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Former Marine Brandon Raub Sentenced To Up To 30 Days In Psych Ward Over Facebook Posts

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posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

It was simply a reference, that I heard. I was trying to determine if the "VA" that everyone keeps throwing around is being misinterpreted, and/or misrepresented in the continuance of this story.

In his case, being a retired Marine, it would make a substantial difference in comprehension, of the facts in between the lines, as this saga unfolds.

I wasn't the one saying that the owner of the hospital played a part in this. I was merely stating that I heard it was a privately owned facility, and not a govt. one.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 12:07 PM
He was in a Bain Capital owned mental hospital. And they would charge anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 a day. So when he had his day in court he got moved from the for profit mental hospital of Bains to the VA hospital where the cost will drop to a very small amount. Even though he is being forced to go to the mental hospital and being held against his will. He still must pay all the bills. He must be working with the judge and know whats going on and has came to some middle ground with the judge. He knows he can't leave but he has picked somewhere that reduces the cost to him.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
He was in a Bain Capital owned mental hospital. And they would charge anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 a day. So when he had his day in court he got moved from the for profit mental hospital of Bains to the VA hospital where the cost will drop to a very small amount. Even though he is being forced to go to the mental hospital and being held against his will. He still must pay all the bills. He must be working with the judge and know whats going on and has came to some middle ground with the judge. He knows he can't leave but he has picked somewhere that reduces the cost to him.

Ain't democracy great? How wonderful a bunch of oligarchs that everyone thinks they voted into office can vote your rights away by passing laws Like NDAA etc. and commit you to a mental hospital against your will for exercising your right to free a speech and then to add insult to injury make you pay the cost of your incarceration and abuse... Sigh!

RIP America!

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Bush started the Commission on mental health in 2002.
After the Virginia Tech shootings Virginia changed the laws with recommendations from the Commission under Bush.
Virginia changed the laws in 2008 under Bush.

You should learn some facts instead of pushing propaganda.

edit on 22-8-2012 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by hawkiye

Bush started the Commission on mental health in 2002.
After the Virginia Tech shootings Virginia changed the laws with recommendations from the Commission under Bush.
Virginia changed the laws in 2008 under Bush.

You should learn some facts instead of pushing propaganda.

edit on 22-8-2012 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

What propaganda am I pushing? What in my post is not factual? Congress passes laws not Bush or Obama. This has nothing to do with Virginia state law so far he is not charged or being held under any Virginia Statute he is being held by the feds and they have not stated under what authority or statute he is supposedly being held. So he is being held illegally. Why are you still enamored by R vs D's BS they are one and the same for all practical purposes.

Maybe you should wake the hell up and stop riding the R v D phony divide BS and realize they are all on the same team and you and I are not part of it!

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

The State of Virginia is holding him.
Here are there laws on how and why they are holding him.

§ 37.2-809. Involuntary temporary detention; issuance and execution of order.

§ 37.2-810. Transportation of person in the temporary detention process

edit on 22-8-2012 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Oath Keepers is coming to the aid of this young Marine veteran and our rallying cry will be “CHARGE HIM, OR RELEASE HIM.” We cannot allow “mental illness” designations to be used as a weapon against political dissidents in America. See the below article by Brandon Smith for the disturbing facts regarding the use of mental health detention against Virginia Marine veteran Brandon Raub because of his constitutionally protected free speech on his Facebook page. As Brandon Smith illustrates, this is exactly what the Soviet Union did to dissidents who dared to criticize the communist regime – they were labeled “insane” and carted off to mental wards. Now it has begun here in America. This is a blatant circumvention of constitutional criminal due process which is every bit as dangerous as being designated an “unlawful combatant” under the NDAA and taken away to a military brig for detention without charges. How is this any different? Mental health detention can be used in exactly the same way. This is an incredibly dangerous crossing of a critical line in the sand – the politicization of the mental health system, using it as a weapon against dissidents to punish them for their constitutionally protected political speech. This case is the camel’s nose under the tent, and we need to stomp on it HARD, right now. And we will.

Originally posted by freakjiveThis is one of the lasts posts on his "Official" FB page:
Something to note is that he is also a Ron Paul supporter and listed his work as the Ron Paul Revolution. The above post could be taken many ways by many different people.

I take the term "Revolution" in one way only - When extreme dissatisfaction with a tyrannical government arises we are obliged to revolt - as in Revolution. Read Abraham Lincoln especially on this democratic ideal.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. Abraham Lincoln

"...Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." Thomas Jefferson.

