posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:32 PM
"Just as a parent who is divorcing their spouse and is benevolently protecting the child, shielding her from the toxic rapport between a failing
relationship, Terranites do not need to know that there are changes happening which are much like a divorce between not only my home world
representatives and their world governors., but a series of interplanetary specialists as well are now beginning to leave this sector. It would serve
no purpose at this point to disclose our purpose, especially not the more negative aspects once we leave such as the climactic changes."
Will life really be that different once you have left and no longer help keep our atmosphere and planet safe?
"Yes, it will be very different, much more dangerous and unpredictable."
May I ask you what the tipping point was that caused the situation to change between our worlds?
" From our celestial perspective and those of various galactic others, you now have everything you need to make the decisions for yourselves, you
can chose either direction at this point however whichever course you take, you take it together."
Will you miss us?
" I will miss watching nature, especially your penguins and their amazing devotion to a biological sequence of events. Observing them lead me to a
point where I experienced a type of emotion, for us this is quite unique and very rare. Like a window into the soul of the process."
That is beautiful.
"Yes quite."
I want to ask you an important question, need to ask, why are so few people aware of your presence? Why only a handful witness to you, your craft,
your presence?
" Over 7 billion now on your planet, and each one has been touched by our presence, it is their choice, their free will which accounts for how
they distinguish our reality within their world, their lives. We are not here and never have been to convince anyone, just to guide until such time as
you are capable to make the decisions for yourselves."
You are starting to fade, will you return again before you leave our world? Would you answer questions by others next time?
"Yes, and now I have a gift for you, close your eyes and open your hands in front of you."
Thank you.
"Keep this with you and when you need me, just hold it in your cupped hands like you are now and I will be there."