posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 08:15 PM
Hi all
first of all, sorry for the spelling
quite often now, for the last several weeks or so
i have noticed that certain members, especially new ones
keep repeating the same text almost word for word
we all know their is trolls here, but FFS at least change your wording
its getting to the stage that your inducing de ja vous
believe me members, i love ats and like you i know wen the BS is being fed
but certain members here think we are FECKED up and your posts will go unnoticed.
Well sorry to burst your bubble
but you have been noticed, and we have also noticed that you are copying and pasting
your same crap from a while back, but with certain words changed.
Sorry members, i know most of you are genuine
but keep your eye on the new peeps, for some of them are old members and are spouting the same crap
sorry for the Rant, but i see it as an offload
keep your eyes open
(goodnight )