FROM the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It is an observation of one of the profoundest inquirers into human affairs that a revolution of government is the strongest proof that can be given by a people of their virtue and good sense. John Adams

Revolution means democracy in today's world, not the enslavement of peoples to the corrupt and degrading horrors of totalitarianism. Ronald Reagan

Revolutionary Quotes

edit on 23-8-2012 by de_Genova because: edited with addition

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 10:32 AM
Nobody is doing this guy a favor as long as the preach NDAA is why he is where he is. NDAA is not what put him there. Learn what laws put there and go after the correct target. As long as NDAA is brought up the crazier he will sound along with the people who also preach NDAA. The laws on the books that put him away are the ones enacted in 2008 by the state of Virginia that changed the Involuntary commitment rules to be easier to lock people up after the Virginia Tech shootings. Somebody is using this poor kid as a pawn with no regard to how it is going to effect him. He is nothing but a sheeple in there cause a pawn who can be lost as long as they get closer to there own goals. And the bad thing is his mother seems no better than him when it comes to being used misdirected and confused by the lies and propaganda. The mother would be better off if she got outside counsel from her circle of friends. They don't seem to know or care for the facts in the case. Sort of like getting Orly Taitz to be your immigraion attoreny and not understanding why things keep going wrong for you.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by de_Genova

I take the term "Revolution" in one way only - When extreme dissatisfaction with a tyrannical government arises we are obliged to revolt - as in Revolution. Read Abraham Lincoln especially on this democratic ideal.

That's fine.

There are, however, a few problems with this.

First, and foremost, this guy wasn't just talking about revolution. He was talking about storming castles and cutting people's heads off with axes... and something about 9/11 and Bush raping children.

Second; one-man revolutions are pretty damned useless.

If I were to walk out tomorrow and kill 100 people in the name of "the revolution starts with me!" .... You wouldn't likely be singing the same tune to my detainment.

What many people fail to understand is that a revolution is not about fighting an oppressive force. I don't care what dead men have said about revolution or what their status was. A revolution is not about what you don't want. A revolution, at least one that is even remotely successful, is about what you -do- want.

I can guarantee that you and I do not like many of the same things. Using that as grounds to overthrow the government will work to remove the current government - but it sets the tone that the way to deal with problems is to destroy them. Then, probably even before we've finished destroying said government, we find that we operate according to conflicting principles - and we each want to set the standard for how the nation functions.... so we end up fighting each other in the end.

You have to unify around more than being upset if you want to actually improve your conditions.

And that's the difference between a revolutionary, a warlord, and a genocidal maniac - who is on board with his idea.

If you and you alone are aboard with the idea - then you're a genocidal maniac (if you're killing people in the name of it).

If you and a relatively small percentage of the population are behind you - you're a warlord.

And if you're leading multiple groups of people spanning their own sociological rifts toward a commonly supported system of operation - you're a revolutionary.

I'm tired of these false prophets and messiahs proclaiming they know how to cast out the demons of our ails.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

You missed the point - "I take the term "Revolution" in one way only - When extreme dissatisfaction with a tyrannical government arises we are obliged to revolt - as in Revolution. Read Abraham Lincoln especially on this democratic ideal."

When free speech is abrogated - or abridged for whatever reason - then the Revolution should and must proceed with zeal and violence. "Let the tumbrels roll" !!! Only a coward would turn from his responsibility. Thank God for the American Revolution - praise God for the sacrifice they made. BTW - your talking to a disabled American veteran and I would do it all again if need be.

It would be a good idea for you to actually READ the post and then to read the attachment.........then to go and do some studying up on the concept of revolt generally and on "Revolution" in particular..........and no one here is speaking to a one person revolt either unless of course you want to the consider the reasoning behind the writings of such great American hero's (and martyrs) as Nathan Hale and the like. I'm sure the notion of "Revolution" started with one man TAKING ACTION on his principles and through his example decided to take action themselves. That might very well be what happens in this case as well. Especially if the bastards kill him or disappear him, which is very likely in the Fascist climate we presently find ourselves.

Your line of Marxist non-reasoning makes me sick. You and those like you would stand by and watch - laughingly even - as we "slide into Soviet levels of psychiatric detention of political dissidents? Unless the spread of psychiatric detention without due process of law is checked, the mere belief that the government is interfering with your liberty may become grounds for locking you away." You just might be one of them

edit on 23-8-2012 by de_Genova because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by de_Genova

You missed the point

Your failure to comprehend my post does not equate to a lack of perception on mine.

