very freaked out and super excited by this sighting, and over the next week I would watch the sky for 30 minutes every 90 minutes or so (as
often as I go into the garden to smoke). In doing so I have seen the same mysterious visitor twice more.
The second time I was alone, but the object seemed to be even higher this time and did not change its brightness at any time. It did 3 runs across the
sky this time, before I gave up watching and went to bed.
The third time was the best for me, because I had 2 non-believers with me (my sister and my girlfriend of 2 years) who also witnessed it. My sister
was so freaked out she spend the next 3 hours sat in the garden looking for it, despite it being 1am or so!
We was sat around the table in the garden, discussing the sightings I had from the past few days. I was getting some serious stick about having too
much imagination, being high, etc etc... the usual.
It was mid discussion that I caught a bright light in my peripheral vision, far off to the right, above my sisters head (she was facing me). I made a
comment along the lines of 'that was bright', and as I looked up to where I saw it there was nothing to be seen. At this point my sister and GF was
both looking in the direction I was, and just like that my glowy friend was back, brighter than ever.
Boy did it feel good to prove them both wrong for doubting me!
The object was much similar to the first sighting, although this time was almost continually pulsing from bright to dim and back. Also it seemed much
lower than all other occasions, so much so that I noticed something I didn't on the other occasions. (Well the GF pointed it out first)
'WTF it just turned over?!?!'
That is pretty much how she put it. It appeared that this craft that originally had one large glowing white light, had turned upside down and now had
3 smaller white lights in a very tight triangle formation.
Due to the slight 'halo' type glow from the 3 lights and the fact its was pitch black outside, and they was very close together (presumably due to the
hight of the craft?) it would have been very easy to mistake the trio of lights for one solid light, I have 20/20 vision and I had to strain to see it
Whilst I was trying to focus on the 3 lights she had explained, I saw it turn over, just like my GF said, and it once again was a larger, solid white
glow. Watching the transition from 3 lights to 1, (and later, vice-versa) made it very blatant to see the difference between the two states.
Despite frequenting these forums and always hating when people make UFO claims without getitng any evidence, I failed to get any myself! What a
hypocrite! It was just so overwhelming and awe inspiring that I didn't want to take my eyes off this thing for a second!
I have an iPhone 4s as my one and only camera. For some reason, I feel pretty confident I will see this thing again, and I am willing to try film this
thing for you guys. I'm not sure my phone camera will show much due to it only being visible at night, but I will certainly try next time.
On that note, any photo app that would be particularly good for filming something like this at night-time, from my iPhone 4s? I don't mind paying.
Please if anybody has any insight, thoughts, questions etc, please share!
Look up folks.