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Edward Leedskalnin and Levitation (also time travel, teleportation, and how they all work)

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posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 07:36 PM
I wanted to know what you guys thought of my ramblings on Leedskalnin.

Let me give you a little bit of background because I reference an unposted article of mine "Time Travel and Teleportation are Easy". Basically in that article (which will be posted in the next two days) I say that Time Travel and Teleportation are the same thing, time travel is simply teleportation to another timeline or dimension. Teleportation (and time travel) require three things:
1) Electromagnetic field
2) Scalar Waves
3) Resonation

As noted below, levitation is done with only an electromagnetic field and resonation, no scalar waves. The scalar waves are intimately connected with time and space.

The resonation is the major component. By tuning the frequency and pulse rate you decide time travel and teleportation destination.

I came to this conclusion on time travel and teleportation through my intimate understanding of leedskalnin's magnetic current book, steven gibb's hyper dimensional resonator (yes I am actually bringing that up), and otis carr's spacecraft the otc-x1.

Constructive feedback welcome.

edit on 21-8-2012 by hdrtimeking because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2012 by hdrtimeking because: (no reason given)


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edit on 21-8-2012 by GAOTU789 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by hdrtimeking

You're, technically, not allowed to advertise your blog in an OP. Only in your signature.

A mod may be along soon to correct this.

I love this topic. I'll be back momentarily.
edit on 21-8-2012 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:31 PM

Within this email Cathey suggests that Ed would put one hand on the stone and use his body’s electromagnetic field to levitate the stone on Earth’s magnetic ley lines using song to boost and resonate his own magnetic field (Ed was claimed to have precisely picked the location for the Coral Castle based on Earth’s natural magnetic lines).

The man clearly had an extensive understanding of magnetics. He said that everything is made of magnetic particles in space.

Also, what's quite interesting is I believe Leedskalnin's perpetual motion holder to be the predecessor of Tom Bearden's Motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG), an overunity device.

Just look at the physical similarities in the two:

Leedskalnin's Perpetual Motion Holder:

Tom Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Highly recommend 'Waiting for Agnes' by Joe Bullard.

Another connect the dots moment for the insightful.

Maybe Tesla (Scalars) and Victor Schauberger (implosion, vortex

engine) were tapping into the same "magnetic flux."

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by drphilxr
Highly recommend 'Waiting for Agnes' by Joe Bullard.

Another connect the dots moment for the insightful.

Maybe Tesla (Scalars) and Victor Schauberger (implosion, vortex

engine) were tapping into the same "magnetic flux."

That could be. I believe that Leedskalnin was right, everything is magnetic particles in space, but there are many (infinite) frequencies of these particles.

I just found another cool post on Leedskalnin, although I don't entirely agree with all of it (

What really gets me from that post is this picture

I'm starting to think that maybe Leedskalnin used electricity to create an electromagnetic field around the stone, using the magnetic particles in the stones themselves.
edit on 21-8-2012 by hdrtimeking because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by hdrtimeking

his tripod is somewhat reminiscent of a freemasonry symbol.

Of course the only elements that are ferromagnetic are Fe, Co, and Mn. - not

too mention the rare earths (esp. lanthanides, ie., Gd) with a free orbital f


Many rocks contain ores of the same, since iron is very abundant on earth.

So its not farfetched at all that magnetism could levitate monoliths.

The 'geoploymer' fans may argue that the Giza pyramids' stones were 'poured'

but without a time machine, we'll never know for sure.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:11 PM
Well naturally the freemasonry symbols are all based on sacred geometry, and I'm sure Leedskalnin being the smart guy he was knew all about that.

I find it odd that nobody has come out with duplications of his work. Although he does have a ton of experiments in his books.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:55 PM
watch the incredible Ancient Knowledge series on youtube

one of the topics encountered is edward leedskalnin and his coral castle

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by icecap

Lenz's Law

The intensity of the field is greatest near the poles and weaker near the Equator. It is generally reported in nanoteslas (nT) or gausses (G), with 1 G = 100,000 nT. It ranges between approximately 25,000 and 65,000 nT (0.25–0.65 G).[10][11] By comparison, a strong refrigerator magnet has a field of about 100 G.[12]'s_magnetic_field

More on magnets

The video you posted is absurd.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by hdrtimeking

No one has ever proved Leedskalnin used antigravity. I am not trying to troll you but honestly it sounds like total BS.

If you can provide detailed instructions on how to accomplish levitation I will be first to support you. Or even instructions on how to create a "scalar wave". Based on a quick google search it's only a theoretical type of electromagnetic wave that may not even exist.

This topic genuinely interests me but you did not deliver on your thread title. Sorry...

edit on 21-8-2012 by centrifugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by centrifugal
reply to post by hdrtimeking

No one has ever proved Leedskalnin used antigravity. I am not trying to troll you but honestly it sounds like total BS.

If you can provide detailed instructions on how to accomplish levitation I will be first to support you. Or even instructions on how to create a "scalar wave". Based on a quick google search it's only a theoretical type of electromagnetic wave that may not even exist.

This topic genuinely interests me but you did not deliver on your thread title. Sorry...

edit on 21-8-2012 by centrifugal because: (no reason given)

So quick to debunk and derail. Okay well I'll let you in on a concept device I'm work on called the Eddy Levitation Device. It works just the way I described levitation should work. It sets up an electromagnetic field, then resonates that field. I think I said the opposite of this not 3 posts ago, but I am constantly updating my theories and it's important to keep an open mind. But anyway I think the scalar waves may play a vital roll in levitation as well.