When free speech is abrogated - or abridged for whatever reason - then the Revolution should and must proceed with zeal and violence.

So, because this one douchebag was put in a psychiatric ward for babbling about 9/11 conspiracies, castles owned by a former president for the purpose of raping children, and insinuating he was about to go kill people in the name of a revolution that was only liked by one other person on facebook.....

We need to overthrow our current government (killing whoever is currently affiliated with it, I presume).

It would be a good idea for you to actually READ the post and then to read the attachment.

You presume I'm not familiar with the material because I have come to a completely different conclusion than you have.

I'm sure the notion of "Revolution" started with one man TAKING ACTION on his principles and through his example decided to act themselves. That might very well be what happens in this case as well.

This is not how it works at all.

The American revolution began with....?

No one in particular. The colonies had largely become used to self-governing and self-regulation in the years prior to the increased taxation by Britain. The taxes were, actually, relatively mild - but were levied due to the massive amounts of industrial and agricultural growth the American colonies were seeing. We were quite wealthy with a huge ship building industry.

Many of the revolutionaries of the day were business leaders, former military officers with governmental ties (who were tired of dealing with politics from half a world away), and others in authority who had become used to running "under the radar" of the Royal Crown. Our local governments had, largely, already been formed prior to the revolution and the people had become used to resolving their own issues.

Which is what they unified under. They weren't simply against British rule. They were for the system they had already developed, recognizing they could apply it to a larger scale spanning the colonies.

It was a multilateral movement and effort with a few key leaders emerging among them. Washington didn't take the nation to war against the British. He emerged as a leader within colonies that had gone to war against their proprietor.

Especially if the bastards kill him or disappear him, which is very likely in the Fascist climate we presently find ourselves.

It is actually not likely at all.

He's a nobody. He has no power, and no -real- motivated following.

He doesn't even really mean something to you. He is merely being used by you and others of your camp of thought as verification for their paranoia, discontent, and malice.

Your line of non-reasoning makes me sick.

I'm not here for your health.

I'm here to tell you how reality works.

I'm all for a more perfect government with reduced National authority - its current functions being delegated back down to the States (where they belong), and a much stricter citizen monitoring of our political offices. I'm for a more transparent government - even within the military. I've seen a number of things in the military that I, personally, feel the American people should know about. There are heroes who get vilified because the truth of events never gets told, and there are villains who are praised as geniuses or experts who get people killed or botch foreign relations. ... Though I understand why some of these things never get told - and have to swallow the fact that some things simply need to remain a secret for the foreseeable future - the ideal is to make the government as transparent as functionally possible.

The difference is that I'm not so addicted to the childish delusions of battlefield glory as to feel the need to resort to violence or petulance to bring that about.

I'm willing to. But if I start killing people - I'm not going to do so just because I'm pissed and have the delusion that I am going to be some part or leader of a revolution. I'm going to do so knowing that I have A) no other option, or B) a very plausible shot at bringing the vision of a better government to fruition - meaning I can see the hostilities through to the end and I have enough level-headed people to not devolve into a "game of thrones" with a dozen different parties vying for control of a revolution or dethroned nation.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:35 PM

I start killing people - I'm not going to do so just because I'm pissed and have the delusion that I am going to be some part or leader of a revolution. I'm going to do so knowing that I have A) no other option, or B) a very plausible shot at bringing the vision of a better government to fruition - meaning I can see the hostilities through to the end and I have enough level-headed people to not devolve into a "game of thrones" with a dozen different parties vying for control of a revolution or dethroned nation.
reply to post by Aim64C

What did you just say?

It is very easy to be taken out of context and put through the ringer for it.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

It is very easy to be taken out of context and put through the ringer for it.

No, it really isn't so easy.

The screen shots of his face book comments are available. Just as my post is available immediately above and, if for whatever reason they were to become separated - there's a link embedded in the "in reply to post" text.

If you started talking like that around me, I would find myself taking personal interest in what, exactly, you meant. For one - if you and I are from related schools of thought regarding government - I really don't need you killing people and spouting your political views to news cameras afterward. I could do without "I'm a libertarian" being treated by society as "I'm a killing spree waiting to happen."

And if I thought you needed it - I would recommend you to psychiatric care; or, if you were an imminent danger - I would take personal responsibility for ensuring you were not going to do something stupid and get a bunch of people killed. Which may just be calling the men in long white suits to take you to the funny farm.

It's one thing to have a wild imagination and think the president is a baby eating reptilian (or that he has a castle dedicated to raping children).

It's a completely different level of crazy to think that you - a nobody - are about to single-handedly start a revolution by... well - it was probably about as clear to him as it is to us.

I'm a pretty arrogant, pretentious guy. I don't think I can start a revolution. Not at gunpoint at the very least (perhaps in some far-off fantasy I write a novel that is so moving as to sweep the population and so move them as to force a change of government - but it seems twilight is the standard we set for appreciating literature, so it will likely remain a fantasy).

I'm arrogant enough to think I could be a key leader and strategic adviser for a revolution should one start (and would likely attempt to seat myself there to stand as a vanguard within the upper tiers - many find the power of command addicting and don't like to give it up). But that's considerably different than thinking I'm going to start a revolution by shooting up the local park or something.

There's a key disconnect in his thinking. I believe it's best illustrated by the meme:

Step One: Post on Face Book
Step Two: Equip Self
Step Three: Do Something, maybe kill people, maybe get arrested for saying stupid stuff on Face Book.
Step Four: ???
Step Five: Revolution! (Profit!)

His best bet to get the conspiracy crowd to commit to violence would be to kill himself. You all will believe he was either taken out or drugged into killing himself, and flip out.

Though I don't think he has it in him to do it. He wanted attention. If you really plan to do something like that - you don't post it on Face Book (now, maybe if he hadn't gotten attention - he would have ended up doing something similar, anyway). His delusions also somewhat reinforce this interpretation. He wants his life to be meaningful and important - something he obviously feels is lacking, currently.

Having been through a similar time in my own life - I can understand where this desire of his comes from.

He needs a job (willing to bet he was unemployed or working part time minimum wage) - either one working for someone or that he has carved out for himself; something to help him feel productive. He could also use a few real friends - the type who hold Saturday or Sunday evening barbeques and trust each other enough to babysit each others' kids when necessary.

Those two things will go a long way to curing his ales.

Though in the microwave society, everyone wants a quick fix to the problem that can be taken orally. So, who knows what he'll end up doing.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 08:13 PM
He got out! did you guys hear? I'll post link. Figured it was already posted.
edit on 23-8-2012 by wash777 because: Link added.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

I guess you think you are some kind of fortune teller.

I talk like him all the time and i would never take a life unless i was in immediate physical danger of losing my own or if you were and that was the only way i could save it.

Just as the poster above stated this man is out of enslavement and those who put him there had no grounds to put him there other than their own delusions.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick

I guess you think you are some kind of fortune teller.


I talk like him all the time

About 50,000:1 odds that you don't.

and i would never take a life unless i was in immediate physical danger of losing my own or if you were and that was the only way i could save it.

More than likely, if you were in immediate physical danger requiring you to make a snap judgment call on another person's life - you'll do what 80% of the population does and lock up. You'll freeze until given instruction on what to do.

10% will become spastic.

10% will move out of the black relatively quickly and begin responding to the environment - making judgment calls and otherwise functioning.

Just as the poster above stated this man is out of enslavement and those who put him there had no grounds to put him there other than their own delusions.

Yes, but that's hardly the issue now, is it?

The issue is that someone made the unilateral decision to put him there in the first place.

Of course, being ATS, half the forum population blew up thinking the government was out to be the thought police and everything else.

And here - a judge - part of the government system, issued a court order that the VA needed to provide cause for confining him. They decided that what they had wasn't worth the battle, and let him go.

No brainwashing.

No MK Ultra

Just one civilian agency (the VA) pushing its boundaries in a situation that was unclear, and a branch of the government (local, and - shockingly - ) doing its job.

Though if he were to die any time soon - my previous statement regarding conspiracy theorist reactions apply.

Or if he does anything (good, bad, neutral), y'all can reason it to be because he's been hijacked by mind control V8 juice or something.

Kind of interesting how that works. If he doesn't do anything: "The government made him silent, suppressed a revolutionary!" .... If he dies - they killed him. If he goes nuts and kills people - MK Ultra. If he becomes some kind of saint - it's the mind placating drugs.

And, of course - any dissenting opinion is from people who can't think or are shills for the government.

It's a bulletproof belief system.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Just one civilian agency (the VA) pushing its boundaries in a situation that was unclear

delusion at its finest. No big deal as long as it's not you.

More than likely, if you were in immediate physical danger requiring you to make a snap judgment call on another person's life - you'll do what 80% of the population does and lock up. You'll freeze until given instruction on what to do.