I drew this little diagram for you. It's not very good but it'll help me get my point across.

It works just like it says. The u-tron is basically two ice cream cones stuck together with a sheet between them, and the angles must be 90 degrees, this helps create the opposing vortexes of energy. Attach the tesla coil to the u-tron for a high electrostatic potential.

The tuning circuit is extremely basic. The receiving coil is a caduceus coil, and should be made to receive a 7.23 cm wave at 7.86 mhz (Earth's resonating frequency). This noise received through inductance from the caduceus coil (which contains scalar waves) is made to resonate within the circuit. These resonating scalar waves are pulsed out of the transmitting coil, which should also be 7.23 cm long.

That was kind of a ramble, any questions?

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:37 AM
Could you please tell me what you think Leedaskillens punishment room was?And how he generaated the "dead"field that it was made of.

Have you read any of David hamels stuff or Hutchisons stuff both guys create a neutral dimensional field,one useing resonance and one useing weight into speed or perpetual motion?

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by hdrtimeking

Cadeceous coils? It sounds like a Steven Gibbs HDR pitch. No offense, but the HDR device is a phony. If it isn't what you are referring to, I apologize.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by one4all
Could you please tell me what you think Leedaskillens punishment room was?And how he generaated the "dead"field that it was made of.

Have you read any of David hamels stuff or Hutchisons stuff both guys create a neutral dimensional field,one useing resonance and one useing weight into speed or perpetual motion?

I haven't hear of Leedskalnin's punishment room, I'll look into it. Also haven't heard of David Hamel or Hutchinson, sounds interesting though I'll look into them too.

Originally posted by Rubicant13
reply to post by hdrtimeking

Cadeceous coils? It sounds like a Steven Gibbs HDR pitch. No offense, but the HDR device is a phony. If it isn't what you are referring to, I apologize.

The caduceus coils creating scalar waves are a known phenomena, any bifilar wound electromagnet produces scalar waves, otis carr used the same method on the magnets in his spaceship, and tesla knew about them with his pancake coil.

I'm a believer in the HDR, from a sheer methodology point of view, it uses the exact same method as leedskalnin and otis carr to produce these phenomena. Pleas read:

How it Works

The Hyper Dimensional Resonator works simply by boosting, tuning, and resonating your natural electromagnetic field. The inner workings of the device are as follows: The device plugs into a standard (American) wall outlet. The 120v AC @ 60Hz that is coming from the wall is piped into a caduceus coil (a special bifilar wound coil). Now you start tuning the HDR by slowly rubbing your fingers in a clockwise motion on the phenolic rubbing plate, which is directly above the caduceus coil. The electromagnetic field in your body will interact with the coil. The caduceus coil is extraordinarily important; its shape allows the electromagnetic waves given off by the coil to cancel itself out, creating a standing scalar wave (if you’re over an energy vortex the scalar waves will be amplified, helping with physical time travel).

Scalar waves have interesting properties, or as Wikipedia says: “A scalar wave is a purported type of electromagnetic wave that works outside physics as we know it.” The scalar waves from the caduceus coil are then sent through the “time coils” (a stretchy phone cord) sitting around your third-eye region (that area right between your eyes).

Now, think back to science class, remember those waves your brain gives off, Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta? Those are electromagnetic waves, and those waves interact with the high voltage scalar waves traveling through the time coils around your head. Your brain waves are actually tuning the scalar wave to your current thought waves, that is why you must visualize your desired destination so vividly.

This slightly tuned signal is now sent through a series of potentiometers to be further tuned by you (read the manual). Next, a coil picks up the field of the item you’ve placed in the “witness well”. The witness well holds an object (usually a double terminated quartz crystal) that acts as a base point the circuit “tunes” into. (A quartz crystal will help with out of body experiences and astral travel, while putting in say 3-4 quarters from the year 1950 will help with time travel)

This tuned signal begins to resonate at a specific frequency within the circuit. This frequency is then directed towards your solar plexus using a powerful electromagnet. The reason this wave is directed at your solar plexus is because the heart chakra right next to it is the gateway to the 4th dimension. Your stomach chakra is the gateway to the 3rd dimension, and it is where your core energy (prana, chi) naturally sits. To access the 4th dimension, one simply has to direct their core energy from their stomach chakra upwards toward their heart chakra (you are doing this artificially with the electromagnet, some monks and priests have trained to do this naturally and can access the 4th dimension at will).

The powerful electromagnet uses pulsed waves to boost and reshape your electromagnetic field. The HDR also tunes your heart chakra into the desired resonating frequency. Depending on when that frequency is tied into is the resulting effect you will see (you may enter another dimension, project your body astrally, or even physically time travel).

posted on Aug, 27 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by hdrtimeking

Again as I mentioned my intention is not to troll, I am genuinly interested in energy production and transmission. Whenever I see 'Edward Leedskalnin' or 'Nikoli Tesla' in thread titles it peaks my interest since all of these theories are somewhat connected. As much as I would like for these free energy devices to exist there always seems to be more evidence pointing to the contrary. So you can see I am not being biased in any way, I am only searching for evidence.

If you could prove levitation is possible using this method then it would lend some credibility to the free energy theories. (Yes I know there is no such thing as free energy, but it is a popular term for describing it)

Doing some further research on scalar waves, it does appear that there is a case for their existence although controversial. However it is far from prooving anti-gravity and time travel theories.

As for the diagrams I am no scientist so I can't discredit them, but thanks for making an effort to submit them. They are appreciated.

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