That sounds like it's coming from the do unto others before they do unto you because statically it's your only chance mentality.I don't follow the herd.

Yes, but that's hardly the issue now, is it? The issue is that someone made the unilateral decision to put him there in the first place.

That is completely the issue because after it is fear and visions of violence in someone's mind that led to the enslavement in the first place.

Don't fool yourself here the only crime that took place was someone crapping on this mans right's because of fear.

I'm not saying that your a criminal but for those thugs reading this do not buy into this mans statistics because i'm ready and i'm not deluded in my actions by pain, misdirection or subversion.

About 50,000:1 odds that you don't.

Well your wrong because i have the state documents to prove it.Just as he was released without being committed as was i last may.
edit on 23-8-2012 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:12 AM
Glen Beck is the only reliable source of truthful information regarding this case of Nazi intervention and trampling on the constitutional rights of a Marine veteran who served his country - an American citizen. This story reminds us of the same behavior as the Russians, particularly in the days of Communism. The greatest irony of all is that we seemed to have switched roles - they gain their freedom while we are losing ours. Who ever would have thought we would lived to see the day that such things as we are experiencing would actually happen here?

Its not only the federal government that is guilty of breaking the laws of the land, but the states as well. Virginia's so-called "Emergency custody; issuance and execution of order:" (see link) is blatantly un-constitutional on its very face, and Glen Beck and his attorneys are suing them on this issue as we speak.

Attorney of Former Marine Detained for Facebook Posts Tells Beck: Psychiatrist Threatened to ‘Brainwash’ My Client With Meds
Posted on August 23, 2012 at 6:15pm by Jason Howerton
Brandon Raub (Source: Facebook)


Earlier today, 26-year-old former U.S. Marine Brandon Raub was released from a psychiatric facility via a judge’s order, who ruled that the government had no legal grounds to hold him.

Tonight on Glenn Beck’s show on GBTV, soon-to-become TheBlazeTV, John Whitehead, Raub’s lead attorney and president of the Rutherford Institute, gave his first interview following his client’s release to discuss the case.

Whitehead told Beck that he and his organization are planning to sue over a provision in Virginia state law that allows authorities to place a person in emergency custody and hold them for four hours unless a magistrate enters a temporary detention order (TDO). Raub was held under this law, specifically Va. Code § 37.2-808, for days.
Emergency custody; issuance and execution of order: Va. Code § 37.2-808

“We are getting ready to file a civil lawsuit…because [Raub] has been put through hell for a week,” said Whitehead. But, he explained, “Under the civil commitment law in Virginia, the police can do this.”

edit on 24-8-2012 by de_Genova because: add

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 07:09 AM
For all the anti - constitutionalists out there - This is called FREEDOM OF SPEECH by Brandon Raub - ordinary American citizen. He has every right to say what he wants to say on FB or anywhere else for that matter. He knows he's a free man and he is behaving as such.


Full text, Brandon Raub’s proclamation: Take our Republic back

Posted on: 6:13 pm, August 21, 2012, by Alix Bryan, updated on: 06:16pm, August 21, 2012

Full text, Brandon Raub’s proclamation: Take our Republic back

America has lost itself. We have lost who we truly are. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.

This is the land of Thomas Jefferson.

This is the land of Benjamin Franklin.

This is the land of Fredrick Douglas.

This is the land of Smedley Butler.

This is the land John F. Kennedy.

This is the land of Martin Luther King.

This is the land where the cowboy wins. This is the land where you can start from the bottom and get to the top. This is the land where regardless of you race and ethnicity you can succeed and build a better life for you and your family. This is the land where every race coexists peacefully. This is the land where justice wins. This is the land where liberty dwells. This is the land where freedom reigns. This is the land where we help the poor, and people help each other. This is land where people beat racism.

The Federal Reserve is wrong. They have designed a system based off of greed and fear. They designed a system to crush the middle class between taxes and inflation. This is wrong, and it is unjust. It is wrong.

BTW - Corporate media news reports state that former Marine Brandon Raub was arrested by the FBI and the Secret Service and detained in a psychiatric hospital for anti-government posts on Facebook.

A large part of Raub’s post, however, was not directed at the government. It was directed at the Federal Reserve. The Fed is not the government. It is a privately owned financial institution run by a cartel of banksters.

edit on 24-8-2012 by de_Genova because: addition

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

good to know , now i can hate that man even more lol, doesnt matter they will all sign crap like this in the end , we are screwed heh

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